
liè yīng
  • falcon;shikra
猎鹰 [liè yīng]
  • [falcon;shikra] 印度一种小的鹰( Accipiter badius ),有时用于鹰猎

猎鹰[liè yīng]
  1. 第二天早上,国王看到另一只猎鹰在天空中自由飞翔。

    The next morning , the king saw the other falcon flying above in the sky freely .

  2. 农夫回答说:"这很容易。我刚砍掉了猎鹰休息的树枝。"

    The farmer replied , " It 's very easy . I just cut off the branch where the falcon rested . "

  3. 布法罗比尔队以41:14大胜亚特兰大猎鹰队。

    The Buffalo Bills routed the Atlanta Falcons 41 – 14 .

  4. 有一次,一个国王从他的儿子那里得到了两只漂亮的猎鹰。

    Once a king got two nice falcons from his son .

  5. 他以前从未见过这么漂亮的猎鹰。

    He had never seen such beautiful falcons before .

  6. 他非常爱他们,他命令最好的猎鹰训练他们飞行。

    He loved them so much and he ordered the best falconer to train them to fly .

  7. 国王召集了所有的猎鹰,命令它们尽一切可能让另一只猎鹰飞起来。

    The king called all his falconers together and ordered them to try every way they could to make the other falcon fly .

  8. 他发现一只猎鹰已经能够在天空中飞得很高了,而另一只却静静地呆在树枝上,一动不动。

    He found that one falcon had already been able to fly high in the sky , while the other was staying on the branch of a tree quietly , just keeping still .

  9. 《猎鹰与冬兵》的最后一集也一样。

    Marvel and The Winter Soldier " was no different .

  10. 据《好莱坞报道》报道,“猎鹰”安东尼·麦凯已和漫威签约,将会主演《美国队长4》。

    The Falcon 's Captain America 4 , The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed .

  11. 男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。

    The boys went hunting with their falcon .

  12. 《猎鹰与冬兵》这部剧获得了相当不错的口碑和影迷反响,拿下五项艾美奖提名,塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦在剧中饰演冬日战士布坎南·巴恩斯。

    Falcon and the Winter Soldier , which also stars Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes , the Winter Soldier , has earned strong critical and fan reaction . It is nominated for five Emmys .

  13. 猎鹰行动,这是一款2D主视角的射击游戏,还不错。

    Falcon , which is a main2D perspective shooting games , not bad .

  14. 该公司的这种新型火箭被称为重型猎鹰(FalconHeavy)。

    Its new rocket is called the Falcon Heavy .

  15. 这是位于加利福尼亚州霍桑的太空探索技术公司(SpaceExplorationTechnologiesCorporation)——更多地被简称为SpaceX——制造的“猎鹰9号”火箭19次发射历史上的首次失败。

    It was first failure in 19 launchings of the Falcon 9 rocket built by Space Exploration Technologies of Hawthorne , California , better known as SpaceX .

  16. 这一周,全世界体育迷们的目光都投向了休斯顿,这里将举办爱国者VS猎鹰的超级碗决赛。

    The eyes of the sports world are on Houston this week as the Patriots and Falcons prepare for Super Bowl LI .

  17. 猎鹰重型火箭是自“土星5号”(SaturnV)将宇航员送上月球以来发射的推力最强大的火箭。

    The Falcon Heavy is the most powerful rocket to be launched since the Saturn V programme took astronauts to the Moon .

  18. 民营企业H公司为了参加A地林场的公开拍卖,委托笔者牵头组成猎鹰调查小组,对A地林场展开了一次营销调查研究。

    In order to take part in a auction of state-owned forest farm A , the private company H asked the author to form a team to pursue a study on marketing for the farm .

  19. 随着时间的推移,SpaceX公司希望每年发射10艘重型猎鹰火箭。

    In time , SpaceX hopes to launch ten Falcon Heavy rockets a year .

  20. 马尔他猎鹰号船舱内的客厅《奢华人生》现在可以确认《Yachtpals》上一则没有指明来源的消息:买家是对冲基金IkosPartners的创办人ElenaAmbrosiadou。

    Wealth Report can now confirm an unsourced report on Yachtpals , that the buyer was Elena Ambrosiadou , founder of the hedge fund Ikos Partners .

  21. DDT的使用使得生活在美国东部的猎鹰在其许多正常生活区域内归于灭绝。

    The use of DDT caused the peregrine falcon to become extinct throughout much of its normal range throughout the Eastern United States .

  22. 这枚火箭是猎鹰9号,协议在今年最后两架航空飞机——奋进号和亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机退役之后达成。1.capacityn.才能,能力

    The rocket is the Falcon 9 , and the deal is for after the two last shuttles -- Endeavour and Atlantis -- are retired this year .

  23. 上周,SpaceX的一枚无人驾驶的猎鹰9号(Falcon9)火箭在佛罗里达州的发射台上发生爆炸;去年6月,SpaceX的一枚火箭在向国际空间站(InternationalSpaceStation)运输货物途中解体。

    Its pilotless Falcon 9 rocket exploded on its Florida launch pad last week , and in June a cargo flight bound for the International Space Station broke apart in mid-air .

  24. 他们计划于明年将搭载该探测器的SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭从卡纳拉维尔角发射升空。

    They plan to launch the vehicles from Cape Canaveral next year on a Space X Falcon 9 rocket .

  25. 4G任务将于2019年由SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭从美国卡纳维拉尔角发射。

    The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2019 .

  26. SpaceX公司已经与美国宇航局达成一项15亿美元的协议,使用一种较小的猎鹰9号火箭向国际空间站运送货物。

    SpaceX already has a billion-and-a-half-dollar deal with NASA to use a smaller rocket to transport cargo to the International Space Station .

  27. Viasat公司原本已与SpaceX签订了卫星发射合同,计划利用后者的“猎鹰”重型火箭发射它的ViaSat2卫星。

    Viasat originally signed a contract with SpaceX to launch its ViaSat 2 satellite into space via SpaceX 's Falcon Heavy rocket .

  28. 《奢华人生》的读者应该还会记起8月份马尔他猎鹰号(MalteseFalcon)出售的消息。风险投资家珀金斯(TomPerkins)造的这艘游艇长290英尺,是世界最大的私人游艇。

    Wealth Report readers will recall the August sale of Maltese Falcon , the290-foot square-rig-and the largest private sailing yacht in the world-that was built by venture-capitalist Tom Perkins .

  29. 一批世界上最小的卫星即将于4月14日升空入轨,搭乘SpaceX的猎鹰9号火箭。

    Some of the world 's smallest satellites are set to fly into orbit on April 14th , aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket .

  30. 就算双方正在打官司,SpaceX还是通过了美国空军的认证,从而有资格用自己的猎鹰9号火箭发射军用航天器。

    Even as it was suing the Air Force , SpaceX still managed to receive USAF certification to launch military hardware aboard it Falcon 9 rocket .