
  1. 我们将统筹能力、义务与责任,在力所能及的范围内努力为世界的和平与发展事业多作贡献。

    We will , in light of our ability , obligation and responsibility , make more contribution to world peace and development .

  2. 第一,我有优秀的统筹组织能力。

    The first , I have the excellent orchestration organizational skill .

  3. 目前,国内电信运营商普遍存在机房设备维护工作量大,统筹管理能力弱的问题。

    Currently , domestic telecom operators generally have some problems , such as overloaded maintenance work for equipments and weak management capacity .

  4. 熟悉宾客中心工作流程,对客服务热情。对宾客中心具备统筹管理能力。

    Familiar with guest center working process , serve the guest considerately own the capacity of control and management of guest center .

  5. 通过本人一年来在政府部门挂职工作的经历和体会,使自己拓展了视野,丰富了阅历,更新了观念,有效地提高了自身在工作中换位思考和统筹协调能力。

    One-year work on temporary post in a government department broadens the view , enriches the experience , renews the concept and , what 's more , enhances the working ability and capability of transposition of standpoint .

  6. 中国城镇职工社会统筹账户的支付能力研究

    Solvency Research on Urban Employees ' Social Pooling Account in China

  7. 资源税制改革与统筹区域间财政能力

    On Resource Tax Reform and Coordinating Inter-regional Fiscal Capacities in China

  8. 制定门槛线、封顶线主要是考虑统筹基金的承受能力,保证收支平衡。

    Make " doorsill line " , " seal top line " basically be to consider to plan as a whole of fund bear ability , make sure income and expenses is balanced .

  9. 第二扩大的社会统筹账户并没有增强社会统筹账户的支付能力,社会统筹账户的支付能力被削弱,支付缺口呈现扩大趋势。

    Secondly , enlarged social pooling account has not enhanced the solvency . On the contrary , the solvency of social pooling account has been weakened and the payment gap shows the trend of widening .

  10. 现代领导需要强调统筹发展,坚持用统筹的眼界提高领导境界,在领导活动实践中增强统筹能力,提高统筹艺术,以顺应当代国际社会发展趋势,保持经济社会持续健康发展。

    Modern leaders need made much account of overall planned development , take overall planned steps and improve overall planned faculty in leading activities to swim with contemporarily international tide and keep constantly healthy growth of economy and society .