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  • 网络earth's shadow
  1. 在“星蚀”季节期间日子里由于太阳光被地球阴影遮挡使太阳能电池阵列不能提供能量。

    Each day during the " satellite eclipse " season the sun is blocked by the earth and sunlight is not available to the goes solar array .

  2. 针对天线轨道位置的时变性及抛物反射器的几何特点,讨论了太阳辐射光线与轨道面的夹角、进出地球阴影区的时刻等参数。

    Aiming at the geometric characteristics of the reflector and time-dependence of antenna orbit position , parameters of angle between solar radiation light and orbit surface and time of antenna 's entering and leaving the earth shallow are discussed .

  3. 欢笑的声音,地球的阴影,混合鸣响。

    Sounds of laughter , shades of earth are ringing .

  4. 地球的阴影有时落在月球上。

    The earth 's shadow sometimes falls on the moon .

  5. 这是一个太阳同步轨道,卫星在轨道上运行,但不会进入地球的阴影。

    That 's a sun-synchronous orbit where the satellite tracks but never moves into the Earth 's shadow .

  6. 极少数的时候,整个月亮进入地球的阴影,太阳的光线会被挡住。

    On rare occasions a full moon passes through the earth 's shadow and the sun 's light is blocked .

  7. 地球的阴影完全挡住月亮时,也就是全食,持续了一个小时四十分钟。

    The period when the earth 's shadow completely blocks the moon , known as totality , lasted an hour and forty minutes .

  8. 轨道的实线部分显示卫星处于太阳光照之中,而虚线部分则表示卫星处在地球的阴影里,所以可以观测到。

    Solid part of orbit shows where the satellite is sunlit , and the dashed part where it is in the Earth 's shadow and invisible .

  9. 本文还利用数学函数模型法,通过研究月球在地球表面投射阴影的形状及其受影响程度,从另一方面进行可见光云图日食阴影的订正实验研究。

    Otherwise , through studying eclipse 's shape and size , this paper uses a math-function-model to eliminating eclipse shadow .

  10. 阳光照射在地球上形成了阴影。

    The sun shines on the Earth and creates a shadow .

  11. 此时,地球正在移除人类物种和地球表面所有外来阴影梦想的过程中。

    At this time , earth is in the process of removing all foreign shadow dreams from the human species and the surface of the earth .

  12. 这是本年度第二次月食,月亮地球唯一的卫星,将被遮蔽在地球的阴影里。

    During the eclipse - which is the second to occur this year - our only natural satellite will be fully covered by the Earth 's shadow .

  13. 当月亮位于地球和太阳之间时,沿一条宽62英里(即100公里)的路径在地球表面投下阴影,全日食现象由此产生。

    A total eclipse occurs when the moon comes between Earth and the sun , casting a lunar shadow onto the Earths surface along a narrow , 62-mile-wide ( 100-kilometer ) path .