
  • 网络Composite bag;Compound bag;BOPP LDPE;OPP CPP;compound pocket
  1. 味精复合袋的复膜质量与阻隔性能

    The Compound Quality and Obstructing Performance of the Monosodium Glutamate Compound Bag

  2. 以PP编织布/PE+PP膜/牛皮纸涂塑复合袋生产过程中产生的边角料及残次品为基本原料,经过工艺处理生产纸质纤维填充的聚丙烯复合材料。

    The scraps and off-grade products from the manufacture of composite bags of polypropylene woven cloth / polyethylene and polypropylene film / kraft paper , fiber-filled polypropylene compounds has been made .

  3. 通过对复合袋(BOPPLDPE)的复膜质量与阻隔性能的实验研究,提出了合适的复合袋技术要求。

    By testing and studying the quality and obstructing performance of the compound film BOPP / LDPE . In this paper the suitable technological requirement is suggested .

  4. 包装:用纸塑复合袋包装,每包净重25KG。

    Packing size : 25KG in paper-plastic composite bag .

  5. 比较了PVDC涂敷膜、铝箔袋、NY/PE复合袋和NY/PE共挤膜袋4种复合塑料包装材料与真空和充气两种包装方式对新鲜猪肉的保鲜效果。

    The storage effect of package with film smeared PVDC , Aluminum foil film , NY / PE compound film and NY / PE co-extruded film , packaging in way of vacuum and carbondioxide on fresh pork were compared .

  6. 新型水泥复合袋制袋机组设计要点

    The Design for the New Type Laminated Cement Bag Making Machine

  7. 提高纸塑复合袋剥离力的有效途径

    Valid approach of increasing peel strength of composite paper & plastic sack

  8. 耐蒸煮复合袋用胶粘剂的复合工艺性能

    Lamination Process Properties of Adhesive Used for Retortable Pouch

  9. 彩印塑编复合袋定深快速对中折边机是彩印塑编复合袋制造设备。

    The utility model is a fast-positioning and centering edge-bending machine of color-printing plastic composite bags and pertains to color-printing plastic composite bag manufacturing machine .

  10. 在常温常湿条件下贮藏40个月,种子发芽势、发芽率、出苗率用牛皮纸袋外套塑料袋包装的明显高于塑料铝箔复合袋包装和散装的。

    After preserved under room temperature and humidity condition for 40 months , seeds which are packed in kraft paper package covered with plastic package have higher seed germination potential , germination rate and e-mergence rate than those of the other tow .

  11. 以龙虾仁为原料,PET/AL/PP复合蒸煮袋作包装材料,对即食龙虾仁制品的制作工艺和制品主要栅栏因子-水分活度(Aw)的调控进行了研究。

    The research on processing technics of fast food lobster and the control of water activity ( Aw ) which is a main hurdle factor were made , with the red swamp crayfish as the material and PET / AT / PP package resistant to high-temperature .

  12. FFS袋用吹塑薄膜具有包装速度快、洁净、环保、美观等优势,随着国内合成树脂装置生产规模的扩大,FFS袋用吹塑薄膜将替代传统复合编织袋成为合成树脂包装领域的主导产品。

    Along with enlargement of synthetic resin plant in China , blown film for FFS bag , which has advantages of quick packaging , clean , beauty and environment friendship , will replace the traditional woven sacks in future .

  13. 高温蒸煮复合包装袋用聚氨酯胶粘剂的研究

    Research on polyurethane adhesive for laminated package bag with high-temperature sterilization

  14. 纸/铝/塑复合水泥袋的研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Paper-aluminum-plastics Compound Cement Package

  15. 塑料复合包装袋的热封强度和封口完整性是袋包装产品生产的质量控制要素。

    Heat-seal strength and integrity of the heat sealing part are key factors for plastic laminated bags in quality control of packaging production .

  16. 公司生产的危险化学品复合塑编袋销往全国各地,有很多合作伙伴都是国内知名的氯碱企业。

    The composite plastic woven bags for dangerous chemicals manufactured by the Company sell well across the country , and lots of cooperation partners are Chlor-Alkali enterprises famous at home .

  17. 此案涉及美国针对两种钢管、非公路用轮胎和复合编织袋实施的反倾销税和反补贴税。

    The case involves four sets of parallel anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties imposed by the US on two types of steel pipe , pneumatic off-road tyres and laminated woven sacks .

  18. 而复合包装袋的热封封口质量对包装过程、运输过程、储存过程以及产品分销等各个环节都有很大的影响。

    High heat-seal strength and integrity of the heat sealing part are basic requirements for packaging plastic laminated bags during transport , storage and product distribution process , and other links .

  19. 通过综合考虑,得出聚乙烯铝箔复合膜袋更适于枸杞子饮片的包装。

    Consider the composition and content of organic residues on the three types of packaging materials , drawn aluminum foil / PE plastic film bags suitable for the packaging of the medlar Pieces .

  20. 2种非PVC多层共挤复合膜输液袋使用比较

    Comparison on the Use of 2 Kinds of Non-PVC Multilayer Copolymerized Compound Membrane Infusion Packages

  21. 目的考察阿昔洛韦在PVC袋(聚氯乙烯输液袋)、三层复合膜输液袋及玻璃瓶中的稳定性是否存在差异。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the stability of acyclovir in PVC bags , three-layer plastic bags with the innermost layer made of polyethylene and glass containers .

  22. 目的:比较单管单塞型与双管双塞型非PVC多层共挤复合膜输液袋的操作使用特点及相关项目,以供临床参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To compare the operational characteristics and the other related items of non-PVC multilayer copolymerized compound membrane infusion packages between single-tube single-stopper packages and double-tube double-stopper packages so as to provide references for the clinic .

  23. 聚丙烯粉料直接涂覆法生产复合塑料编织袋技术探讨

    Production of Complex Plastic Woven Bags from Polypropylene Powder by Direct Pasting Method

  24. GB/T10004-1998耐蒸煮复合膜、袋塑料吹膜制袋生产线

    Plastic film blowing and bag making line

  25. 研究了各工序中的最佳工艺条件及不同的复合材料包装袋对制品质量的影响。

    The effects of processing parameters and packaging materials on the quality of the product were studied .

  26. 纸/维棉网布复合水泥包装袋中缝快干封口胶的研制

    Development of the Rapid-Curing Adhesive for the Middle Seam of the Composite Packing Bag Made of Paper-Netted Fibre Cotton Cloth for Cement

  27. 采用该胶制成的复合薄膜食品包装袋可耐121℃、40min的蒸煮。

    The laminated film for food package can resist to boiling and steaming 40 min in 121 ℃ .

  28. 骨髓基质成骨细胞-松质骨基质复合人工骨肌袋移植的成骨作用

    Intramuscular bone formation by implantation of composite marrow stromal osteoblast-cancellous bone matrix artificial bone

  29. 结论:聚氯乙烯塑料袋装血液保存液Ⅰ适宜加聚丙烯复合薄膜小包装袋储存。

    CONCLUSION : It is proper to add outer packaging bag of polypropylene laminated film to blood preservation solution ⅰ in PVC plastic bag .