
qīnɡ wēi xínɡ shì àn jiàn
  • minor criminal case
  1. 针对存在的问题,应当扩大法定不起诉和相对不起诉适用范围、增加和解不起诉制度、实行快速办理轻微刑事案件机制等。

    Aimed at the problems , should expand legal not to prosecute and relative not to prosecute scope , increase reconciliation not to prosecute system , implement fast for minor criminal case mechanism .

  2. 考察域外轻微刑事案件办理机制,域外法治发达国家对于轻微刑事案件的快速办理程序经过多年的改革和发展,在办理机制上较为完善。

    Inspection extraterritorial minor criminal case handling mechanism , the extra-territorial rule of law developed rapid procedures for minor criminal cases after years of reform and development , more perfect in the process of mechanism .

  3. 第四部分主要探讨了对轻微刑事案件快速办理机制所要遵循的原则以及提出自己的一些完善设想。

    The fourth part talks about the principles of minor criminal cases rapid handling mechanism and make their own perfect envisaged .

  4. 在我国,调解是处理民事案件、部分行政案件和轻微刑事案件的一种重要方法。

    In our society , mediation is an important method to handling civil cases , administrative cases and minor criminal cases .

  5. 基于此背景,轻微刑事案件快速处理机制就呼之欲出。

    On the basis of this background , the mechanism of rapid treatment of minor criminal cases seems ready to come out .

  6. 按照适用强制措施的必要性和比例性原则,对轻微刑事案件行为人应当一般不羁押;

    According to the necessity and proportion axiom of the application of coercive measure , the person conducting minor criminal cases are generally free form arrestment ;

  7. 具体而言,包括扩大绝对不起诉的范围、完善证据不足不起诉制度、建立轻微刑事案件快速处理机制、实行适合我国国情的辩诉协商制度、引入刑事和解。

    Specifically , including perfecting the system of prosecution and criminal case rapidly processing mechanism , carrying out the suitable plea consultation system and criminal reconciliation .

  8. 刑事和解的运用应以轻微刑事案件为一般要求,有条件的允许严重刑事案件适用和解程序。

    The use of criminal reconciliation should be minor criminal cases for the general requirements for conditional permission of serious criminal cases for the reconciliation process .

  9. 刑事和解制度起源于上世纪70年代的加拿大,随着恢复性司法的普及而逐渐应用于轻微刑事案件。

    The criminal reconciliation system originated in the 1970s in Canada , and it has been used in minor criminal cases with the popularity of the restorative justice .

  10. 本部分旨在为我国轻微刑事案件快速办理机制构建提供程序和制度设计上的基础。

    This section aims to our country to proceed speedily with minor criminal cases to provide procedures and mechanisms to build up the basic design of the system .

  11. 近年来,不少基层司法机关对轻微刑事案件实施了快速处理机制,这是我国被告人认罪案件处理程序的最新发展。

    In recent years , many judicial organs have begun to take speedy process to deal with the misdemeanor cases , it is the latest development in China .

  12. 但是在我国刑事司法领域中,轻微刑事案件快速办理并没有一套完整的法律规制。

    However , in the field of criminal justice in our country , Express handle minor criminal cases , it did not have a complete system of legal regulation .

  13. 其次,文章从刑法十大类罪进行划分,严格界定了轻微刑事案件快速办理适用的案件种类。

    Secondly , the article from the criminal law division of the ten categories of crimes , strictly defined cases of minor criminal case to proceed speedily with the applicable type .

  14. 反观我国,对于一直以重罪为主要内容而架构起来的刑罚制度,难免也会面对轻微刑事案件无所适从的尴尬困窘。

    Reviewing the practice in China , the penal system which is constructed mainly based on the felony inevitably faces the embarrassment of not knowing how to deal with the minor criminal cases .

  15. 刑事和解制度在国外,尤其是在欧美国家用来解决轻微刑事案件的经验已经相当的丰富,在德国甚至己经形成了立法。

    On abroad , especially in Euro-American countries , the experience on solving the slight criminal cases by using the victim-offender-reconciliation system is very rich . It has even formed into legislation in Germany .

  16. 笔者主张一些事实清楚、证据确凿的轻微刑事案件通过刑事和解的途径解决,以期更好的修补刑事被害人的物质和精神损伤。

    The author advocates that the minor criminal cases with the clear fact and evidence can be settled down through the reconciliation approach in order to repair the material and spiritual damage of the criminal victim .

  17. 轻微刑事案件的快速办理在国外已经有其相当完备的一套机制,如辩诉交易制度、刑事和解制度、刑事缺席审判制度等。

    It can be said of minor criminal cases have been abroad for Express has its reasonably comprehensive framework of a mechanism , Such as plea bargaining , Victim-offender-reconciliation , the system of criminal trials in absentia .

