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  • Land of Longxing;The Land of Dragon Rising
  1. 作为元朝的龙兴之地和开国之都,元上都的历史地位十分重要。

    As the foundation of all land and Longxing , Yuan on the historical position is very important .

  2. 清代东北地区是清朝始祖的发祥地,被清朝奉为龙兴之地,它的政治地位是历史上任何一朝都无可比拟的。

    The northeast region is the birthplace of the ancestor of Qing Dynasty , regarded as a " land of LongXing " .

  3. 东北作为清王朝的龙兴之地,地下蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源,成为俄日争夺的目标。

    The northeast as the qing government " longxing place ", the underground is rich in mineral resources , become the target of russo-japanese plunder .

  4. 顺治年时,“龙兴之地”的盛京地区农业歉收,清廷为恢复生产,采取了重新分配旗地,鼓励满族返回盛京,招汉人出关开垦等措施。

    The imperial government during Shunzhi 's time reallocated land to Bannermen , encouraged Manchus to return to Shengjing , and called for Han Chinese to open up land outside of Shanhaiguan .

  5. 清军入关后,清统治者把东北作为龙兴之地,封禁了东北。但天龙山岩体明显偏北,大有脱离东西向分布向北东飘移之势。

    After the army of the Qing Dynasty invading Shanhaiguan , the ruler of Qing Dynasty regarded the Northeast as " the place of Dragon Appearance " and closed the Northeast . But Tianlongshan body is obviously northward drift .