
  • 网络Geological heritage protection;protection for geological heritage
  1. 详细叙述了用MAPGIS软件进行地质遗迹保护利用规划图的成图方法。

    This paper expounds in detail the mapping method for protection and utilization planning map of geological heritage by using MAPGIS software .

  2. 加强地质遗迹保护,造福子孙后代!

    Strengthen the conservation of geological relics and benefit future generations !

  3. 世界地质遗迹保护和地质公园建设的现状和展望

    Present State and Prospects of World Geological Relics Conservation and Geoparks Construction

  4. 开发旅游资源忽视地质遗迹保护和生态环境保护;

    Ignoring the protection of geological relics and ecological environment ;

  5. 四川九寨沟地质遗迹保护探讨

    An Approach to the Protection of Geological Vestiges in the Jiuzhai Valley

  6. 河南省地质遗迹保护工作的进展及问题

    The working progress and question of geological ICHNITE protection in Henan Province

  7. 试论江苏地质遗迹保护和利用

    Protection and Development of Geological Relics in Jiangsu Province

  8. 贵州三叠纪地质遗迹保护性利用研究

    Sustainable Use of the Triassic Geological Relics in Guizhou

  9. 地质遗迹保护开发的实施步骤与模式优选&以新疆为例

    Optimal-selection mode and step of geological heritage protection : A case study of Xinjiang

  10. 关于湖南省地质遗迹保护的几个问题

    Problems on protecting geological relics of Hunan Province

  11. 古生物化石与地质遗迹保护对于可持续发展具有重要意义。

    The protection of Ammonite res fossil and geologic trace is of great significance for attainable development .

  12. 美国国家公园的管理对我国地质遗迹保护区管理体制建设的启示

    Discussion on some enlightenment from the management of american 's National Park for our management system construction of geological traces protection zone

  13. 从政府管理的层面剖析了我国地质遗迹保护区存在的问题,并提出了改进的建议。

    This paper analyzes the problems in the geological relics protection zone in our country from the government management , and proposes the measurements for the improvement .

  14. 本次调查工作是四川省国土资源厅安排的四川省重点地质遗迹保护可行性规划的第二批项目。

    The survey is the second batch of projects for important geological heritage protection feasibility planning in Sichuan arranged by Bureau of Land and Resources of Sichuan Province .

  15. 我国地质遗迹保护的发展轨迹可划分为从属保护、独立保护、保护与开发协调3个阶段,反映出保护理念从单一保护到保护与开发相协调的演进。

    The protection of the geological heritage in China falls into three phases : subordinate protection , independent protection , coordinative protection and exploitation , indicating a progress from early protection to development protection .

  16. 东秦岭泥盆系沉积岩相地质遗迹及保护意义

    The DEVONIAN SEDIMENTARY ichnofacies in eastern Qinling and its protection significance

  17. 地质遗迹的保护和合理开发

    On the protection and rational exploitation of Geological vestige resources

  18. 地质遗迹自然保护区的建立与管理

    On the Construction and Administration of Natural Protective Areas of Geology Remains

  19. 浙江新昌硅化木地质遗迹的保护与开发

    Protection and development of the petrified woods geological trace , xinchang , Zhejiang

  20. 江苏省地质遗迹及其保护规划建议

    Jiangsu Geological heritage and some suggestions of the program

  21. 浅谈山东省地质遗迹及其保护

    Geological Traces and Its Protection in Shandong Province

  22. 山西省地质遗迹资源保护及可持续利用对策

    The Countermeasures for the Protection and Sustainable Utilization of the Geologic Relics Resources in Shanxi Province

  23. 地质遗迹资源保护与利用协调性评价&以陕西省为例

    Evaluation on the Relationship between Conservation and Utilization of Geological Relics : a Case from Shaanxi Province

  24. 它的建立既实现了对地质遗迹的保护,又推动了旅游业发展。

    It established not only to protect the geological heritage , but also to promote tourism industry development .

  25. 第三部分是对贵州三叠纪地质遗迹的保护性利用模式进行研究。

    In the third part we investigated the sustainable use pattern of the Triassic in Guizhou geological relic .

  26. 洛川黄土国家地质公园遗迹保护性利用与当地经济互动发展研究

    The Study on Protection and Utilization of the Luochuan Loess National Geopark and Interactive Development with the Local Economy

  27. 人类在利用和改造自然的历史中认识到地球遗产的重要性,开始重视地质遗迹的保护,建立地质公园就是保护地质遗迹的最佳办法。

    Human beings recognize the importance of the heritage of the earth in the history of taking advantage and remaking nature and they begin paying more attention to the protection of the geological heritage . The best method to protect the geological heritage is to establish the geological parks .

  28. 古生物化石及地质遗迹的刑法保护研究

    On the Criminal Protection of Ammonite Res Fossil and Geologic Trace

  29. 山西省地质遗迹资源及保护问题研究

    The Geological Sites Resources and Their Protection in Shanxi Province

  30. 黑龙江省地质遗迹与自然保护区的开发保护

    Exploitation and Preservation of Geological Relics and Natural Preservation Zones in Heilongjiang Province