
  1. 霍尼韦尔正与中石油、中国国航以及波音公司(Boeing)合作,在中国建立航空生物燃料基础设施。

    Honeywell is working with PetroChina , Air China and Boeing to create an aviation biofuels infrastructure in China .

  2. 今年7月,国际监管机构通过了将此类航空生物燃料用于商业飞行的许可。此次飞行符合相关规定。

    The flight follows international regulators ' approval in July of the commercial use such aviation biofuels .

  3. 决定在适当的时候联合举行中国可持续航空生物燃料战略研究、验证与使用项目的启动仪式。

    Decided to jointly hold a launching ceremony at an appropriate time for the project of strategic research , validation and utilization of Chinese sustainable aviation biofuels .

  4. 波音公司在一份声明中表示,已拟定一份计划,准备将地沟油用于生产可持续的航空生物燃料。所谓地沟油,是指来自中国餐馆和街头摊贩的废弃食用油。

    Boeing said in a statement that it has cooked up a plan to use the waste cooking oil from China 's restaurants and street vendors , known as gutter oil , into sustainable aviation biofuel .

  5. 波音公司在一份声明中表示,已拟定一份计划,准备将“地沟油”用于生产可持续的航空生物燃料。所谓“地沟油”,是指来自中国餐馆和街头摊贩的废弃食用油。

    Boeing said in a statement that it has cooked up a plan to use the waste cooking oil from China 's restaurants and street vendors , known as " gutter oil , " into sustainable aviation biofuel .

  6. 两者在北京建立的中国商飞-波音航空节能技术中心与中国多所大学和研究机构合作,为提高航空生物燃料、空中交通管理等航空效率而共同努力。

    Their Boeing-COMAC Aviation Energy Conservation and Emissions Reductions Technology Center in Beijing works with Chinese universities and research institutions to expand knowledge in areas that improve aviation 's efficiency , such as aviation biofuel and air traffic management .

  7. 波音公司和中国商用飞机有限责任公司合作建立了一个航空生物示范项目,该项目将把废弃食用油,即人们常说的地沟油,转化为航空生物燃料。

    Boeing and Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China today opened a demonstration facility that will turn waste cooking oil , commonly referred to as gutter oil in China , into sustainable aviation biofuel .