- 网络Yield Spread

That is , they put borrowers in loans with higher interest rates than they could otherwise qualify for , because the brokers make greater commissions , called " yield spread premiums ," by doing so .
The best performance in the bond markets since that time has been Turkey , which has seen its benchmark bond spreads fall 86 basis points .
Analysts said the dollar suffered as yield differentials between the US and the rest of the world widened on growing optimism over the global recovery .
There are several aspects as follows : First , the total asset of enterprises is too large and it is hard to maintain and increase the value of assets .
Our empirical results from historical data of 19 countries in 25 years ( 1975-2000 ) show that the return differential of equity market has good prediction power for currency crises .
While valuation of the market is reasonable both in terms of the price to earnings ratio and the yield gap relative to the US10-year Treasury , the risks to earnings are on the downside .
With member-country bond yields now diverging , ' it 's a fragmented set of markets .
On the basis of Markowitz portfolio investment model , widely used risk tool VaR in investment field is applied to establish a model with one objective function of profit covariance and multi-constraint of VaR and profit rate .
Credit spreads spread to the yield of Treasury bonds and corporate bonds on the market .
During the crisis , the inflation expectations implied by the gap in yields between conventional and inflation-protected securities collapsed .
Last week , the yield on 30-year bonds rose to a record 1.45 percentage points over the 10-year note yield .
This spreading fear within the eurozone explains the sharp leap in the additional borrowing costs France has to pay over Germany .
Greek , Italian , Spanish , Portuguese and Irish 10-year bond yields have also widened sharply against Germany in the past month .
In April-May , and again in August , soaring Greek bond yields relative to German Bund yields closely matched the plunging euro .
She used clever statistical techniques to isolate the effect of global risk appetite on the gap between short - and long-dated US Treasury yields .
However , the biggest worry for some is contagion spreading to France , which saw its premium over Germany to borrow in the markets jump to fresh euro-era highs .
Such a steep relationship of more than one percentage point between these pivotal Treasury maturities highlights that there is a degree of concern , contrary to the bond bubble headlines , about valuations within the government bond market .
The average valuation of the US stock market corresponds to a real return of 6 ? - 7 per cent , which implies an " equity risk premium " a margin of return over risk-free government bonds of about 4 percentage points .
Both the yields and premiums are close to levels that pushed Greece , Ireland and Portugal into bail-outs .
Over the same period , the spread on the 10-year bond yield has risen by roughly 125 basis points .
Now , as the economic outlook has stabilised , the relative yield and interest rate differentials should regain their impact on currency markets .
If French spreads and yields start rising in a similar way to Italy , then that really would be the tipping point for this crisis and potentially the end of the euro .
Sterilisation has been profitable in recent years for the PBoC because of the spread between low Chinese rates and the returns offered by US Treasuries .
The difference between the return rate on stock and the return rate on the risk-free securities is equity risk premium Rm-Rf .
Breakeven rates reflect the difference between yields on cash treasury bonds and those of Treasury inflation protected securities , or tips .
Spain , whose bond yields have fallen and whose spreads with Germany have tightened , has distanced itself from Portugal .
The break-even inflation rate , derived from comparing the yields on fixed and index-linked 10-year gilts , suggests that UK inflation will average about 2.6 per cent over the next decade .
This faltering supply-demand equation explains why , despite the 30-year bond yield of 4 per cent being historically on the low side , its relationship to the 10-year note yield of 2.94 per cent is close to a record wide level .
Our theory development for the first time proves that the realised real return for international capital contains information for expected yield , which enables us to use yield differential of financial assets in different countries to predict currency crises .