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  • Orion
猎户座[liè hù zuò]
  1. 齐塔人是从猎户座而来,DNA来自爬虫族吗

    Being from Orion do Zetas contain DNA from the Reptilian race ?

  2. 猎户座B的射电观测

    Radio Observation of Orion B

  3. 而红族人则是天狼星人、昴宿星人、猎户座人和大角星人DNA的混合。

    The red nation peoples were a composite of Sirian , Pleiadian , Orion and Arcturian DNA .

  4. NASA也已经开始建造一款重型火箭,名为太空发射系统(SpaceLaunchSystem),它将在以后的发射任务中搭载猎户座。

    NASA also started work on a heavy-lift rocket known as the Space Launch System that will carry Orion on future launchings .

  5. 猎户座中SiO脉泽分布的新模型

    A New Model of the SiO Maser Distribution in Orion

  6. 尽管最近几年NASA的预算得到了大量的削减,但是在2006年的时候给该实验室拨款61亿美元用以研发猎户座飞船。

    Despite massive NASA budget cuts recently , NASA gave the lab $ 6.1 billion in 2006 for Orion 's construction .

  7. 根据计划,猎户座将于2017年进行首次太空探险,到时猎户座飞船将首次与NASA的新空间发射系统相结合。

    Orion'sfirst exploration mission , which will be the first to combine Orion with NASA'snew SpaceLaunch System , is scheduled for 2017 .

  8. 根据NASA网站上的说法,猎户座的首次测试飞行将于年底前完成,运载火箭将是三角洲四号运载火箭。

    According to NASA 's website , Orion 's first test flight willoccur by the end of the year , with Orion atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket .

  9. 他们研发了一个名为Orion的系统,这是道路优化与导航集成系统(On-RoadIntegratedOptimizationandNavigation)的缩写,也是希腊神话中猎户座的名字。如果说现在有什么大数据分析学上的成就的话,那就是它了。

    A system called Orion , short for On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation , named after the hunter in Greek mythology , and a big data analytics effort if there ever was one .

  10. P-3C猎户座(Orion)侦察机每小时可以侦查1000至1500平方英里的区域。

    Crews in its P-3C Orion surveillance aircraft cover 1,000 to 1,500 square miles each hour .

  11. 在史密森学会8月份的《航天与航空》杂志中,汤姆·范德比尔特测试了NASA最新的猎户座宇宙飞船,该飞船将比以往任何飞船都要深入太空中去。

    In the August issue of Smithsonian 's Air & Space magazine , Tom Vanderbilt tests out NASA 's new Orion spaceship , which will go deeper into space than anyspaceship has before .

  12. “猎户座”原本是让宇航员重返月球计划的组成部分,该计划在乔治·W·布什(GeorgeW.Bush)担任美国总统期间启动。一些怀疑者质疑“猎户座”是否有存在的必要,觉得这可能是在浪费数以十亿计的美元。

    Some skeptics have questioned whether Orion , originally part of a program started under President George W. Bush to send astronauts back to the moon , is even necessary , or a waste of billions of dollars .

  13. “猎户座”的外形与阿波罗(Apollo)锥形太空舱相近,但是体积更大,它已经搭载在了佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的德尔塔IV重型火箭上。

    Orion , which looks like a larger version of the cone-shaped Apollo capsule , is sitting atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida .

  14. NASA希望捕捉一个小行星,并把它带到月球附近,然后宇航员将乘坐猎户座飞到小行星上去看一看。

    NASA is pursuing the idea of capturing a small asteroid and taking it to the neighborhood of the moon , and astronauts would then fly in Orion to the asteroid to take a look .

  15. 同时,海军还从日本军事基地派出P-3C猎户座侦察机。

    The Navy has also sent the P-3C Orion aircraft from Japan .

  16. 但国会很多议员并不同意取消它,于是NASA重新启动了一个精简版的猎户座项目,将其作为国际空间站的救生艇,它的设计非常接近于被取消的那个。

    But many members of Congress disagreed , and NASA revived a stripped-down version of Orion to be used as a lifeboat for the International Space Station , then resumed a design very close to what had been canceled .

