
  • 网络Tack Coat;sticky layer
  1. 谈路面工程透层和粘层的作用及施工技术要点

    On effect and construction technology points of the prime coat and tack coat in pavement project

  2. SBR改性乳化沥青做为高速公路下封层、粘层,是将乳化沥青的应用向前推进了一步。

    The SBR modified emulsified bitumen does for the highway under the sealing course , the tacky surface , was prompted forward the emulsified bitumen application step .

  3. 以SBS、环氧树脂为主要改性剂,配制了SBS、环氧树脂改性沥青粘层材料,并对它们的剪切强度、水泥混凝土沥青混凝土、钢板沥青混凝土层间粘接强度进行了试验研究。

    The SBS modified asphalt and epoxy resin modified asphalt are prepared , and their shearing strength , adhersive strength to cement concrete and asphalt concrete are measured .

  4. 改性焦油沥青粘层的配制和粘接性能研究

    The study on the preparation and adhesive property of modified coal tar

  5. 南部嘉陵江大桥维修加固混凝土脱粘层的方法与实践

    Reinforce and Maintenance of the Jialingjiang River Bridge

  6. 坑槽壁洒布粘层油后的力学影响分析

    Analysis of Impact on Mechanics After Spray of Tack Asphalt Coat to Chuck Hole Wall

  7. 浅议高速公路沥青路面层间粘层油施工质量控制

    The Construction Technique And Quality Control Practice Of Expressway Interlayer Viscous Oil Of Asphalt Pavement

  8. 固体火箭发动机前封头人工脱粘层烧蚀研究

    Studies on the Ablation of the Stress Release Boot in Forward Dome of Solid Rocket Motor

  9. 加热板表面,喷涂“钛氟伦”防粘层、强度高、表面光滑、烫画效果好、容易清洁;

    Surface of heating panel is coated with Ti-F anti-cohesion layer , featuring high strength , smooth texture , good hot-stamping effect and easy cleaning ;

  10. 结果表明:使用橡胶改性沥青粘层处理的纵缝性能最好,没有明显裂缝,其次为切削盘。

    The result shows that the longitudinal joints performance treated by rubber modified bituminous stick course is best without obvious cracks , the second is cutting wheel .

  11. 鉴于粘层的特殊位置与结构要求,本文对粘层材料进行了一系列试验-包括对材料本身的性能指标试验,重心放在材料的剪切强度和拉拔强度试验以及透水性试验。

    A series of experiments are underway , including material capacity guideline experiments , putting emphasis on shear strength and pull strength and the porous experiments , due to the particular location and construction requirement .

  12. 在蒸发条件下,全剖面轻壤土水分含量从上到下逐渐增加,而夹粘层只影响在其上面的轻壤土水分含量,而不影响其下面土层的水分变化;

    Under evaporation condition , water content increased gradually from top soil to bottom soil in homogeneous sandy loam , and interbedded clay layer only affected the water regime in soil above the interbedded clay layer .

  13. 各土壤间粉粒含量差异很小,所不同的是,坝地富粘层粗粉粒少细粉粒多,砂粒少粘粒多,坝、坡轻壤层反之。

    The marked difference in various soil are that there are many fine silt and clay but rather less for coarse silt and sany in strong accumulation clay layer , the loamy layer are just the contrary .

  14. 在1&2m潜水位变幅情况下,夹粘层对土壤水盐运动的影响会超过潜水埋深的影响,并且土壤剖面盐分分布呈现出二个峰值;

    It was also found that within 1-2m variation range of groundwater table , the influence of interbedded clay layer on groundwater evaporation was greater than that of groundwater depth , and two salt peaks occurred in soil profiles .

  15. 粘层的物理性粘粒含量55%~60%,壤层为35%~50%,粘层厚度从坝前至坝后逐渐变薄。

    The physical clay particle content of the clay layer is 55 % ~ 60 % , and that of the loam layer is 35 % ~ 50 % . The thickness of clay layer get smaller and smaller from upper reaches to lower reaches .

  16. 受粘粒含量影响,黄土性土壤中Cr()运移的速度不同,其顺序为粘化层<犁底层+老耕层<耕层<钙积层。

    The migration velocities of Cr ( VI ) in soil was relevant to contents of clay , and they were in an order : argillic horizon calcic horizon .

  17. 结果表明:1土娄土不同土层对Cr()的吸附量大小顺序为粘化层>犁底层+老耕层>耕层>钙积层;

    The results showed that : ① The absorption amount of different soil layers to Cr (ⅵ) were in an order of argillic layer > plow pan > top soil > calcic layer .

  18. SBS防水卷材是以聚脂纤维为胎体,以SBS橡胶改性石油沥青为漫渍涂盖层,以聚乙烯塑料薄膜为防粘隔离层的一种柔性油毡。

    Waterproof coiled materials of SBS are a flexible felt of polyester fibre as casing , SBS modified asphalt as coating and polyethylene film as antiseizing separation layer .

  19. 老顶头鼻都二次氧化皮由粘钢层和FeO层组成,它对防止粘钢有利;

    The secondary oxide layer consisted of stuck steel layer and FeO layer , being of benefit to prevent sticking weld ;

  20. 对peck公式的一些参数进行了分析,初步得出了在粉质粘土地层中盾构隧道施工引起地层沉降的估算经验公式。

    Then , To analyze some of the peck formula parameters , the initial texture obtained in the peat layer shield tunnel construction estimate ground settlement caused by the empirical formula .

  21. 3D-FEA法分析粘固层厚度对三型瓷贴面复合体应力分布影响的比较研究

    Comparative study of the effect on stress distribution of Porcelain laminate complex with different bonding interface

  22. 针对材料具积分型本构关系以及松弛模量为Prony级数的形式,应用Galerkin技术、Newmark方法和Newton-Cotes方法,给出了求解粘弹性层合结构非线性动力学问题的一种有效的数值算法。

    By using the Galerkin procedure , Newmark scheme and Newton-Cotes method , an effective numerical method is developed to perform the nonlinear dynamic analysis of viscoelastic laminated structures with hereditary constitutive relationship and relax modulus expressed in Prony series .

  23. 含有界面裂纹的粘弹性层合板应变能释放率的计算

    On the Calculation of Energy Release Rate for Viscoelastic Cracked Laminates

  24. 粘弹层合圆柱壳的自由振动和横向应力分析

    Free Vibration and Transverse Stresses Analysis of Viscoelastic Laminated Shells

  25. 粘弹性层合梁中弯曲波的弥散与衰减

    Dispersion and Attenuation of Bending Wave of Viscoelastic Laminated Beams

  26. 考虑损伤效应的粘弹性层合板的非线性动力响应分析

    Nonlinear dynamic responses of viscoelastic laminated plates with damage

  27. 有限元法分析空腔周期分布粘弹性层的声特性

    Sound characteristics of the viscoelastic layer containing periodic cavities by the finite element method

  28. 炉渣氧化性对粘渣层与镁碳砖之间结合的影响

    Influence of slag oxidation nature on bonding between splashing slag layer and MgO-C bricks

  29. 粘盘层的粘化和水分特征与林木生长的关系

    Argillic and water characteristics of clay pan and its relationship with the growth of forests

  30. 经常移动的家具可在其底部粘一层橡皮。

    The regular movement of furniture can be sticky in the bottom layer of rubber .