
  1. 但各国的绿色壁垒相对于WTO绿色规则来说,对发展中国家考虑不够,有的不符合非歧视原则、统一性原则和透明度原则,有的对出口商来说具有隐含的歧视性。

    But the green rampart of countries is given enough consideration to developing countries , which is inconsistent with non-discrimination principle , unity principle and transparency principle , and has implicit discrimination for the exporters .

  2. 论歌唱表演艺术的统一性原则

    The Unity Principles in Singing Performance Art

  3. 被允许的危险具有开放的空间,需要法官、法学家根据法秩序的统一性原则进行补充。

    The allowed dangers are open in space and require judges and jurists to complement based on the unity principle of the legal order .

  4. 商务英语词汇的翻译标准也有其特殊性,本文重点阐述了准确性原则和统一性原则。

    The translation criteria of Business English words also has its own particularities and this paper highlights the " accuracy principle " and " unity principle " .

  5. 统一性原则使我们认识到甲骨文合体象形字这个微型符号场内文字与图像相互补充、影响和转化的情况。

    According to unity principle , this paper has a full realization of the mutual complement , influence and transformation between graph and icon element in Oracle Compound Pictographs .

  6. 在法的原则方面则包含了法的普遍性原则、平等性原则、公正性原则和统一性原则。这些原则在今天建设社会主义法治国家中仍有重要的借鉴意义。

    The law principles , including the principles of universality , equality , justice and unification of law are still of reference value at present in constructing socialist constitutionality .

  7. 审美在科学理论建立阶段的鉴选作用。第三部分:论述了科学创造活动中应遵循的审美规范,包括理性原则,意象性原则,统一性原则。

    The third part : Have expounded the fact that science creates the aesthetic rule that the activity should be followed , including simplicity rule , symmetrical rule , unity rule .

  8. 在感知自然界、艺术和人类的美的方面,重点是强调多样性中的统一性原则的作用。

    Emphasis will be placed on the role of the principle of unity-in-diversity in regard to perceiving beauty in the natural world , in art , and in human beings , due to its central role in morality and spirituality .

  9. 所以,在进行英汉翻译时就特别要注意汉语与英语两种语言思维表达上的特点与差异,注意翻译的忠实与统一性原则。

    Thus more attention should be put into the differences and characteristics in English and Chinese way of thinking , and the principle of faithfulness and unity . In translation , it is especially important to choose the appropriate words and clear expression .

  10. 综合课程协同教学模式应遵循灵活性原则、科学性原则、统一性原则和辅助性原则。其支持条件主要是培养教师的协同意愿、协同态度以及重视日常培训。

    Collaborative teaching model used in the course should follow the flexibility principle , scientific principle , unity principle , auxiliary principle , etc. Its support conditions are mainly to the training of the teachers , and the collaborative intend attitude , and attention to the daily training .

  11. 部门收入预算的编制要以预算的完整统一性为原则,编制综合财政预算。部门支出预算的编制首先要进行科学地分类,将部门支出预算分为基本支出预算与项目支出预算;

    For the department , the income budget is united budget , the expenditure budget is divided into basic expenditure budget and project expenditure budget .

  12. 所以自然统一性的原则是,每个归纳论点背后,都不能证明自己,因为这是循环证明。

    So the principle of the uniformity of nature which underlies every inductive argument , which can 't itself be argued for because arguing for it takes us in a circle .

  13. 文章指出,《大学英语教学大纲》在收录中学英语词汇时应遵循词频、词部件、词的适用性、词的语法功能性以及英国英语与美国英语的统一性等原则。

    The article further points out that we should follow such principles as word frequency , word-formation components , communicative value , grammatical functions and unification of American and British English in College English Syllabus Design .

  14. 将纯粹理性作为大学中学科统一性的原则,意味着求真和求善都是属人的;人不仅为自然立法,也为道德立法。

    The pure rational as a principle of the unification of subjects of university means that pursuing what is true and how a person should behave belongs to man , for man makes laws not only for nature but also for morality .

  15. 定罪的实体法原则包括罪之法定原则、主客观相统一原则、必要性原则。

    The latter involves principle of conviction according to laws , principle of correspondence between subjectivity and objectivity , principle of necessity .

  16. 本文从传统伦理的观点出发,分析了中国当代社会的现状,坚持历史与现实的统一、综合与分析的思维方法,提出了道德建设的与时俱进、文以载道和统一性三项基本原则。

    Beginning with the traditional moral concepts , this paper analyzes the present condition of Chinese society and put forward the basic principles of moral education .