
  1. 当你向着传统时,也就意味着可能会默许对不同种族、性别的虐待,还有活人祭祀等等。

    Pointing to tradition means pointing to the mistreatment of different races and sexes , human sacrifices , and so on .

  2. 享受活人祭祀的威济洛波特利是阿兹特克神话中的战神和太阳神,他使用的兵器也叫做火蛇,象征着太阳的光芒。

    Huitzilopochtli , the god of war , the Sun , and human sacrifice , wielded a weapon that was also named Xiuhcoatl . The weapon was meant to symbolize the rays of the Sun .

  3. 证据表明所谓的“太阳祭祀”在古欧洲广为流传,同时也引发了一种推测——这些圆圈曾用于部分祭祀,甚至和活人祭祀一同使用。

    Evidence has shown that a so-called " solar cult " was widespread in ancient Europe . This has led to speculation that the Circle was used in some kind of ritual , perhaps even in conjunction with human sacrifice .