
  • 网络Blood-Quickening Powder
  1. 益气活血散结加介入化疗治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌

    Therapeutic Effect of Chinese Herbs Combined with Interventional Chemotherapy on Advanced Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

  2. 消肿活血散对关节功能障碍模型家兔血液流变性的影响

    Effects of " xiaozhong Huoxue san " on blood rheology in joint dysfunction of rabbit models

  3. 辨证治疗青年男女痤疮,肺胃郁热型治清解肺胃活血散瘀方,脾虚湿热型治以健脾清肺汤,均取良效。

    The lung-stomach heat retention type was treated with cooling-relieving therapy and promoting blood flow to removing stasis .

  4. 益气活血散结法干预肺纤维化思路的提出与系统研究

    The Clinical and Empirical Study of Supplementing Qi and Activating Blood for Dispersing Accumulation Method on Pulmonary Fibrosis

  5. 芦荟具有活血散瘀、消肿止痛的功效。

    Results : Aloe has the effect of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis detumescence and odynolysis .

  6. 为蜈蚣活血散结及属妊娠禁忌药提供一定的药理依据。

    The paper has provided the pharmacological basis for promoting blood flow , resolving masses and contraindicated in pregnancy .

  7. 目的:评价氩激光联合活血散瘀中药治疗视网膜分支静脉阻塞的临床疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the therapeutic effects of Argon laser photocoagulation for branch vein occlusion with traditional Chinese medicine .

  8. 清热利湿、活血散结法治疗慢性盆腔炎(湿热瘀结证)临床研究

    Clinical Study of CPID by the Treatment of Clearing away Heat - Removing Damp & Promoting the Blood Circulation-Resolving Mass

  9. 【结论】补肾调经汤内服加活血散结栓塞肛可使内异症模型大鼠的子宫内膜萎缩,改善其体液免疫功能。

    [ Conclusion ] Oral administration of BTD with HSS can cause endometrial atrophy and improve humoral immunity in model rats .

  10. 调气活血散结解毒法治疗原发性肝癌的临床研究

    A Clinical Study on the Treatment of Primary Hepatocarcinoma Patients with the Method of Promoting Blooding Circulation to Regulate Qi and Removing Toxic Substance to Disintegrate a Mass

  11. 活血散节中成药对乳腺增生雌性大鼠乳腺形态结构的影响抗凝血酶活性检测在诊断弥散性血管内凝血中的意义

    Effects of Two Kinds of Chinese Medicines with Characteristics of Blood Circulation Activating and Node Dispersing on Morphological Structure of Mammary Glands in Models of Mammary Hyperplasia in Female Rats

  12. 结论:调气活血散结解毒法能改善肝癌患者临床症状,与化疗结合具有较明显的增效作用和提高化疗肝癌患者的生活质量。

    Conclusion : The method of promoting blooding circulation to regulate qi and removing toxic substance to disintegrate a mass can improve the symptom of hepatocarcinoma patients and increase the clinical effect with the combination with the chemotherapy .

  13. 传统中药三七对不同部位血管有选择性扩张作用,降血压作用中以降低舒张压作用较明显,同时还有活血散瘀、抗血栓、抗血小板聚集等作用。

    Panax notoginseng , traditional Chinese medicine , plays the role of selective expansion in different parts of the vascular and reducing diastolic in blood pressure lowering , which is obvious , as well as blood stasis , anti-thrombotic , anti-platelet aggregation and other effects .

  14. 止痛的,镇痛的能消除或去除疼痛的木棉是一种天然植物纤维,柔软舒适,有祛风除湿、活血、散节止痛的功效。

    Capable of soothing or eliminating pain . ceiba is a kind of natural foliage fibre . it is tender and comfortable , with functions of rheumatism removing , dehumidifying , blood activating and acesodyne .

  15. 活血消肿接骨散对兔骨折愈合骨痂强度的影响

    The biomechanical effect of " huoxue jiegu " powder on callus intension of rabbit

  16. 近代医家认为膝骨关节炎为本虚标实的疾病,治疗方向多以补益肝肾,活血化瘀,散寒化湿等,并且研究了许多经验方,为中医治疗膝骨关节炎提供科研帮助。

    Modern physicians believe that knee osteoarthritis based virtual reality of the disease , treatment direction to the liver and kidney tonic , blood circulation , and cold dampness , and study a lot of experience side , research help for the Chinese medicine treatment of knee osteoarthritis .