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  • 网络ground structure
  1. 但是如果数据没有经过任何合适的存档,要找到该条数据所花费的时间和精力就会加大。而且无论文件是经过了多么细心地组织与保管,总需要检索与该数据有关的部分。

    However , if the data has not been properly filed , some time and effort will be expended to find it . And , regardless of how carefully the files have been organized and maintained , you will always need to retrieve related pieces of data .

  2. 为了使用ManualTester更容易地组织测试内容,我们将查看一个最佳实践方案。

    We will walk through a best practice scenario for using Manual Tester to more naturally organize test content .

  3. P2P计算致力于高效合理地组织和利用Internet边缘上大量分布的计算、存储、通信、信息等资源。

    P2P computing devotes to sufficiently and reasonably organize and utilize the Internet edge 's huge decentralized resources of computing , storage , communication and information .

  4. 使用Web文档自动分类技术可以更加有效地组织和管理Web资源,提高信息检索的效率,它目前已成为Web挖掘的研究热点之一。

    Web document automatic categorization technique can be used to effectively organize Web information resource and improve the efficiency of Web search . It has become a hot research area of Web mining .

  5. 轻量级框架比基于EJB的J2EE架构能够更好地组织应用代码,更好地使用J2EE提供的各种企业级服务。

    It also analyses the application areas of lightweight container and EJB . Lightweight can better organize code and use enterprise-level services .

  6. Internet是全球最大而且还在迅速增长的信息资源库,有效地组织和开发Internet信息资源,促进Internet信息资源的利用,对于文献情报机构有着重要的意义。

    Internet is the biggest and rapidly growing information resource library in the world . It is a challenge for the documentation and information institute to effectively organize the information resources on the Internet and put them into a good use .

  7. 通过对ISCAS标准电路组成的SoC进行算法仿真,实验结果表明这种方法可以有效地组织测试,提高测试效率。

    Experiment results of an ISCAS circuit based SoC show that this method could schedule test efficiently .

  8. PHPV5.3的名称空间是该语言中一个非常受欢迎的新增特性,可以帮助开发人员合理地组织应用程序的代码。

    Namespaces in PHP V5.3 are a welcome addition to the language , helping developers organize code within an application in a sensible way .

  9. 此外,一种好的做法是很好地组织该文件,因为随着应用程序的增长,CSS文件也必然会增长。

    Additionally , it 's good practice to keep this file well organized , because as the application grows , your CSS file will inevitably grow , as well .

  10. 理论分析表明,如果在多Agent系统联合中引入熟人关系,能够有效地组织Agent之间的协作通信机制,提高系统的可靠程度、降低整个系统的通信代价和减少资源开销。

    The theories analyzes proved , if lead the acquaintance into many system of Agent coalition , can make Agent to help to make to cooperate communicate mechanism availably , and can reduce cost of communication and computing works effectively during forming coalition .

  11. 嵌花图案设计与意匠图表现根据拉舍尔多梳栉花边工艺设计原理及步骤,分析了地组织、意匠图、花边垫纱之间的关系,设计了多梳栉花边CAD软件。

    According to the process design principle and procedures of Raschel multi-guide bar lace , it is analyzed the relationship between ground structures , hexagonally patterned paper and plotting inlay design , And designed the CAD software of multi-guide bar lace .

  12. 通过面向对象的分析,提出了CFD计算对象及其层次关系模型,它合理地组织了CFD中复杂的计算关系,提高了CFD程序的可维护、可重用性。

    By using the Object Oriented method , the CFD object and hierarchy model were brought up . It can reasonable organize complex relations in CFD and advance the maintainability and reusability of CFD programs .

  13. 这个文件还可能包含一个或更多的文件夹(用来逻辑地组织各种形状),并且在每个文件夹内是一些placemark。

    The file may also contain one or more folders ( used to organize shapes logically ), and inside each folder are placemarks .

