
  • 网络aerospace composite
  1. 最后展望了光纤Bragg光栅传感器在航空航天复合材料/结构健康监测中的应用前景。

    Finally , the prospect of fiber Bragg grating sensor in the field of aerospace composite and structures health monitoring is set forth .

  2. 航天复合材料空气耦合式超声检测技术研究及应用

    Application and Research on Air-coupled Ultrasonic Testing for Aerospace Composite Materials

  3. 光纤光栅传感器在航空航天复合材料/结构健康监测中的应用

    Applications of fiber Bragg grating sensor for aerospace composite and structures health monitoring

  4. 热压罐-铺层技术是现阶段航空、航天复合材料构件的主要成型方法,但使用该技术对航天领域大型复杂结构舱段进行整体成型的相关工艺研究很少。

    Nowadays autoclave-overlay technology is the main molding method to fabricate composite components applied in aerospace .

  5. 详细介绍了其传感器在航空航天复合材料/结构健康监测中的应用和发展状况;

    The development and applications of fiber Bragg grating sensor for health monitoring in aerospace composite and structures are introduced in detail .

  6. 在此基础上,以建立科学、全面、有效的评估体系为目标,提出了西安航天复合材料研究所中层管理人员绩效考核改进方法。

    On this basis , bring forward amelioration blueprint of it which aim at establishing scientific , roundly and effective evaluation method .

  7. 航空航天复合材料无损检测研究现状航空润滑油稀释倾点测定方法

    Review of NDE of Composite Materials in Aerospace Fields testing method for diluted pour point of lubricating oil for aircraft reciprocating engine

  8. 本文对西安航天复合材料研究所中层管理者绩效考核具有实际的指导作用,同时也希望对其他企业尤其是国有企业的人力资源管理工作有所借鉴和启示。

    This thesis has a down-to-earth guiding function to the middle-level governor performance evaluation work of C enterprise , at the same time , wish other enterprise especially stated-owned enterprise can make use of it in their personnel management work .

  9. 航天用复合材料的应用研究现状与展望

    Progress and Prospect of Composite Material in Space Application

  10. 航空航天结构复合材料湿热老化机理的研究

    Study on Hygrothermal Ageing Mechanisms of Aerospace Structural Composites

  11. 特别是对航空航天用复合材料产品,装配尺寸精度将直接影响到产品的外观及气动特性。

    Especially for aerospace composite products , assembly dimensional accuracy will directly affect the appearance and aerodynamic characteristics of the products .

  12. 本文重点介绍了我国航天用复合材料的研究情况,并展望了今后的发展趋势。

    In this paper , the present status and prospect of applied research on composite materials for aero-space application in China are given .

  13. 航天先进复合材料是航天高技术重要组成之一,对航天高技术有举足轻重的影响。

    The aerospace advanced composite material ( AACM ) was one of important component parts of aerospace high-tech and proved to exert a decisive influence .

  14. 航天大型蜂窝复合材料构件的配合型面加工技术

    Technique of manufacturing matching surfaces of the aerospace large scale honeycomb complex material structure

  15. 航空航天用树脂基复合材料

    Resin Matrix Composites for Aircraft and Spacecraft

  16. 文中重点介绍在航天领域内先进复合材料所用基体、纤维、制造技术的研究水平、应用现状和发展前景。

    The matrices , fibres of the advanced composite in space industry , and the state-of-the-art , application status and development prospect of the manufacturing techniques are mainly discussed .

  17. 复合材料高压容器由于其质量轻近年来被广泛应用在航天方面,但是复合材料气密性差,通常用金属内衬来提高其气密性。

    The composites high pressure vessels are widely used in the space field for its light weight . Because the airproof performance of the composites is poor , we use the aluminum liners to improve the airproof performance of the vessels .

  18. 航天高技术从军事对抗和环境条件方面对先进复合材料提出了许多特殊的需求;介绍了航天先进复合材料的研究进展。

    In this paper the demands of aerospace high-tech on AACM , as well as progress and prospect of AACM were briefly introduced .