
  • 网络local products
  1. 为向国外推销地方产品而大肆宣传的一套广告。

    An advertising program to boost local products abroad .

  2. 一个达到了国际标准的国家系统将确保地方产品可以出口到其他市场。

    A national system that can live up to international standards will ensure that local products can be exported to other markets .

  3. 大小和形状均易于测量,这也是联邦和地方产品等级标准的重要因素之一。

    Size and shape are easily measured and are important factors in federal and state grade stanDards .

  4. 作为贡品,它是地方产品中具有代表性的,且质量也是最好的。

    The contribution , as the representative in the local product , the quantity also is best .

  5. 而地方产品包装应立足于地域文化,包装越有地方文化,销量就越好。

    The local product packaging should be based on local culture , the more packaging , the sales better .

  6. 我们要充分发挥地域文化的优势,把它融入地方产品包装设计中。

    We should give full play to the advantages of regional culture and put it into the local product packaging .

  7. 连贯而全面的国家食品安全体系不仅会改善食品供应不足的国家的卫生&它们也会帮助发展和促进食品贸易。一个达到了国际标准的国家系统将确保地方产品可以出口到其他市场。

    Developing countries need to make significant investments in food safety prevention and control efforts , and the international community also needs to help .

  8. 县级以上地方产品质量监督部门主管本行政区域内的产品质量监督工作。

    Local departments for supervision over product quality at or above the county level shall be in charge of supervision over product quality within their respective administrative regions .

  9. 1996年开展的国家、行业、地方产品质量监督检查的结果表明,我国产品质量在总体上继续保持稳中有升的态势。

    The results of supervision and examination to products quality which were made by the state , trades and localities in 1996 show that our country 's total products quality is still rising steadily .

  10. 全世界人民都希望有机会把自己的收入用于获得从冰箱到iPod的其他地方的产品。

    People everywhere want to have the chance to spend their earnings on products from other places , from refrigerators to iPods .

  11. INDECK是世界上最多样化的锅炉制造商,拥有最大的产品线和解决方案,有能力向世界任何地方提供产品。

    INDECK is the most diverse boiler manufacturer in the world , coupled with the largest stock product line and rental solutions , with a proven ability to deliver products anywhere in the world .

  12. 设计的国际化特征与地方旅游产品设计

    International Characteristics of Designs and the Designing of Reginal Tourism Products

  13. 配合所有地方新产品开发的要求。

    Work with New Product Development groups at all locations .

  14. 他的答案是,他的地方性产品实力雄厚,得到了当地高管和新闻记者强大阵容的支持。

    He answers that he has strong local products supported by strong local executives and journalists .

  15. 总体上来说,在你生产的地方销售产品是比较有意义的。

    Generally speaking , it makes much more sense to make your products where you sell them .

  16. 过去,企业从本国基地向世界其他地方出口产品。

    Companies used to export to other parts of the world from a base in their home country .

  17. 然而,在一些地方消防产品市场秩序混乱,产品质量问题突出。

    However , in some places of fire protection products market order disorder , product quality problem is outstanding .

  18. 我们所为之奋斗的未来不是作为全球最大的进口商,消耗掉产自其它地方的产品。

    The future we 're fighting for isn 't as the world 's largest importer , consuming products made elsewhere .

  19. 其他公司看作是市场计划中的小缺陷或对产品种类构成威胁的地方,产品领先型公司看到的则是机遇并迅速利用。

    Companies excelling in product leadership do not plan for every possible contingency , nor do they spend much time on detailed analysis .

  20. 游客还可以在每个周日晚的塔佩门步行街找到各种商品,包括地方手工艺产品到绘画作品。

    Visitors can also find various goods on Thaphae Walking Street every Sunday evening , ranging from local handicraft products to portrait paintings .

  21. 这里一些人知道其他地方有产品,而他们在这里也想要这些产品。

    There is the knowledge of people here that a lot of products are available out -- outside there and they want the products here .

  22. 外国制药公司,已获得越南(或其他地方)产品注册可以批给牌照的另一个越南药品生产商。

    A foreign pharmaceutical company that has obtained product registration in Vietnam ( or elsewhere ) can grant the license to another pharmaceutical manufacturer in Vietnam .

  23. 我曾经在别的地方就产品委员会的构成问题写过一篇文章,指出了从一开始,就有太多的人笼罩在要等待的产品四周。

    I have written elsewhere about the problems of design by committee that come with too many people all hanging over your shoulder waiting for your product .

  24. 从分析地方特色产品的包装要突出地方文化入手,探讨井冈山红米酒的包装在图形、色彩和表现形式上的设计方法。

    The local culture of Jinggangshan for local product packaging was analyzed and the design methods of Jinggangshan red rice wine in graph , color , and form of expression were discussed .

  25. 泉州的民族音乐,歌剧,舞蹈,武术,民俗,服饰,手工艺品,地方特色产品,以及特色小吃独具特点,大放异彩。

    The city 's folk music , opera , dance , martial arts , fold customs , clothing , handicrafts , local and special products as well as snacks have a diversified splendor .

  26. 具有水果珍品之称的潍县萝卜由于独特的优良品性、较高的生产效益及可观的市场发展前景,已成为潍坊市的地方名牌产品,在国内外市场上享有较高的声誉。

    The turnip which be called " the curiosa fruit " planted in Weifang has became the famous product in local because of it , s special characters , high benefit and considerable market prospect .

  27. 向非洲之角、赞比亚、马达加斯加、和坦桑尼亚以及其他地方出口产品的英美烟草,还看到了乌干达和马拉维消费税的增长,但是他希望今年毛里求斯的消费税将保持不变。

    BAT , which exports to Horn of Africa , Zambia , Madagascar , and Tanzania , among others , also saw an increase in excise duty in Uganda and Malawi , but expects duties to hold in Mauritius this year .

  28. 人们无法证明中国产品比其它地方的产品更加危险;在美国,因安全问题而召回的玩具,几乎全部都是中国制造的,这一事实只不过反映了中国制造商在美国玩具市场的压倒性主导地位。

    It is not even proven that products from China are more dangerous than those from elsewhere ; the fact that almost all toys recalled for safety reasons in the US are made in China simply reflects Chinese manufacturers ' overwhelming dominance of the US toy market .

  29. 布里斯班市的CeliacSupplies食品店老板抱怨说,太多人进商店是为了看哪些产品是不含谷蛋白和小麦的,然后去其他地方购买这些产品。

    Celiac Supplies in Brisbane complained that it had too many people going into the store to find out which products were gluten and wheat-free and then going to buy them elsewhere .

  30. 加工厂在哪些地方使用动物产品?

    Where are the animal products used in the facility ?