  18. 在构建我国轻微刑事案件的辩诉交易制度中,文章指出交易的主体应包括三方,即检察官、被告人和被害人。

    Our country in building a small system of plea bargaining in criminal cases , the article pointed out that the transaction should include the main three parties ; namely the Prosecutor ; the accused and the victim .

  19. 这一机制实施三年多以来,取得了一定成效,但也存在一些问题,本文正是从检察机关的角度入手,以期为完善检察机关办理轻微刑事案件工作机制贡献自己的力量。

    This mechanism is implemented more than three years , and has made great progress , but also has some problems , this article is from the perspective of procuratorial organs , and for improving the working mechanism of criminal cases .

  20. 文章的第二部分从轻微刑事案件快速办理机制的价值进行分析,并主要分析了这种机制在实体公正、程序公正以及保障诉讼效率的价值所在。

    In the second part it analyses about the values of the rapid handling mechanism minor criminal cases . And it analyses the mainly about this mechanism in substantive justice , procedural fairness and to protect the effectiveness of the proceedings .

  21. 一般说来,轻微刑事案件包括下列两类:告诉才处理的案件、《刑事诉讼法》第一百七十条第二项所规定的案件,即被害人有证据证明的轻微刑事案件。

    Generally speaking , petty criminal cases involve following two types : First , cases accepted at complaint only and petty criminal cases authenticated by the victims , according to article 170 item 2 of the Criminal Proceeding Law of P. R.

  22. 最后,在犯罪嫌疑人、被告人律师帮助权上,文章指出应该把轻微刑事案件指定辩护适用的时间从审判阶段提前到侦查阶段。

    Finally ; at the suspect ; the defendant the right to assist counsel ; the article pointed out that minor criminal cases should be designated to defend the application of the time trial stage from the early stages of the investigation .

  23. 刑事调解以提高诉讼效率、尊重当事人主体地位和有助于构建和谐社会等优势,被广泛应用于解决轻微刑事案件。

    Due to advantages of the efficiency of the proceedings in Criminal Mediation , respecting the dominant position of the parties and contributing to building a harmonious society or the like , Criminal Mediation is widely used to deal with minor criminal cases .

  24. 文章把视觉从国外快速办理轻微刑事案件的有关制度和程序转移到我国轻微刑事案件办理的实践状况,旨在为我国轻微刑事案件快速办理机制的构建找到符合现实国情的依据。

    The article from abroad Vision for minor criminal cases and procedures to our country for a small practice in criminal cases the situation of our country is designed to handle minor criminal cases Mechanism Express to find a basis consistent with the actual situation .

  25. 以清代审级制度作为借鉴,建议对轻微刑事案件和小额民事案件实行一审终审制,普通刑事和民事案件实行三审终审制,死刑案件实行四审终审制。

    Judicial hierarchy in the Qing Dynasty as a reference , suggested minor criminal cases and small civil cases of first instance final implementation of the system , the implementation of the ordinary criminal and civil cases three-Judicial Hierarchy , death penalty cases , a four-trial final .

  26. 在这一阶段,刑罚轻缓化的推进应主要从以下两方面着手:一方面,严格限制死刑的适用;另一方面,对轻微刑事案件扩大适用刑事和解。

    At this stage , the advance of the softening criminal punishment should be mainly from the following two aspects : on the one hand , strictly limit the application of the death penalty ; on the other hand , criminal reconciliation is also applicable in minor criminal .

  27. 在借鉴国外缺席审判制度时,文章指出加快我国轻微刑事案件快速办理的缺席审判制度可以仿照民诉中的一方辩论主义,以此建立对抗机制。

    From abroad in the absence of the trial system , the article pointed out that minor criminal cases to speed up our country for trial in absentia Express system can be modeled against the side of the debate , and as a mechanism set up to combat .

  28. 调查还发现,案件达成刑事和解后通常会以无逮捕必要性不批准逮捕,但是实践中对轻微刑事案件进行刑事和解的比例还很低。

    It is also found that once a case reaches a criminal settlement , it would always not be approved to arrest in the name of with no necessity of arrest , but in practice the rate of the criminal settlement for minor criminal cases is still very low .

  29. 目前司法机关适用刑事和解的案件主要是一些轻微的刑事案件,但笔者认为根据罪行的轻重来决定是否适用刑事和解难免有些武断。

    At the moment , the criminal reconciliation is mainly applied to minor criminal cases , but it is hard to avoid some arbitrary to determine whether to apply the criminal reconciliation based on the seriousness of the crime .

  30. 所以有必要完善相对不起诉制度,对那些情节轻微的刑事案件进行适当的分流,节约司法资源、提高诉讼效率从而最大限度的实现司法公正。

    It is necessary to perfect the relative not to Sue system , to those if the circumstances are minor criminal case diversion of appropriate , it saves judicial resources , improving the efficiency of lawsuit and realize the maximum judicial justice .