
  • 网络stratigraphic reservoir;stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoir;sU'atigraphic oil-gas reservoir
  1. 为更充分反映各种油气藏形成特点,文中根据圈闭成因将油气藏划分为构造油气藏与地层油气藏两大类22亚类。

    According to the origin of grap , the oil & gas reservoirs are diveded into two large types ( structural reservoir and stratigraphic reservoir ) and 22 subtypes .

  2. 地层油气藏形成机制与分布规律研究综述

    Overview of research into formation mechanism and distribution law of stratigraphic reservoir

  3. ②创建了中低丰度岩性地层油气藏大面积成藏理论;

    Establish the large-area accumulation theory of low-medium abundance lithostratigraphic reservoirs ;

  4. 论坳陷盆地坡折带及湖岸线对岩性地层油气藏的控制作用

    Discussing Lithostratigraphic Reservoir Controlled by Slope Break and Shore Line in Depression

  5. 断陷盆地层序格架中岩性地层油气藏分布特征

    Distribution of stratigraphic and lithologic reservoirs in sequence framework of rift-subsidence basin

  6. 岩性-地层油气藏勘探方法技术研究现状及进展

    Current status and progress of exploration technology for lithologic-stratigraphic reservoirs in China

  7. 岩性地层油气藏勘探技术岩性油藏聚油排水机理探讨

    Oil accumulation and water discharge mechanism of lithologic reservoir

  8. 岩性地层油气藏储层地球物理响应与勘探原理

    The Geophysical Response and Exploration Principle on Litho-Stratigraphic Reservoir

  9. 准噶尔盆地腹部缓坡型岩性地层油气藏成藏控制因素分析

    Controlling Factors of Reservoir Formation in Ramp-type Lithostratigraphic Reservoir in Hinterland of Junggar Basin

  10. 主要有构造油气藏、地层油气藏和岩性油气藏三种类型。

    There are structural oil pool , stratigraphic oil pool and lithologic oil reservoir .

  11. 中国陆相岩性地层油气藏分布规律和控制因素研究进展

    Review of Distribution and Controlling Factors for Continental Lithologic and Stratigraphic Oil-Gas Reservoirs in China

  12. 塔里木盆地古生代海相地层油气藏类型及分布特征

    Types of hydrocarbon reservoirs and their distributive characteristics of the Palaeozoic marine strata , Tarim basin

  13. 西陡坡的物源供给是形成岩性地层油气藏的重要条件。

    The source supply of western steep slope was the important condition for forming the lithostratigraphic reservoir .

  14. 岩性地层油气藏是当前国内油气勘探最现实、最有潜力、最具普遍性的领域。

    The stratigraphic-lithologic reservoirs has become the most realistic , potential and widespread fields of hydrocarbon exploration in China .

  15. 岩性地层油气藏在我国陆上油气储量和产量中都占有非常重要的地位,层序地层学是该领域勘探研究的核心理论、技术之一。

    Stratigraphic / lithologic reservoirs play a very important role in reserves and production increase in Chinese onshore exploration .

  16. 通过勘探实践和研究积累,中石油股份公司形成了以三维地震和层序地层学为关键技术的岩性地层油气藏勘探配套技术系列。

    Through exploration practices and research , PetroChina has formed its own technique series focused on 3-D seismics and sequence stratigraphy .

  17. 江汉平原石炭系&下三叠统油气成藏条件研究岩性地层油气藏储层地球物理响应与勘探原理

    Assessment on Hydrocarbon-bearing Condition in Strata of Carboniferous ~ Lower Triassic , Jianghan Plain ; The Geophysical Response and Exploration Principle on Litho-Stratigraphic Reservoir

  18. 二是坚持科学的勘探程序,加快了岩性、地层油气藏的突破。

    Second , the scientific exploration procedure is adopted in the efforts to make breakthroughs in exploration of lithologic and stratigraphic oil and gas reservoirs .