  14. 其系统实现及运行实例表明,该ASP综合服务平台能有效地组织和管理呈异地分布的各种软、硬件资源及数据资源,向用户提供统一的接口和可靠的服务。

    The system implementation and operation example show that the integrated ASP service platform can efficiently organize and manage all kinds of software and hardware resources , as well as data resource distributed in other places and can provide users with uniform interfaces and reliable service .

  15. 本文重点阐述了在运用计算机网络进行远程教学过程中,利用Web的动态数据处理能力,能有效地组织与开发教学资源库;并就开发判断远程测试结果的CGI程序、数据库开发方法进行了讨论。

    This article depicts that in the process of using computer network in the distance teaching , using the Web dynamic data processing capacity , one can effectively organizes and develops teaching resources bank , and also discusses the distance test result of CGI program , data bank development .

  16. 为了有效地组织和管理三维GIS空间数据,实现对三维空间实体高效、完整地表达,提出了限定不规则三角网(TIN)与构造实体几何(CSG)集成的仿真建模算法。

    In order to organize and manage 3D GIS spatial data effectively , and represent 3D spatial entity integrally , a new simulation modeling algorithm was put forward , which combined data structures of constrained Triangulated Irregular Network ( TIN ) and Constructive Solid Geometry ( CSG ) .

  17. AIGLX和XGLcompiz提供新的3-D图形化改进,可以提高用户生产力;用户可以更好地组织自己的桌面,减少完成任务所需的时间。

    AIGLX and XGL compiz provide new3-D graphical enhancements that increase productivity ; users can better organize their desktops , reducing the amount of time that they need to complete tasks .

  18. 本文开发了元数据提取工具获取与数据保存相关的元数据值,然后,利用PREMIS数据模型,以XML文件的方式合理地组织、存储这些元数据值,自动的构建了科研数据文件的保存元数据。

    In this thesis , metadata extractor is developed to extract the metadata values about digital preservation . Then , these metadata values are organized and stored properly as XML documents based on PREMIS data model , and preservation metadata of the scientific data files is created automatically .

  19. groupbox可以方便地组织状态条目,每个条目都是只读的文本框,目前的默认值是一个虚拟值。

    A groupbox comes in handy for organizing the stats entries , each of which is a read-only text box defaulting to a dummy value for now .

  20. 采用SISP-SOA体系架构的证券信息平台可以有效地组织当前网络上结构化和半结构化信息,为投资者简单、高效、及时、准确的提供信息。

    Architecture of SISP-SOA , as a loose-coupled architecture , will reuse current legacy system effectively . Security information platform , with applying the architecture of SISP-SOA , will effectively organize structured and half-structured information in internet , traders can access information briefly , efficiently , swiftly , accurately .

  21. 可以说,标准化潜在地组织起了现代社会,并使之高效运行。

    Standardization potentially organized in modern society , and the efficient operation .

  22. 我赞成把劳工广泛地组织起来。

    I 'm in favour of widespread organisation of labour .

  23. 这些规则分类被进一步地组织到评审之中。

    These rule categories are further organized into reviews .

  24. 通过松散的方式把服务有效地组织起来,以实现业务流程。

    It organizes services effectively by a loose coupling way to achieve business process .

  25. 四是有效地组织案例教学的课堂讨论。

    Fourth , the class 's discussion of case teaching should be organized efficiently .

  26. 然而,在这二百英亩的节日场地上,演出正井井有条地组织起来。

    Yet on the zoo-acre festival site the show is being put together efficiently .

  27. 但系统地组织、转移和利用知识仍然是一个挑战。

    But how to organize , transfer and use of knowledge is still a challenge .

  28. 网上虚拟馆藏的开发就是有目的地组织一些信息资源,帮助用户搜寻、发现一些专业学科的有用资源。

    To develop virtual collections is to organize information resources and provide them for users .

  29. 感谢收看“怎样整理家庭办公室来更好地组织自己的生活”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching how to use your home office to better organize your life .

  30. 如何有效地组织和管理课堂成为许多教师面临的严峻挑战。

    How to organize and manage our classroom is becoming an austere challenge for many teachers .