
  • 网络great lakes region;the Great Lakes
  1. 现在这股暴雪正在向北部和东部移动,将影响密歇根上半岛和五大湖地区。

    That was pushing north then east toward Michigan 's upper-peninsula and the Great Lakes .

  2. 美加五大湖地区水质管理体制:经验与启示

    Experience and Inspiration : Water Quality Management System of the Great Lakes Region in the US and Canada

  3. 峨眉地区海梨柑果实气孔密度比桶柑高,而大湖地区海新自与桶柑果实气孔密度差异不大;

    The stomata density of'Hai-li'fruit was significantly higher than'Tankan'in Er-mei , but had little difference in Da-hou .

  4. 这种疾病会影响在五大湖地区的其他鸟类,有数百只鹰会在五大湖地区过冬。

    It reflects other species of birds around Great Salt Lake where hundreds of eagles often spent the winter .

  5. 随着一个低压系统从加拿大向南移动,预计在五大湖地区也将出现散布各地的大雨和雷雨。

    Scattered showers and thunderstorms were also forecast for the Great Lakes region as a low pressure system moves south from Canada .

  6. 美国国家气象局警告称,上中西部地区和五大湖地区将迎来刺骨的严寒。

    The National Weather Service is warning of a bitterly cold temperatures in some of the upper Midwest and Great Lakes states .

  7. 在阿拉斯加以及北美的五大湖地区,冬天的室外活动包括冰上钓鱼,打猎,越野滑雪以及雪地摩托。

    In Alaska and the great lakes region of north America winter activities include ice fishing , hunting , cross-country skiing and snowmobiling .

  8. 对大湖地区,我们迅速调动了10亿美元的追加援助一揽子计划,为该地区提供帮助。

    In the Great Lakes region , we moved quickly to amass an additional $ 1 billion assistance package to help the region .

  9. 五大湖地区仍有积雪,加州和西北部地区则依然处于比以往更干旱的情况中。

    In areas of the Great Lakes region , snow is on the ground while drier-than-normal conditions continue to grip California and the Southwest .

  10. 距强劲的冰风暴侵袭新英格兰州和五大湖地区已过去几周的时间,目前仍有上千名民众没有电力供应。

    It has been weeks since a powerful ice storm swept across the Great Lakes and New England and thousands of residents are still without power .

  11. 起初,地区性的庆祝在大湖地区和东北部进行,后来甜蜜日逐渐传播到美国的其它地区。

    Primarily a regional observance celebrated in the Great Lakes region and the Northeast , Sweetest Day is gradually spreading to other areas of the country .

  12. 钻取自东非大湖地区沉积物芯显示该地区的降雨对北半球的气候变化高度敏感。

    Sediment cores drilled from one of East Africa 's Great Lakes show that rainfall in the region is highly sensitive to climate changes in the Northern Hemisphere .

  13. 在美国,亚洲鲤鱼自1990年代开始从密西西比三角洲北迁,现在已经威胁到五大湖地区的水域。

    Closer to home , the Asian carp , which has been working its way north from the Mississippi Delta since the1990s , is now on the verge of reaching the Great Lakes .

  14. 气候变化对于东非大湖地区的雨养高地、非洲南部、东部和西部的沿海地区以及非洲中部的森林的效果将会不同。

    Effects will vary between the rain-fed highlands in the Great Lakes region of eastern Africa , the coastal regions of south , east and west Africa , and the forests of central Africa .

  15. 今年早些时候,联合国秘书长潘基文和我访问了非洲大湖地区,以表示对11个国家签署的《和平、安全和合作框架》的支持。

    Earlier this year , UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and I traveled to the Great Lakes region of Africa to support the Peace , Security , and Cooperation Framework , signed by 11 countries .

  16. 美国独立战争期间,一艘英国22炮战舰沉船。(人们)都认为它也已经成了五大湖地区“圣杯”失事船只中的一艘。人们在安大略湖湖底发现了它。

    A22-gun British warship that sank during the American Revolution and has long been regarded as one of the " Holy Grail " shipwrecks in the Great Lakes has been discovered at the bottom of Lake Ontario .

  17. 美国陆军工程兵团有一些处理亚洲鲤鱼泛滥五大湖地区的建议,如何解决这个问题在国会也引发了激烈的讨论。

    With US Army Corps of Engineers there are a number of recommendations of how to deal with a potential invasion of the Great Lakes by Asian carp debated about what to do next just as following in Congress .

  18. 得克萨斯州的所有地区,五大湖北部地区可能迎来强风暴和大冰雹。

    All areas from Texas , north to the Great Lakes could get severe storms and large hail .

  19. 天气预报员预测五大湖和中西部地区将在圣诞节早晨迎来更多降雪。

    Forecasters are predicting more snow moving into the Great Lake and Midwest by Christmas morning .

  20. 生活在北美五大湖至墨西哥地区的侏儒响尾蛇;以鼠类和两栖动物为食。

    Pygmy rattlesnake found in moist areas from the Great Lakes to Mexico ; feeds on mice and small amphibians .

  21. 严寒造成这个国家来自从五大湖数到东北地区的深度冻结从而引发另一次的北极空气爆炸。

    Frigid temps gripping the nation as another blast of Arctic air has millions from the Great Lakes to the northeast waking up in a deep freeze .

  22. 有时被食用的淡水产卵的大鳗鱼;北美五大湖本地鱼类区系的破坏者。生活在北美五大湖至墨西哥地区的侏儒响尾蛇;以鼠类和两栖动物为食。

    Large anadromous lamprey sometimes used as food ; destructive of native fish fauna in the Great Lakes . pygmy rattlesnake found in moist areas from the Great Lakes to Mexico ; feeds on mice and small amphibians .