  19. 中国陆上剩余油气资源主要分布在中低丰度岩性地层油气藏领域,勘探潜力巨大。

    The remaining onshore hydrocarbon resources in China , which are distributed in lithostratigraphic reservoirs of low and medium abundance , have great potential for exploration .

  20. 从区域石油地质条件研究入手,研究了长岭凹陷有利于形成岩性地层油气藏的构造背景及沉积相带。

    Based on the study of regional petroleum geologic condition , the structural setting and sedimentary facies belts which are favorable for lithologic reservoir formation are recognized .

  21. 但到目前为止,国内外对岩性地层油气藏的宏观分布规律的认识还没有完全掌握,在研究、勘探思路和技术方法上也仁者见仁,智者见智。

    But at present , we have not mastered the macro distribution regularity of lithostratigraphic reservoirs and have different understandment for research approaches , exploration thinking and technologies .

  22. 并建立了以寻找岩性地层油气藏为目标的吐鲁番坳陷中下侏罗统高精度层序地层格架。

    On the basis of the study a high-precision sequence framework of middle-lower Jurassic in Turpan Sag is established , which is very important for looking for lithologic hydrocarbon reservoirs .

  23. 单断型凹陷缓坡超覆带是形成地层油气藏的最有利带,缓坡多级断阶带是构造油气藏的最有利带。

    So , the overlap zone in plain slope of single-fault depression is prospecting in stratigraphic traps exploration and stage fault bench zone in plain slope is favorable in structural traps .

  24. 鄂尔多斯盆地中部大气田是发育在奥陶系顶碳酸盐岩古风化壳中的地层油气藏。

    The giant central gas field in E ′ erduosi Basin is a stratigraphic gas reservoirs developed in the ancient weathered crust of carbonate rocks on the top of the Ordovician .

  25. 研究认为:分形几何理论及方法在正确认识复杂非均质油藏及应力敏感地层油气藏方面具有独到优势。

    It is indicated that in correctly recognizing the complex heterogeneous oil reservoirs and stress-sensitive formation oil - gas reservoirs , fractal geometrical theory and the method are of unique advantage .

  26. 结合霸县凹陷勘探实践,分析了文安斜坡内带深层岩性地层油气藏形成的有利条件,并对圈闭资源量进行了预测。

    This paper addresses the favorable forming conditions of the lithostratigraphic reservoirs in the deep layers of Wen an inner slope belt in Baxian Depression and predicts the volume of trap resources .

  27. 但随着油气勘探开发难度的增加(如复杂山地、前陆冲断带和岩性地层油气藏的勘探与开发等),单一的纵波地震勘探难以满足油气勘探开发的需要。

    Nevertheless , with the increase of exploration and development difficulties for structural and stratigraphic traps in complex mountainous regions and thrusting belts in forelands and lithologic-stratigraphic oil-gas reservoirs , sole P-wave seismic method barely meets these needs .

  28. 在石油与天然气勘探中,应用地震相的理论和分析方法,在解释地层油气藏和岩性油气藏等方面,取得了很大的成效。

    In oil and gas exploration , the application of the theory of seismic facies and seismic facies analysis , in the interpretation of stratigraphic and lithologic reservoirs for oil and gas , has been a great success .

  29. 伸展运动和压扭性挤压运动形成构造油气藏,伸展运动早、中期在向斜部位形成岩性油气藏,断块体翘倾运动和抬升剥蚀作用形成地层油气藏。

    Extensional and transpressional movements resulted in the formation of structural hydrocarbon reservoirs . The early and middle stages of the extensional movement formed lithological reservoirs in synclines and the tilting of fault blocks and uplift / denudation formed stratigraphic reservoirs .

  30. 为了深入了解地层油气藏成藏过程和动力机制,对济阳坳陷地层型油气藏的分类及分布特征进行了系统总结,从静态和动态2方面入手分析其成藏模式。

    In order to further understand the accumulation process and dynamic mechanism of the strata reservoir , the classification and distribution of the strata reservoirs in Jiyang depression are systematically summarized and the reservoir forming mode is analyzed from static and dynamic states .