
  • 网络the ruling class
  1. 统治阶层占据主流文化地位,具有对课程知识的绝对选择权,会更多地倾向于主流文化。

    The ruling class occupies the position in the mainstream of culture , and owns the selection right of curriculum culture .

  2. 作为一个依附于统治阶层的特殊群体,他们自周初产生之时就开始在卿大夫之家扮演着非常重要的角色。

    As a special group , which attaches to the ruling class , they began to play an important role just from the day they generated in the early Western Zhou Dynasty .

  3. 统治阶层剥夺了我们使用土地的权利。

    We are denied use of the land by the ruling classes

  4. 因此,声称碳排放导致了这些能够充当起掩盖这些由X星导致的地球变化的作用,至少统治阶层是这么想的。

    Thus , the claim that carbon emissions were causing this would serve as the cover for these Earth changes caused by Planet X , or so the establishment hoped .

  5. 老威斯敏斯特学校培养出的毕业生包括金?菲尔比(KimPhilby)——出身于英国统治阶层的天之骄子,却成为英国统治阶层的主要叛徒。

    The roll-call of old Westminsters includes Kim Philby - a consummate child of the British ruling class and arch traitor to it .

  6. 正如WSWS所警告的那样,美国统治阶层趋向于打造警察国家的基础,那么不可避免的就要准备着与工人阶级产生对抗。

    As the WSWS has warned , the drive by the American ruling class to build up the infrastructure of a police state is in preparation for the inevitable confrontation with the working class .

  7. 其原因在于统治阶层保守的政治哲学。

    The reason is that the ruling class conservative political philosophy .

  8. 统治阶层的支柱一根接一根地摇摇欲坠。

    One by one the pillars of the establishment are crumbling .

  9. 在这个时候,统治阶层愿意妥协了。

    At this point , the ruling classes is willing to compromise .

  10. 当地统治阶层中的一些人说他们很久以前曾与精灵通婚。

    Some of its ruling class claim to have intermarried with jinn long ago .

  11. 这种情况下,统治阶层的首要任务是恢复法制。

    Under these conditions , restoring legitimacy is a top priority in ruling circles .

  12. 街头巷尾的民情可能压倒统治阶层。

    The street might overwhelm the establishment .

  13. 人们不禁想知道中国的统治阶层对此有何感想。

    One can 't help wondering what China 's ruling cadres might think about that .

  14. 印度统治阶层内部对此观点不一。

    The Indian establishment is split .

  15. 我们开始疑惑,这样一来,谁才是灵长类动物的首领,能位居这个物种的统治阶层?

    And we wonder , Whos the prime primate , at the top of the species hierarchy ?

  16. 彭马田说:「道教在中国一直都有很奇特的作用,道教脱离主流的追逐名利与权力,作为阴性一极,与阳性的儒家统治阶层互为补足。」

    " The role of Taoism in China has always been a strange one ," said Palmer .

  17. 他们表示,在沙特统治阶层放松该战略后,这种情况在2003年发生了变化。

    That changed in 2003 , they said , after the Saudi ruling elite relaxed the strategy .

  18. 幸运的是,要成为英国统治阶层的一员无需是个工作狂,只有考期临近的几个月除外。

    Luckily , the British establishment doesn 't demand workaholism , except for a few months around exams .

  19. 出席论坛的人都来自统治阶层,他们难免跳不出传统智慧的框框。

    Those present at the WEF are the establishment and so are almost inevitably prisoners of the conventional wisdom .

  20. 英国统治阶层有不少人对这种前景反应不一,有的表示关切,有的简直惊恐万分。

    The prospect is regarded by many in the British establishment with emotions ranging from concern to outright horror .

  21. 第二部分主要探讨前秦、后秦时期氐羌统治阶层的佛教信仰。

    The second part is mainly discusses the worship of Buddhism of the ruling class in and after Qin Dynasty .

  22. 论尚文风气北传对隋及唐初统治阶层的影响

    The Influence of the Northbound Spread of Literary Ethos upon the Ruling Classes in the Sui and Early Tang Dynasties

  23. 统治阶层通过将孩子送进贵族学校来传承自己的地位,这跟种族隔离的约翰内斯堡十分相似。

    The ruling classes pass on their status by sending their children to exclusive schools , much like in apartheid Johannesburg .

  24. 这也是我并不迫切希望自己的孩子进入统治阶层内的原因——进了又能证明什么呢?

    That 's also why I 'm not desperate for my children to join the establishment . What would it prove ?

  25. 自由市场改革催生了商业精英,这些人中很多都与叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德的统治阶层有关联。

    Liberal market reforms boosted the business elite , many of whom have ties to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad .

  26. 而当时以亚当·斯密为代表的自由放任主义和边沁为代表的功利主义风靡整个贵族统治阶层和普通大众之中。

    Laissez-faire of Adam Smith and utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham swept over whole Britain and were almost accepted by everyone in UK .

  27. 萨布莉尔曾在安塞斯蒂尔的学校上学,她了解这里的人民和他们的统治阶层,远比他要强的多。

    She had been to school in ancelstierre , she understood the people and their ruling classes far better than he did .

  28. 因此,甚至在各国政府夸耀相对强劲的经济增长时,人们对政治统治阶层已不再心存幻想。

    As a result , even when governments can boast about relatively strong growth , there is disillusionment with the political establishment .

  29. 王东槐是封建社会末期清朝统治阶层的一位典型代表,他为人正直质朴,为官清廉忠耿。

    Wang Dong huai , a representative of Qing Ruling Class at the end of feudal society , was very honest and loyal .

  30. 统治阶层掀起的世俗风格、宗教风格的建筑热潮,如各地兴建的寺院、神社、宫殿、皇家建筑等;

    Construction rush with traditional and religion styles encouraged by the ruling classes , such as temples , Jinjia palace , and emperor buildings ;