
shōu jí zhènɡ jù
  • collection of evidence
  • collect evidence
  1. 以现场为中心收集证据的若干思考

    Reflections on the Collection of Evidence around the Scene of A Crime

  2. 这就是收集证据并由此得出逻辑结论的过程。

    This also requires both the collection of evidence and the logical drawing of conclusions from the evidence .

  3. 例如,可能只有通过反复的实验、收集证据并在最后推翻一个理论时,婴儿才会接受这样的想法,即其他人可以有不同的观点和愿望,比如妈妈不是小孩,她不喜欢德芙巧克力。

    For example , it may only be through repeated experiments , evidence gathering , and finally overturning a theory , that a baby will come to accept the idea that other people can have different views and desires from what he or she has , for example , unlike the child , Mommy actually doesn 't like Dove chocolate .

  4. 豹纹夹克霉霉(出自“LookWhatYouMadeMeDo”):收集证据啊,等会我要把它们编辑一下。

    Cheetah Jacket " Look What You Made Me Do " Taylor Swift : Getting receipts ! I 'm gonna edit this later .

  5. 不过据NPR新闻的科里·弗林科夫报道,在冬季冰雪来临前,有关人员将继续努力回收遗体并收集证据。

    But NPR 's Corey Flintoff reports there 's a new effort to recover remains and collect evidence before the winter snows set in .

  6. 欧盟(EU)正在收集证据,以决定是否应该调查希腊、葡萄牙、西班牙和意大利政府涉嫌为本国那些用低质资产充当资本的银行提供了非法担保。

    The EU is collecting evidence to determine if Greece , Portugal , Spain and Italy should face an investigation into whether they are illegally underwriting banks that have bolstered their capital with assets considered low-grade in the rest of the eurozone .

  7. “我们正在收集证据,证明MDCTU是泌尿道肿瘤高危患者的首选诊断方式。”他补充说。

    " Eidence is accumulating for MDCTU to be the first choice inestigation for patients at high risk for urological cancer ," he added .

  8. 看,这就是为什么收集证据如此重要。

    See , that 's why evidence collecting is so important .

  9. 我不是收集证据的

    Laurel , obtaining evidence isn 't what I do . Laurel

  10. 指定一个护士为你收集证据。

    So a forensic nurse is going to process you .

  11. 侦办偷渡案件时围绕陈(供)述收集证据的方法

    On Methods of Collecting Proofs in Statements ( Confessions ) of Stowaways

  12. 行政机关在收集证据时,可以采取抽样取证的方法;

    When collecting evidence , administrative organs may obtain evidence through sampling ;

  13. 这些难题包括收集证据和损失评估。

    Problems include collecting evidence and making an assessment of the damage .

  14. 他们称黎明前的突袭行动是为了收集证据。

    They add the pre-dawn raids were to gather evidence .

  15. 我不想在这里收集证据。

    I won 't attempt to assemble the evidence here .

  16. 我们没必要担心珀西以为你是分析师,只管收集证据

    Percy thinks you 're an analyst who collects paper trails

  17. 当事人收集证据权利的程序保障研究

    A Study of the Procedural Safeguard of Parties ' Rights for Collecting Evidence

  18. 所以我们很难收集证据。

    So we find it hard to collect evidence .

  19. 他正在收集证据要彻底击败他的对手。

    He is collecting evidence to massacre his opponents .

  20. 你想用那个来收集证据?

    You 're supposed to collect evidence with that ?

  21. 收集证据的方法和程序可谓民事证据收集制度的核心内容。

    The methods and proceedings hereof are substantial in the civil evidence-collecting system .

  22. 这种转变也自然而然的增加了当事人自行收集证据的压力。

    The transformation has increased the burden of litigants ' collecting evidences naturally .

  23. 非法收集证据在有些地方的司法实践中有一定的普遍性。

    Evidence unlawfully collected is a common phenomenon in the judicial practice in China .

  24. 首先要完善律师辩护制度,保障被告人收集证据的渠道通畅。

    Firstly we should complete counsel defense system to ensure the defendant collecting evidence .

  25. 审计师收集证据并由此分析出结论。

    The auditor gathers evidence to draw conclusions .

  26. 收集证据,艾米莉亚和林肯试图找出这神秘的线索。

    Collecting the paper , Amelia and Lincoln try to decode some mysterious clues .

  27. 调解委员会认为必要时,可以调查收集证据。

    The mediation board may , when it thinks necessary , investigate and collect evidences .

  28. 很快,律师着手准备文件。他开始收集证据。

    Soon , the lawyer set out to documents , He set about collecting evidences .

  29. 侦查是国家侦查机关收集证据,抓获犯罪嫌疑人的重要阶段。

    Investigation is an important stage to collect evidence and arrest suspects for state investigation organs .

  30. 我还在收集证据。

    I am still pulling evidence .