
  • 网络geopark construction
  1. 中国国家地质公园建设的若干问题

    Some problems about the construction of National Geological Park of China

  2. 科普宣传对地质公园建设和发展的作用探析

    Effect of popular science propaganda on geoparks ′ construction and development

  3. 地质公园建设与旅游资源开发探析

    Geo-vestige protection , geo-park construction , and tourism resource exploitation

  4. 湖北地质公园建设存在的问题及建议

    Problems and suggestions on building geological parks in Hubei

  5. 西南地区地质公园建设和地质遗迹保护发展战略

    Construction of Geoparks and Preservation of Geological Relics in South-western Region of china

  6. 地质公园建设在旅游发展中的作用

    The Role of Geopark Development in Tourism

  7. 欧洲地质公园建设和意义

    The Construction and Significance of European Geoparks

  8. 中国西部地质公园建设的重点与难点及对策

    Difficult and Main Tasks in and Countermeasures for Construction of Geological Parks in West China

  9. 中国国家地质公园建设中的有关问题研究

    Issues during geoparks construction in China

  10. 以地质公园建设促进地质遗迹的保护开发并以此推建地质公园旅游的观点已成为共识。

    To building GeoParks to promote the protection of geological heritage and develope GeoPark tourism has become the consensus view .

  11. 处理好保护与开发的关系,地质公园建设和旅游资源开发都将取得令人瞩目的成效。

    To quicken geo-park construction , we need not only to conduct exploiting new tourism resources , but also to protect geo-vestiges .

  12. 笔者就地质公园建设与发展中的地质公园选址、地质公园范围的界定和地质公园规划三个重要问题进行了初步探讨。

    This paper discusses the choice to address , area demarcation and programming of Geopark , which will offer consultation , reference and guidance for construction and development of Geopark .

  13. 根据我国地质公园建设中所出现的问题,提出了合理开发和利用地质旅游资源,提高地质公园建设水平的措施。

    Proposed the rational suggestions about the problems on construction of geopark so that it is important to exploit and use geological and tourism resources reasonably and to improve the construction level of geopark .

  14. 上海崇明国家地质公园的建设与旅游管理现状

    Study on Shanghai Chongming National Geological Park Construction and Status quo of Tourism Management

  15. 河南省地质公园开发建设现状、问题及建议

    Development and suggestion of Geopark in Henan Province

  16. 地质公园的建设及其发展

    The Construction and Development of Geological Park

  17. 地质公园的建设与发展

    Construction and Development of Geopark

  18. 浅谈地质公园博物馆建设&以南充嘉陵江地质博物馆公园为例

    Simple Explanation of Construction of Geopark Museum & By the Example of the Jialing River Meander Geopark in Nanchong , Sichuan

  19. 中国在全球地质公园的建设中走在世界前列,截至2009年底,已建立国家地质公园182处,其中22处加入世界地质公园网络。

    China leads the word in the construction of geopark . By the end of 2009 , China had established 182 national geoparks , 22 of which joined in the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network .

  20. 地质公园的建设在地质遗迹资源和大众群体之间起到了桥梁作用,是一项既达到保护地质遗产,又服务于地方经济,促进地方经济发展的有利事业。

    As a bridge between the geological heritage resources and mass community , construction of geoparks not only protected the geological heritage , but also served district economics and promoted the development of local economics .

  21. 世界地质遗迹保护和地质公园建设的现状和展望

    Present State and Prospects of World Geological Relics Conservation and Geoparks Construction

  22. 重庆地质遗迹资源与地质公园建设

    Chongqing 's geological relic resources and construction of geological parks

  23. 本溪地质遗迹与地质公园的开发建设

    The Construction and Development of Geological Ruins and Geological Park in Benxi

  24. 加强宣传、科学规划、提高建设地质公园的自觉性、加大建设资金投入和提高地质公园科学研究程度,是加速重庆市地质公园建设步伐的重要举措。

    Strengthening propaganda and scientific research , scientific planning and allocating more funds are of importance to speeding up construction of geoparks in Chongqing City .

  25. 中国地质公园地质背景浅析和世界地质公园建设

    Geological background of national geoparks of China and construction of world geoparks

  26. 贵州的地质旅游资源得天独厚,国家地质公园的建设、世界地质公园的申报都为贵州开发地质旅游准备了充足条件。

    Guizhou is rich in original geological resources . National geological park construction and geological park of the world declaration has prepared ample conditions for developing Guizhou geological tourism .

  27. 自2000年国家实施地质公园计划以来,中国掀起了的地质公园建设的热潮;

    Since the implementation of the2000 national geopark project , a wave of construction of the geopark is set off in China ;

  28. 本文选取洛川黄土国家地质公园作为研究对象,总结了国内外地质公园发展建设理论与实践经验。

    The author makes a case study of Luochuan Loess national geopark and summarizes the developmental construction theory and proactive experience of domestic and alien geoparks .

  29. 省内地质遗迹资源丰富,为旅游地质资源的开发和地质公园建设,提供了坚实的资源基础和条件。

    The abundant geological heritage resources in Henan province provide stable base and condition for geoparks construction .

  30. 第一部分引言部分,简要地介绍了地质遗迹资源的概念、特征、属性以及目前我国地质公园建设的进程。

    Part 1 , the preface , briefly introduces the concept , the characteristics , the property of the geological remains , and for the moment the constructive course of our country 's national geopark as well .