
  • 网络contraction ratio;Shrink ratio;compression ratio
  1. 精确解对任意给定的收缩比n1、扩张比n2和喉部壁面曲率半径R都适用。

    The solution is applicable for nozzles with any given contraction ratio n1 , expansion ratio n2 , and throat wall radius R.

  2. 淹没系数σs与上下游水位差相对值(z1-z2)/Hs和(zs-zc)/Hs之间存在很好的相关性,相关程度随收缩比ε的减小而增大。

    The submergence ratio (σ _s ) has a good correlation with the relative water head difference between upstream and downstream ( z_1-z_2 ) / H_s or ( z_s-z_c ) / H_s . The correlation degree increases with the decrease of the contraction ratio ε .

  3. 结构表明,SNTO法是一种实用的全局优化方法,收缩比和收敛判据的改进可大大缩短计算时间。

    The result shows that SNTO is a global optimization method and it can save calculation time with such a modification .

  4. 不同收缩比超燃冲压发动机进气道的数值研究

    Computational Study of Contraction Ratio Effects on Scramjet Inlet

  5. 移动唇口变收缩比侧压式进气道反压特性和自起动性能

    Study on back pressure and self-starting characteristics for sidewall-compression inlet with variable internal contraction ratio by moving cowl

  6. 仿真结果表明在理想状态下,管口收缩比越大,水流速度增幅越大。

    The simulation results showed that with ideal conditions , nozzle contraction ratio increased , so as the flow velocity .

  7. 拉坯不仅要注意到收缩比,而且还应注意到造型。

    While throwing , not only the contract ratio , but also the shapes , should be paid much attention to .

  8. 加强非西安理工大学硕士学位论文一互溶性组元在此方面的功用作用是实现此类材料均匀化、高收缩比烧结的关键。

    The intensification of immiscible element in this process is the key to realize uniformization sintering and reach a higher shrinkage ratio .

  9. 若胶衣收缩比加强树脂收缩量大,将导致部件的胶衣面上将有更多凹面。

    Gel coat shrinks more than fiber reinforced resin , resulting in parts that are more concave on the gel coat side .

  10. 研究表明,当进气道收缩比增大时,进气道的进口起动马赫数增大;

    The result shows that with the increase of the inner contraction ratio , the starting Mach number of inflow is increases .

  11. 纤维附加剪应力和附加正应力差随着收缩比的增大而增加。应变量与应力成正比。

    The additional shear and normal stress of fiber become large with the addition of the contract ratio . Strain is proportional to stress .

  12. 本文主要阐述西北工业大学直流式低湍流度风洞设计中的几个关键问题,如大收缩比、多层网、低噪声风扇以及抑制风扇噪声上传的一些措施。

    Some key problems in the design of the NPU ( Northwestern Polytechnical University ) open-circuit low-turbulence wind tunnel are described in this paper .

  13. 环流区长度随着挤出速率和流道收缩比的增加而增大,而随着温度的升高而减小。

    The length of circular flow zones ( Lv ) increased with increasing extrusion rate and channel contraction ratio , whereas decreased with raising temperature .

  14. 回转型可展开天线具有质量轻,收缩比大等优点,因此对其进行分析和研究是非常必要的。

    The rotary deployable antenna is one of the newly designed antennas , which has great advantages of light mass and large contraction ratio and so on .

  15. 样品在通过收缩比为31.25%的弯曲微通道后区带增宽程度仅为通过180°等宽圆弧弯曲微通道后的1.28%,弯道效应引起的区带增宽最小。

    Sample band broadening after the microchannel turn with 31.25 % constriction ratio is only 1.28 % of that after a constant turn , and turn-induced dispersion is minimized .

  16. 相对而言,随着窄缝收缩比的减小,水垫塘冲击荷载略有减小,但同时起挑水头增加。

    Comparatively , with the reducing of shrinkage ratio of slit , the shock loads of receiving pool reduce , but the critical hydraulic head that just can cause deflecting heightens simultaneously .

