  • candle
  • illuminate;light up;shine upon
  • watt
  • 用线绳或苇子做中心,周围包上蜡油,点着取亮的东西(古代亦称“火炬”):蜡~。花~。~光。~泪。~台。风~残年。

  • 洞悉:洞~其奸。

  • 灯泡瓦特数的俗称:十五~的灯泡。


(蜡烛) candle:

  • 花烛

    wedding candles;

  • 寿烛

    birthday candle


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 烛之武

    Zhu Zhiwu


[书] (照亮; 照见) illuminate; light up; shine upon:

  • 日月所烛。

    All that is illumined by the sun and the moon.

  • 火光烛天。

    The blaze lit up the sky.


(灯泡的瓦特数) watt:

  • 50烛的灯泡

    a 50-watt bulb

  1. 小客车内氧烛紧急制氧技术研究

    On emergency oxygen - generation by using chlorate candle for passenger cars

  2. 那一份坚持,会点燃一烛亮光?

    That will be lit a candle on , light ?

  3. 日月所烛。

    All that is illumined by the sun and the moon .

  4. 许个愿吧,把蛋糕上的焟烛都吹灭。

    Make a wish and blow out the candles on your cake .

  5. 我爱你的程度,就像日光和烛焰下那每天不用说得的需要。

    I love thee to the level of every day 's Most quiet need , by sun and candle-light .

  6. 相移全息CT技术测量双烛火焰温度场

    Measurement of Two-Candle Flame Temperature Field by Phase-Shifting Holographic CT Technique

  7. 超临界CO2萃取南烛叶有效成分的色谱分析

    Chromatography analysis on constituents of leaves of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb by supercritical CO 2 extraction

  8. 氧烛对高原夜间睡眠呼吸暂停及SaO2的影响

    Effects of Oxygen Candle on Apnea and SaO_2 of Migrants at High Altitude

  9. 在试样的对比实验中,CO2烛缸法的乳酸菌计数结果是国家标准方法的20倍。

    In sample comparison experiments , the counting result of lactic acid bacteria by CO 2 method was 20 times more than that by aerobic culture method .

  10. 本文的研究对象是汉英两种语言中烛和CANDLE的国俗语义。

    The objective of the study is the National Cultural Connotation ( NCC ) of CANDLE both in Chinese and English language .

  11. 用平板厌氧胶、双抗-TJA、CO2烛缸代替常规的检测方法,明显看出用优化条件测定乳酸菌的优势。

    The advantages of optimized detection of Lactobacillus are remarkably shown when anaerobic adhesive plate testing , bi-anti-TJA and CO2 box are used instead of conventional detection methods .

  12. 陕西黄陵矿区侏罗纪煤系4号煤层中,有厚达4m的特殊煤种(烛煤)。

    A specific coal specces ( cannel ), which is up to 4m is thickness , in discovered is the No.

  13. 将分离出的1602株支原体经三次传代成纯培养物后接种于液体培养基,置烛缸37℃培养24~48h,检测其耐药性。

    After three-passage cultivation , the pure-culture was inoculated to fluid medium , cultured for 24 - 48h at 37 ℃ . Antibiotic-resistance of the isolate was studied .

  14. 目的探讨Fas、FaslmRNA在伏格特-烛柳-原田(Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada,VKH)综合征患者外周血淋巴细胞的表达。

    Objective To evaluate the expression of Fas and FasL messenger RNA ( mRNA ) in peripheral blood lymphocytes and its possible role in the pathogenesis of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome .

  15. 为快速、准确地计数活性乳酸菌制品中的乳酸菌,用CO2烛缸法代替现行国家标准GBT16347&1996活性乳酸菌饮料中乳酸菌微生物检验方法中的有氧培养法。

    In order to count lactic acid bacteria in living lactic acid bacteria products accurately , we substituted the aerobic culture method adopted in present national standard in China with CO 2 method ( removing oxygen from an airtight container by burning of candle ) .

  16. 烛焰在电场中偏斜的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Deflection of Candle Flame in Electrostatic Field

  17. 烛状陶瓷过滤元件过滤流动特性试验研究

    Experimental Study of Filter Flowing Characteristics for Candle Ceramic Filter Elements

  18. 沙岩花盆主要用于养花;腊烛台主要是圣诞节点腊烛用。

    The resin sandstone flowerpot main use in feeding the flower .

  19. 微波诱导技术用于氧烛制氧的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Oxygen Generation using Chlorate Candle with Microwave Induction

  20. 虽然不及镶在天空的金烛那么灿烂;

    As those gold candles fix 'd in heaven 's air ;

  21. 把蜡烛放在烛台上。蜡烛一直烧到烛盘底上。

    The candle had burned down to the socket of the candlestick .

  22. 总是在那幽谷中的小家周围点烛思乡。

    Was always waxing lyrical about his wee home in the glen .

  23. 巨人似的口风,奇形怪状的熄烛帽,超人用的扇子。

    The gigantic bellows , the monstrous extinguishers , the superhuman fans .

  24. 蜡烛已经燃尽,流淌着烛水;

    and when the candles were burnt down and guttering out ; -

  25. 我国特种煤&烛煤溶剂抽提物类型与工艺研究

    Study on the Extracts of Special Coal-Cannel and Its Technology

  26. 巨大的铜烛台上的烛全都燃着。

    The lights burn clear in the heavy brass candelabra .

  27. 你是烛,我是你的火焰。

    U " re the candle , I " m the fire .

  28. 一支孤烛照亮着黑暗的地窖。

    A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the cellar .

  29. 她穿好新睡衣,坐在已点亮的龙凤烛前。

    She put on new underclothes and sat before lit dragon-and-phoenix candles .

  30. 但谁能列举出那成千上万种熄灭长生烛的方法呢?

    But who can describe the thousand means of extinguishing the moccoletto ?