
  • 网络Residual method;method of residual;feathering method
  1. B样条加权残数法分析简支扁球壳强度问题

    Analysis of B-Spline Weighted Residual Method on Strength for Shallow Shell with Simply Edges

  2. 根据加权残数法的思思,把三次B样条函数作为试函数项,推导出了一种新的无条件稳定的直接积分公式。

    The formula of unconditionally stable direct integration method is derived in this paper , using the 3rd order spline function as trial function term according to the idea of Weighted Residual Method .

  3. 加权残数法用于侧向力作用下开有n排孔列的剪力墙的近似解

    The application of the method of weighted residuals to the Stress-Analysis of the shear walls with N-ROWS of openings subjected to lateral loads

  4. 用加权残数法求环板在Mises屈服条件下的极限载荷

    On load carrying capacities of ring plates under Mises yield condition by using the method of weighted residuals

  5. 本文将QR法和样条加权残数法结合起来,求解高层框剪结构的地震动力反应。

    In this paper , QR method and spline weighted residual method are combined to solve seismic responses of tall frame-shear wall structures .

  6. 本文用加权残数法求出了在不同支承条件下和Mises屈服条件下环板的极限载荷的近似值。

    In this paper , by using the weighted residuals the approximate values of limit load of ring plates under various suppor-ting conditions and Mises yield condition are obtained .

  7. 各向异性斜交板弯曲问题的样条加权残数法

    Anisotropic Skew Plates Bending Analysis by the Method of Weighted Residuals

  8. 求解偏微分方程的样条加权残数法

    The Spline Function Weighted Residual Method For Solving Partial Differential Equations

  9. 用摄动&加权残数法分析复合材料层合薄板的大挠度问题

    Large deflection analysis of laminates by perturbation - weighted residual method

  10. 中厚板弯曲分析的加权残数法

    A Method of Weighted Residuals on Middle - thick Plate Bending Analysis

  11. 加权残数法在岩土力学中的应用

    An Application of the Weighted Residue Method to Rock-Earth Mechanics

  12. 用加权残数法分析各向异性层合薄板的几何非线性问题

    Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Laminated Anisotropic Plates by Weighted - Residual Method

  13. 加权残数法中试函数选择问题的探讨

    On the selection of trial functions in the method of weighted residuals

  14. 索网静力分析的加权残数法

    Weighted residual method for static analysis of cable net structure

  15. 摄动加权残数法及其在几何非线性问题中的应用

    Perturbed Weighted Residual Method and the Application in Nonlinear Problems

  16. 加权残数法理论基础的初步探讨

    Initial exploration on theoretical basis of weighted residual methods

  17. 解轴对称问题的加权残数法

    A method of weighted residuals for solving axisymmetric problems

  18. 这个方法具有动态子结构法与加权残数法的一些共同特点。

    This method has the common features and advantages of both of them .

  19. 加权残数法求应力强度因子

    Stress Intensity Factors by a Method of Weighted Residuals

  20. 用加权残数法分析纤维增强复合材料层合板的屈曲及自振频率

    Buckling and Vibration of Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminated Plates by the Weighted-Residual Method

  21. 略论加权残数法和变分原理的关系

    A Brief Discussion of Relationship between Method of Weighted Residuals and Variational Principles

  22. 样条加权残数法求解非线性结构动力响应问题

    The Spline Function Weighted Residual Method For Solving Dynamic Response of Non-linear Structure

  23. 加权残数法分析环形基础

    Analysis of Ring Foundation by Method of Weighted Residuals

  24. 薄壳强度计算中加权残数法的应用分析

    Application and Analysis of Weighted Residual Methods on Strength Computing for Thin Shells

  25. 板壳弹塑性分析的加权残数法

    Elasto & plastic Analysis of Thin Plates and Shallow Shells by Weighted Residual Method

  26. 残数法最佳选点程序

    A residual method program with the minimum AIC

  27. 应用弹粘塑性理论分析弹塑性问题的加权残数法

    Elasto - plastic Analysis by the Weighted Residual Method and Elasto - viscoplastic Theory

  28. 网架结构竖向地震反应的动态样条加权残数法分析

    Dynamic Spline Weighted Residual Method for the vertical seismic responses analyses of latticed frame

  29. 用变步长差分法和加权残数法解薄壳

    Analysis of Shells Using the Weighted Residual and Method of Finite Difference With Variable Mesh

  30. 用能量变分加权残数法计算弹性地基板

    Solving the plates on elastic foundation by the energy variational & method of weighted residuals