
  1. ⑸调查场地浅部地下水埋藏条件,并评价其对混凝土的腐蚀性。

    To investigate the embedment features of the shallow underground water , and to evaluate its corrosion to the concrete .

  2. 气态氮损失受温度、土壤特性、施肥类型、方式与施肥量、地下水埋藏条件等因素综合制约,NO-3N是氮淋失的主要形式。

    Gaseous losses are mainly influenced by temperature , soil property , fertilizer type , the method and amount of fertilization , as well as the groundwater conditions .

  3. 各种类型的地下水因埋藏条件,含水介质及分布位置的差别,因此,有着各自不同的补给、径流、排泄特征及由此所决定的特殊的动态特征。

    Ground water of various kinds may have various behavious of supplements , runoff and drainages because of burial conditions , water-bearing medium as well as difference in distributing locations based on which the special dynamic behavious are determined .

  4. 水封石洞式地下油库是利用地下水的天然埋藏条件,人工开挖的储油石洞,是洞周围岩体和储存于其中的裂隙水共同组成的储油容器。

    Water sealed underground storage , an oil storage cavern artificially excavated taking advantage of the natural conditions of ground water , is the oil container consisting of the surrounding rocks and the fractured water stored herein .

  5. 从地下水水位的时空演化、地下水水位降落漏斗的形成和演化、地下水埋藏条件的演化以及地下水流场的变异等方面,分析总结出泰安岩溶水系统地下水动力环境的演化规律;

    From evolution of the groundwater level in time and space , forming and evolution of the groundwater funnel , evolution of the buried condition of the groundwater , and variation of the runoff field of the groundwater .