  17. 结合数值计算结果,深入地研究了引射喷管安装构型、引射喷管型面、第二喉道收缩比以及引射喷管安装构型与引射管道的匹配等因素对引射器启动性能的影响。

    The influences of nozzle assemble configuration , nozzle profile , second throat contraction ratio and the coupling of nozzle assemble configuration with ejector duct on the start performance were investigated experimentally and numerically .

  18. 并用压坯单重递减法试验证实,当将压模收缩比增加到122以上时,可以保证压坯内孔不出现裂纹。

    The test of single compact weight decrease proved that when the shrinkage ratio of the compacting die is increased to over 1.22 , there is no more crack initiated in the compact inner hole .

  19. 讨论了工业甲烷化催化剂基本参数和干基收缩比的计算方法。分析了甲烷化热效率的构成。

    The calculation mothods for the basic parameters of commercial methanation eatalyst and dry basis condensable ratio are discussed , also , the contribution of the factors to heat efficiency for the process is analysed .

  20. 在相同温度和室压下,横向喷注器的自燃能力优于气液同轴喷注器,喷管收缩比越大,越利于自燃。

    Under the same temperature and the chamber pressure , hypergolic ability of transverse injectors is better than that of the gas / liquid coaxial injectors . Hypergolic ability tends to improve with higher nozzle contraction ratio .

  21. 同时得出在试验收缩比范围内,标准化机翼形量水槽的临界淹没度在0.8~0.9之间,能保证量水槽有较大的自由出流范围。

    The experiment also shows that in the range of experiment contraction ratio the critical submergence in airfoil-shaped measuring flume is 0.8 ~ 0.9 , it can guarantee the measurement volume running in larger scope under the free outflow .

  22. 3在宽尾墩未影响表孔泄流能力的情况下,本文中收缩比小于0.5时,基本均可使表孔泄洪的水垫塘动水冲击压强有所减小。

    On condition that the use of flaring gate piers dose not influence discharge capacity of spillway , and the shrinkage ratio is less than 0.5 , the values of the plunging pressure in the receiving pools are all reduced basically .

  23. 低模温注射成型的PET/MFMB制品退火处理收缩率比纯PET制品的小得多。

    A much lower annealing shrinkage rate was found for all the PET / MFMB products molded by injection at low mold temperature than those of pure PET .

  24. 本周早些时候公布的汇丰/Markit制造业PMI指数的最终读数,显示制造业活动的收缩幅度比预期更大。

    Earlier this week the final reading of the HSBC Markit ' flash ' PMI showed the sector contracted more than originally thought .

  25. 不过,由汇丰银行编制的制造业PMI指数要悲观一些。根据这一备受关注的指数,6月份中国经济状况弱于预期,该指数显示制造业的收缩状况比最初预料得严重。

    China 's economy performed worse than expected in June , according to a closely-watched PMI survey compiled by HSBC , which indicated the country 's manufacturing sector contracted more than first thought .

  26. 结果柯萨奇B3病毒感染后的心肌细胞收缩力比正常心肌细胞的心肌收缩力明显降低(P<0.01),并且感染后24h比12h下降更为显著(P<0.05);

    Result Contractility was significantly lower in infected cardiac myocytes than in normal cardiac myocytes ( P < 0.01 ) . The decrease in contractility was more significant at 24 h than at 12 h after infection ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 糖尿病病人外周血管疾病危险因素指标踝/肱动脉收缩压比的评估研究

    Evaluation of risk factors for the marker of peripheral vascular disease-ankle versus brachial arterial-systolic pressure ratio in patients with DM in Chinese

  28. 轻集料混凝土的收缩变形比普通混凝土大,易使混凝土形成裂缝。

    The shrinkage of LWAC is increased than that of Normal Concrete ( NC ), which will bring about the crack of LWAC more easily .

  29. 腹式呼吸训练过程中第一阶段平均收缩压比平静自然呼吸第一阶段降低;

    The systolic pressure of the patients in first period of abdominal breathing training was obviously lower than that of the ones in calm and natural breathing ;

  30. 当杆的断面收缩率比杯形部分断面收缩率大得较多时,不适合直接用复合挤压成形。

    When the shrinkage of the rod fracture surface much more than that of the cup part fracture surface , its formation by compound extrusion is not applicable .