• Grain;crepe
  • 有皱纹的纱:绮罗绫~。

  1. 美国杜克大学(DukeUniversity)心理学教授丹縠仄里(DanAriely)用披萨来解释这个概念。

    Dan Ariely , a psychology professor at Duke University in the US , explains the idea by using pizza .

  2. 早在1956年,当代著名博物学家大卫縠箂ⅶ(DavidAttenborough)也亲临此地拍摄BBC记录片《动物探秘》系列(ZooQuest)。

    As far back as 1956 , our more contemporary great naturalist David Attenborough also came here , to film his BBC documentary series Zoo Quest .

  3. 要牢记于心的坏榜样是伍迪縠伦(WoodyAllen)在《罪与错》(CrimesandMisdemeanors)中饰演的角色,在听着妹妹一把鼻涕一把泪,绘声绘色地讲述她那糟糕的艳遇。

    The bad role model to bear in mind is the Woody Allen character in Crimes and Misdemeanors listening to his sobbing sister recount , in graphic detail , an erotic encounter gone wrong .

  4. 你知道这一幕:在电影《曼哈顿》(Manhattan)中,伍迪縠伦和黛安蘒罗(DianeKeaton)饰演的玛丽(Mary)坐在出租车上,他对她说:“你看起来真美,我几乎无法盯着计价表看了。”

    You know the scene : in Manhattan , he 's in a cab with Mary ( played by Diane Keaton ) and he tells her : " You look so beautiful I can hardly keep my eyes on the meter . "

  5. 阿兰縠节覄氠庚尔(AlainEtienneMarcel)与法国小镇圣马洛(StMalo,他如今居住于此)签订协议,他帮助修复一座17世纪的海滨要塞,条件是自己获得要塞99年的租用期。

    Alain Etienne Marcel did a deal with the French town of St Malo , where he lives , to restore a 17th-century fort off the coast in return for a 99-year lease on the property .

  6. 苹果谷——戴比縠伯茨(DebbieAlberts)是一名兼职餐饮业服务人员,在她家位于工薪阶层社区的两层楼房屋之外,她已经把大部分的草皮铲掉了。

    APPLE VALLEY , Calif. - Outside her two-story tract home in this working-class town , Debbie Alberts , a part-time food service worker , has torn out most of the lawn .

  7. 这就归结到伍迪縠伦的问题:你的眼睛是盯着计价表,还是别的地方?

    It comes down to the Woody Allen question : are your eyes on the meter , or elsewhere ?

  8. 荒废的旧屋前,挂起了一个不会动的布縠鸟钟,多年来也没人移走,却形成了路边的一个童话。

    In front of the deserted flat hang a cuckoo clock without battery , for so many years both the clock and the flat remained there , unattended , but this perhaps is a very good setup for a fairytale ?