  17. 曾是美国海军少校的弗拉纳根表示,在1986年加入美国联合航空之前的20年间,他曾驾驶C-130运输机为在南极洲的“深冻行动”(OperationDeepFreeze)提供支援,还曾驾驶过P-3猎户座海上侦察机。

    Flanagan , a former lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy , said he flew C-130 transport aircraft in support of Operation Deep Freeze in Antarctica and P-3 Orions ( maritime surveillance aircraft ) for 20 years before joining United in 1986 .

  18. 新的太空舱名为猎户座(Orion),这次试飞不会载人,但NASA希望它会开启包括登陆火星在内的人类新一轮太阳系探索的第一步。

    No one will be aboard this flight test of the new capsule , Orion , but NASA hopes it is the first step toward human exploration of the solar system , including an eventual landing on Mars .

  19. 范德比尔认为猎户座飞船是NASA最富雄心的飞船,而且将在未来30年内带领人类进行太空探索。NASA希望猎户座飞船能够完成从探月到火星探险等任务。

    Orion , Vanderbiltwrites , is " NASA 's most ambitious crewed vehicle ever " and will " carry the human space program for the next 30 years . " NASA hopesOrion will be able to complete everything from lunar exploration to Marsmissions .

  20. 由于澳大利亚和新西兰空军的P3猎户座飞机因距离太远且依赖于红外成像而受限,中国空军伊尔-76飞机成为有力的救援力量,目前搜索行动面临的挑战是可用资源有限。

    With Australian and New Zealand airforce P3 Orions limited by the vast distances and their dependence on infrared imaging , the Chinese IL-76 will be a welcome relief to the authorities here as the challenges of the task at hand begin to overwhelm available resources .

  21. 这其中包括新西兰皇家空军(RoyalNewZealandAirForce)的一架P-3“猎户座”(Orion),该巡逻机将在周四完成第27次任务(估计已花费120万新西兰元(约合100万美元))后返回新西兰。

    They include a Royal New Zealand Air Force P-3 Orion , which will return to New Zealand Thursday after completing 27 missions estimated to have cost the small nation about 1.2 million New Zealand dollars ( US $ 1 million . ) Two U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon aircraft flying missions in search of debris on the ocean surface ,

  22. 奥西里斯的到来是被三个智者宣布的,即三颗星:Mintaka,Anilam,和猎户座的参宿一带的Alnitak。直接指向奥西里斯的明星在东部,天狼星是他出生的迹象。

    Osiris coming was announced by Three Wise Men : the three stars Mintaka , Anilam , and Alnitak in the belt of Orion , which point directly to Osiris'star in the east , Sirius , as a sign of his birth .

  23. 阿的猎户座星云的恒星托儿所数字的看法。

    A digital view of the stellar nurseries of the Orion Nebula .

  24. 猎户座首次载人飞行任务安排在2020年代初。

    Orion 's first manned mission is planned for the early 2020s .

  25. 事实上,上边那颗星就是猎户座中左侧的一颗星。

    Actually the star just at the top is the lefthand star in Orion .

  26. 在猎户座的腰带上远远超过三颗星。

    The constellation of Orion holds much more than three stars in a row .

  27. 猎户座中的其他恒星喷射出遍及画面的彩虹般色彩。

    Additional stars in Orion are sprinkled throughout the image in a rainbow of colors .

  28. 周日黎明最佳观赏猎户座流星雨。

    Orionid meteor shower peaks Sunday morni .

  29. 猎户座公司的下一个目标是打造全球首个太空公寓。

    Orion Span 's next mission ? To launch the world 's first condominiums in space .

  30. 在升空前,旅客将完成为期三个月的猎户座宇航员认证培训项目。

    Travelers will complete a three-month Orion Span Astronaut Certification ( OSAC ) program before take-off .