
  • 网络bonded joint;bonding joint;adhesively bonded joint
  1. 比较了不同的钢结构表面处理方式对FRP与钢结构粘接接头剪切强度的影响,根据剪切强度选择最佳表面处理工艺。

    The influence of surface preparation of steel specimen on the shearing strength of the bonded joint of steel structure and the FRP patches is investigated , and the optimum preparing technique is decided .

  2. 循环载荷下粘接接头真空性能的实验研究

    Experimental study on vacuum performance of adhesively bonded joint under cyclic load

  3. 同时提出刚度比R来作为衡量T型粘接接头不匹配程度的参数,并研究被连接材料的刚度、刚度比R对接头强度的影响。

    Meanwhile , the stiffness ratio R was proposed to be a parameter which can measure the mismatch level of a T-joint .

  4. 不同温度下胶粘剂粘接接头表界面元素变化行为的EDX分析

    Analysis of elements content on adhesive joint surface and interface with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

  5. 用IRSEM和DTA表征了粘接接头固化温度、时间和固化程度的关系以及接头界面的破坏状态。

    IR , SEM and DTA are used to express the relation among curing temperature , time and degree as well as the damage state of adhesive interface .

  6. EDX是一种研究粘接接头和聚合物基复合材料表界面性能的分析测试方法。

    Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDX ) is a kind of analysis method used in researching the adhesive joint and polymer composite surface and interface characters .

  7. 结果表明,丙酮清洗处理后的聚酯膜粘接接头耐久性能低于化学处理,而Co60辐照的聚酯膜粘接接头耐久性能最佳。

    The results show that the durability of polyester coating adhesion joint by the surface treatment of chemical modification is better than that by the surface treatment of acetone cleanout , and the durability of polyester coating adhesion joint treated by Co ~ ( 60 ) irradiation is best .

  8. 环氧树脂胶黏剂在石墨粘接接头的热分解动力学

    Thermal decomposition dynamics of epoxy adhesive in adhesive / graphite joints

  9. 无磁杜瓦粘接接头真空性能的实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Vacuum Performance of Non-magnetic Dewar Adhesive Joints

  10. 正交各向异性板的粘接接头应力分析

    Stress analysis in adhesive - bonded joints for orthotropic plates

  11. 外加磁场对粘接接头剪切强度的影响

    Effect of magnetic field on shear strength of adhesively bonded single lap joint

  12. 水分在粘接接头界面的扩散系数和动力学

    The measurement of water diffusion coefficient and dynamics in adhesive / c-c composites joints

  13. 无磁杜瓦中三角形和梯形螺纹粘接接头的热应力比较

    Thermal stress analyses and comparison of triangular and trapezoidal threaded-adhesive joints applied in non-magnetic Dewar

  14. 本文采用氦质谱仪对螺纹粘接接头的真空性能进行了实验研究。

    The vacuum performance of threaded-adhesive joints was investigated experimentally using the helium mass spectrometer leak detector .

  15. 该文实验研究了循环载荷对粘接接头气密性的影响。

    In this study , effect of cyclic load on the vacuum tightness of the adhesively bonded joint was investigated experimentally .

  16. 根据粘接接头的特点和需要,自行设计和制造了异种材料粘接强度测试平台。

    According to the characteristics and requirements of the adhesive joint , the authors design and set up the testing platform of bonding strength for different materials .

  17. 粘接接头在经历反复冷却、复温后能否保持良好的真空密封性,是决定无磁杜瓦耐用性的一个重要因素。

    Whether the adhesively bonded joints keep good vacuum tightness after experiencing repeatedly cooling and heating is an important factor that determines the durability of non-magnetic Dewar .

  18. 粘接接头的破坏形式,是由常温的C/C复合材料破坏转变为200℃及其以上温度的胶粘剂内聚破坏的。

    The break form of the adhesive / carbon-carbon composite joint is changed from C-C composite break at room temperature into adhesive break at higher than 200 ℃ .

  19. 铝合金试片在经过磷酸阳极化处理后,其粘接接头的拉剪强度能大幅提高。被粘物的厚度越大,则应力集中系数越小,胶接接头的剪切强度越大。

    Phosphoric acid anodizing treatment of aluminum alloys can promote the adhesion performance greatly . If the adherents are thicker , the stress concentration factor will be smaller , and which will bring about that the shear strength increases .

  20. 将概率统计的设计观念引入单搭接粘接接头,通过有限元分析方法分析了对粘接接头力学性能影响较大的因素,并在抽样100次的情况下,分析了单搭接粘接接头失效的概率。

    A design conception on probabilistic statistics was introduced into adhesively bonded single lap joint , and finite element method was applied to analyze the factors which have important influences on the mechanical property of adhesive joint . Using 100 samples the failure probability was concluded .

  21. 粘接点焊单搭接头的静力分析

    A static model for weldbonding Single overlap joint