
  • 网络philosophy of geoscience
  1. 地学哲学:世纪之交的回眸与展望

    The Earth science philosophy : A review and prospect when century is changing into the next

  2. 然而,地质学的真伪问题在地质学中是无法得以解决的,而须借助科学哲学、地学哲学的理论视野进行分析和解答。

    However , the problem of the geology is not resolved by itself , and it need to use the philosophy of science .

  3. 未来的地学哲学与找矿哲学(矿产勘查哲学)应向广义的资源系统哲学延伸。

    Future geo-science philosophy and mineral-explor ation philosophy ( mineral survey philosophy ) are supposed to extend to broadly-de fined resource systematic philosophy .

  4. 这不仅可填补地学哲学史学研究的空白,对地学哲学的学科建设亦有新的重要启迪。

    It can not only fill in the gaps of the Earth science philosophy history research , but also can be a new important enlightenment for establishment of this .

  5. 创建具有中国特色的有机论辩证唯物主义地学哲学,应该并必须从我国古代有机论自然观中吸取丰富的营养。

    To found an organic argument dialectical materialistic Earth science philosophy with Chinese character , we should and must draw rich nutrition from Chinese ancient organic natural point of view .

  6. “你真地想学哲学吗?”教授慢条斯理、一字一顿地问。

    ' Do you really want to study philosophy ? 'the professor asked , slowly and placing emphasis on each word .

  7. 她持续不断地学了五年哲学。

    She pursued the study of philosophy for five years .

  8. 地学研究中若干哲学问题的思考

    Thoughts on Several Philosophical Problems in the Research of Geology What 's Philosophy For

  9. 论新时期的人地关系&从地学哲学研究视角谈学习实践科学发展观

    On the Relationship between Human and Land Thoughts on Learning the Scientific Outlook on Development