
  1. 教育和环境是中国面临的两大最为艰巨的挑战,而诺丁汉大学是首家获准在中国创办卫星校园的外国机构。诺丁汉大学是2007年国泰航空奖得主。

    Education and the environment are two of China 's toughest challenges and the University of Nottingham , honorary award winner at the 2007 Cathay Pacific Business Awards , was the first overseas institution allowed to establish a satellite campus inside the country .

  2. Skytrax在英国范堡罗国际航空航天展览会期间公布了“2016年全球最佳航空公司奖”,这家总部位于迪拜的国际航空公司摘得桂冠。

    The international airline , based in Dubai , won the top honors at the Skytrax World Airline Awards ceremony at the Farnborough International Airshow in England .