
  • 网络assimilative capacity
  1. 水体纳污能力计算与总量控制实施是水环境管理的重要组成部分,也是保障流域水环境安全、促进流域社会经济可持续发展的重要举措。

    Assimilative capacity calculation and total amount control implementation were the most important component of water environmental management , as well as protection of water environment security and promotion for economic and social sustainable development of watershed .

  2. 因此,水体纳污能力计算和污染负荷削减分配研究已成为流域水环境管理科学的前沿领域和研究热点之一。

    Thus the calculation and allocation of water assimilative capacity has become one of the focuses of the water environmental management science at present . In order to study water assimilative capacity and allocate pollution of watershed , taking Lan River watershed in Lanxi City as an example .

  3. 研究结果主要包括:1、建立了钱塘江流域水体COD和氨氮纳污能力量化方法。

    The main results are summarized as follows . 1 . The quantitative method of COD and NH4 + - N assimilative capacities were established .

  4. 通过对山溪性河流、湖泊水库、感潮河段以及各断面水质达标要求研究,运用一维、二维水质模型,测算了流域干流和一级支流水体COD、氨氮纳污能力。

    The capacity of the main stream of the Qiantang River and its primary tributary to assimilative COD and NH4 + - N were calculated using the 1-D and 2-D water quality model .

  5. 河流纳污能力管理手段的思考

    Thinking about the management on river capacity to contain polluted water

  6. 淮河淮南、蚌埠段动态纳污能力分析

    Dynamic pollution receiving capacity in Huainan-Bengbu section of the Huaihe River

  7. 山东省地表水纳污能力研究

    Study on Surface Water Pollutant Carrying Capacity in Shandon Province

  8. 福建省典型水体纳污能力计算研究

    A Research of Algorithm of Environmental Capacity in Fujian Province Classical Regions

  9. 江苏省淮河流域纳污能力浅析

    Pollutants bearing capacity of Huaihe River basin in Jiangsu Province

  10. 太河水库水域总氮的纳污能力分析与总量控制

    Water Capacity Analysis and Total Amount Control on TN in the Taihe Reservoir

  11. 基于未确知性信息的河流纳污能力计算初探

    Unascertained information based-calculation of water environment capacity of rivers

  12. 水域纳污能力分析方法研究与应用

    Methods for Calculation of Water Pollutant Capacity and Application

  13. 塔里木河干流纳污能力分析与评价

    Analysis and Assessment about the Pollutant-holding Capability of the Mainstream of Tarim River

  14. 探索了基于纳污能力的流域水质目标管理技术。

    The exploratory study for the technique of water-quality target management was carried out .

  15. 象山港水文特征及纳污能力的分析

    Analyses of the hydrography features and the ability for containing contaminator for port Xiangshan

  16. 宽浅型河道纳污能力计算方法

    Water Environment Capacity Calculating Method for Shallow-Broad Rivers

  17. 污染源概化对一维模型纳污能力计算的影响分析

    Impact of Pollution Source Generalization on Computation of Pollution Carrying Capacity in 1-D Model

  18. 水体纳污能力量化问题探讨

    Discussion on quantification of pollutant carrying capacity

  19. 不确定性信息下河道型水库纳污能力计算初探

    Primary Study on Calculation of Water Environmental Capacity of Main Stream Reservoir under Unascertained Information

  20. 水域纳污能力计算的不确定性及其定量控制

    The Uncertainty on Computation of Allowable Assimilative Capacity of Water Bodies and its Quantitative Control

  21. 大型浅水湖泊纳污能力核算的风场设计条件分析

    Analysis on designed wind field condition for pollution capacity calculation in a large-scale shallow lake

  22. 纳污能力和污染物入河控制量定义分析

    Definition and analysis about accepted dirty ability and the controlling quantity of the pollution into the river

  23. 第二松花江松原市江段纳污能力及总量控制分析

    The Analysis Total Amount control and Capacity of Receiving Pollutants in Songyuan City Reaches of Second-Songhua River

  24. 大沽河干流青岛段纳污能力及排污总量控制分析

    The Total Amount Control and the Water Environmental Capacity of Water Pollution in Qingdao Section of Dagu River

  25. 环境容量是描述环境要素纳污能力的自然科学表述。

    Environmental capacity is a natural science nomenclature to describe the pollution capacity that accommodated by the environmental stuffs .

  26. 渭河流域宝鸡段水体纳污能力及总量控制定额分析计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Water Environmental Carrying Capacity and Allowable Pollutant Total Control Quota in Baoji in the Weihe River

  27. 实例研究表明,所建模型对水体纳污能力及其风险问题研究具有很好的适用性。

    Case study shows that the models proposed upward were suitable for the scientific determination of river water environmental carrying capacity .

  28. 依靠现状资料进行了水质模型参数的分析、试验和率定,对河流纳污能力进行了分析和计算,制定了各单元污染物排放的控制量和消减量。

    Analyze and calculate the river dirty ability , make every entrance control amount and cutting down amount of disposal of pollutants .

  29. 根据水体纳污能力及其总量控制的基本理论,科学地划定和论证了水功能区划成果。

    According to the theory of water carrying capacity and total mass control , the results of water functional regionalization were validated .

  30. 在对河段污染源进行概化的基础上提出纳污能力的计算方法及计算公式。

    Based on the generalization of river pollution sources , a method and a formula for calculation of water environment capacity are proposed .