
  1. 十月革命后,大多数地方自治机构没有能够及时转化角色,最终被苏维埃取代,沙皇体制下的俄国地方自治暂告一段落。

    After October revolution , most of them couldn 't change their roles and eventually were replaced by soviet , and Russian local self-government ended temporarily .

  2. 本文试图从领地贵族在地方自治机构发展中的作用来探讨俄国在帝俄晚期社会转型中的复杂性和矛盾性。

    This paper attempts to study the complicated and contradiction in the late Russia through the role of the aristocratic in local autonomy institution in the development of social transformation .

  3. 本文从科举制废除之后的国家权力系统、农会、学堂系统及民间组织中士绅阶层的领导作用来论述这个问题,在科举制废除后的国家权力系统中士绅阶层通过地方自治机构来发挥作用;

    The thesis has probed this problem via the gents ' leadership in state 's power system , peasant association , the school system and popular organization after imperial examinations system was abolished .

  4. 领地贵族不仅参与地方农民事务的管理,也参与地方自治机构的管理。

    The landed nobility not only participated in the management of local farmers , but also participate in affairs of the local self-government agency management .

  5. 从地方自治与宪政关系的角度,袁世凯认为地方自治制度是预备立宪的基础和根本,因此,他又尽可能的给予地方自治以宪政的许多特征,尽可能的赋予地方自治机构以极大的权限。

    From the relationship of local autonomy and constitutionalism perspective , Yuan Shikai regards local autonomy system as the foundation of the Preparatory Constitutionalism Activity that he renders Local Autonomy many characteristics of constitutionalism , and endows the local autonomy administration maximum authorities as much as possible .