
  • 网络Adhesive;binder;solder
  1. 用PGC鉴定粘合磨料中粘料

    PGC Used for Analyzing Binder in the Abrasives

  2. 减少ISF布料器筛杆粘料的研究

    Research on decreasing binding sinter mix of sifting bar in ISF

  3. 详细分析了ISF布料器在运行过程中筛杆粘料的原因。

    The reason that the sifting bars of ISF bind sinter mix is analysed .

  4. 一种混凝土喷射机防粘料转子。

    The utility model relates to a sticking-proof rotor for a concrete injector .

  5. 目前我国在烧结生产过程中添加轻烧白云石粉存在混料机的粘料和轻烧白云石粉损耗较高等问题。

    In our country , the material sticking and wastage of light-burned dolomite is on the high side .

  6. 螺旋托辊:用于清除输送带上的粘料,保持带面清洁。

    Spiral roller : Used to remove the sticky material on the conveyor belt , to keep an area clean .

  7. 以改性树脂和混合树脂为粘料,铜粉为导电性填料,并配以适当添加剂、固化剂制备铜导电胶。

    Copper conductive adhesive is prepared by using modified resins and mixed resins as cohesive materials and Copper powders as conductive fillers .

  8. 提出了相应的改造方案,通过改造消除了下料溜槽易粘料的缺陷,避免了对筒体磨损严重的现象。

    The reformed one has made up for the defect that go down material slot hold up stuff easily , and avoid serious wear and tear .

  9. 通过对矿仓粘料原因的分析与解决粘料的实践,介绍了稀土含油尼龙衬板的使用效果

    Through the analyses of material sticking in fine bin and comparison the practices of anti sticking , the effect of rare earth oil contained nylon liner was presented

  10. 介绍了导电胶粘剂的导电机理,讨论了导电载体(填料)的类型、形状以及粘料(树脂)等对导电胶粘剂性能的影响。

    The electric conduction mechanism of electroconductive adhesive was introduced and the effect of type and shape of conductive filler ( padoling ) and resin binder on conductive adhesive performance was discussed .

  11. 它具有结构简单、体积小、维修容易、寿命长、耗能低、生产率高、不易粘料和堵料等优点。

    It has excellences in simple structure , smaller volume , maintaining easier , long life , lower power , higher productivity , not easier sticking matter and blocking up matter , ect .

  12. 采用耐磨陶瓷衬板后,圆筒混合机不粘料,不仅减轻了筒体负荷,提高了设备作业率,而且增大了圆筒有效直径,提高了混匀制粒效果。

    As a result , the drum mixer with using wear-resisting ceramic as liner was no longer adhering , not only the drum loading was lightened , the equipment work rate increased , but also the effective diameter of drum was increased , and the granulation effect was increased .

  13. 圆筒混合机振动和粘漏料问题及解决办法

    Mixing drum vibration , sticking and spillage ── problems and Solutions

  14. 双钢轮压路机施工粘混合料分析

    Analysis of Two-drum Roller Sticking Mixture in Construction

  15. 热施工可改进密封胶对被粘基料的湿润能力,因此对大多数被粘基料具有良好的粘接力。

    Construction could be improved heat sealant viscosity on the sub base material , and therefore the majority of base material was sticky adhesive has good power .

  16. 本文对国内若干种湿型砂抗粘砂附加料作出评论。

    In this paper , some anti-burn on additives for green mould sand produced at home were reviewed .

  17. 炉子的操作情况是令人满意的,但炉渣很粘,出料比较困难。

    Furnace operation was satisfactory , although the slag was viscous and difficult to tap from the furnace .

  18. 针对高粘沥青混合料的特点,研究采用高粘改性沥青混凝土进行桥面铺装的关键施工工艺及其质量控制方法,研究采用橡胶沥青的防水粘接层的施工工艺。

    For high viscosity characteristics of asphalt mixture , using high viscosity modified asphalt concrete deck as key construction technology and quality control methods , and construction technology of rubber asphalt waterproof bonding layer was adopted .

  19. 加入国产辛基酚醛增粘树脂的胶料焦烧时间延长;

    The scorch time of rubber compound with domestic octyl phenolic resin extended ;