
  • 网络Rent Collection Courtyard
  1. 流动装置的艺术张力&《威尼斯收租院》的混乱美学

    Art Tensility of Flowing Apparatus-Anarchy Esthetics of Venice Reprise Yard

  2. 对蔡国强《威尼斯收租院》获国际金奖的三点质疑

    Three Queries on the work of " Venice Rent-collecting House " by the Gold-medal Winner , Cai Guoqiang

  3. 四面有浮雕及景物模型。《农奴愤》的创作显然借鉴了《收租院》的创作经验。

    It has bas-reliefs on four sides to accompany the models and obviously imitates the form of Rent Collection Yard .

  4. 大型泥塑《收租院》是由四川美术学院雕塑系师生与民间艺人共同创作的。

    The clay group sculpture , Rent Collection Yard , was created by students and teachers from the sculpture department of the Sichuan academy of Fine arts and folk artists .

  5. 在中国现代美术史上,泥塑群像《收租院》曾被人们誉为革命现实主义美术的典范性作品。

    In the contemporary Chinese art history , clay statutes Sh ' ou Zu Yuan ( rent collection courtyard ) had been taken as a standard work of the revolutionary realism .

  6. 《收租院》现象说明,大众总是以自己切身的生活体验为核心来理解与接受艺术,而且社会心理求新与恋旧总会寻求一种动态平衡。

    The phenomenon of the clay statutes Sh ' ou Zu Yuan demonstrates that the public always understand and receive art works according to their experience , and get a flexible psychological balance between their seeking novel taste and reminiscent moods .