
  • 网络theatre of cruelty;theater of cruelty
  1. 残酷戏剧与安东尼·阿尔托&《戏剧与戏剧的重建》中译本序言

    Theatre of Cruelty and Antonin Artaud

  2. 第一章历史地概述残酷戏剧观的形成过程,分析其理论内涵及其理论突破。

    The first chapter historically outlines the formation of the notion of theatre of cruelty and analyzes its theoretical connotations and breakthrough .

  3. 残酷戏剧理论奠基人&阿尔托其人其事

    The Founder of the Theory on Cruel Theatre & About Antonin Artaud THE INVISIBLE MAN

  4. 残酷戏剧让剧院成为教堂&李春喜对话查明哲

    Theater of Cruelty Make the Theatre Church

  5. 史诗剧场与残酷戏剧:现代剧场政体的意识形态批判

    The Epic Theatre and The Theatre of Cruelty : The Ideological Criticize of the Mo dern Theatre System

  6. 巴厘戏剧通过阿尔托的残酷戏剧理论,影响到西方现代派戏剧。

    Bali theatre influenced the West theatre of post - modernism through Artaud and his theory of " cruel theater " .

  7. 中国现代诗剧孤寂的生存状态及其构因史诗剧场与残酷戏剧:现代剧场政体的意识形态批判

    The Lonely Survival Condition and Its Construction Elements of Chinese Modern Poetic Drama ; The Epic Theatre and The Theatre of Cruelty : The Ideological Criticize of the Mo dern Theatre System

  8. 残酷戏剧空间呈现的不是生活的片段,而是对宇宙的整体想象:这一空间是实现人与宇宙一体化的神话-仪式空间。

    What the space of theatre of cruelty tries to present is not fragments in life , but comprehensive imagination towards the universe . This space is the myth-ritual space which incorporates human beings and the universe .

  9. 通过对残酷戏剧的理论及对电子游戏戏剧性等方面的分析,为电子游戏中的暴力残酷性提供了理论支撑,而这种残酷性恰恰又是人性表现的需要。

    Through the analysis of the theory about Theatre of Cruelty and the video games dramatic aspects , it provides the theoretical support of the brutal violence in video games , and this cruelty is precisely the need for human nature .

  10. 面对世界的荒芜和命运的残酷,奥尼尔以戏剧为武器来挖掘社会的病根和展示现代人的精神困境。

    Facing the barren world and cruel destiny , O ' Neill uses theatre as a weapon to dig out the sickness of the society , and to present the spiritual dilemma modern man encounters .