
  1. 选用一种低粘度的CMC应用于涂布白板纸涂布试验时发现,涂料中添加CMC可大大提高涂料保水性能和控制涂料流变性。

    When CMC with low viscosity applied in white board coating , it can greatly provide water retention and rheology control .

  2. 本文对改进涂布白板纸质量及涂布配方的优选进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the improvement of the quality of white board coating and the optimisation of the composition of the coating material .

  3. 随着芯浆打浆度从30°SR上升到50°SR,白板纸的抗张指数、耐破指数和耐折度不断提高,其余强度指标随样品的不同而呈现出不同的变化趋势。

    With filler furnish 's beating degree going up from 30 ° SR to 50 ° SR , specimens ' tensile index , burst index and folding endurance went up , other strength properties had different changes with different specimens .

  4. 涂布白板纸废水的处理与回用

    Treatment and reuse of wastewater from production of coating white paperboard

  5. 单面涂布白板纸质量探讨和改进颜色文化&白色

    On the Improvement of the Quality of Single-Side Coating of White Boards

  6. 热泵在抄造涂布白板纸的纸机上应用

    On the Application of Thermos-Pumps on the Paper-Dope Spreader

  7. 单面涂布A白板纸按质量水平为最好的。

    The one side coating A grade white paperboard owns the best quality .

  8. 大豆蛋白对涂布白板纸涂料性能的影响

    Influence of soy protein on coated white paperboard coatings

  9. 灰底白板纸与白卡纸阶调再现性和色彩再现性能研究

    The Tone Reproduction and Colour Reproduction Between Ash Bottom Whiteboard and White Cardboard

  10. 白底涂布白板纸是一种新型包装装动包装纸板。

    Coated white cardboard is a new kind of cardboard for packing and decoration .

  11. 白板纸挺度的研究

    Study on the Stiffness of Paper Board

  12. 面层涂布白板纸用胶乳的合成

    Synthesis of surface coating latex for paperboard

  13. 白底涂布白板纸的研制羧甲基纤维素保水剂在涂布白纸板中的应用

    Design and Production of Coated White Card board Application of CMC on Coated White Paper board

  14. 涂布白板纸作为精美包装材料具有广泛的应用前景。

    Coated White boards are of great prospect in its extensive application as quality packaging material .

  15. 各种废旧布块、白板纸一张、剪刀、胶水、各色彩纸。

    Diverse deposed cloth , a piece of white paper , scissors , glue and multicolor cardboard .

  16. 涂布化学品在单面涂布白板纸生产中的应用研究单面粉纸:只在一面涂布的纸。

    The Application of Coating Chemicals for Single-coated Whiteboard One-sided art : Paper coated on one side only .

  17. 现代印刷工艺的发展对涂布白板纸的油墨吸收性提出了更高的要求。

    The developments of morden printing processes set a higher demand on the ink absorption of coated whiteboard paper .

  18. 涂布白板纸涂料通常使用传统的高岭土、碳酸钙等颜料。

    The traditional pigments , such as kaolin and calcium carbonate have been widely used in the whiteboard paper coating .

  19. 过高,会加剧涂布白板纸返黄的程度;过低,则达不到所需合适的白度。

    Exorbitance , can aggravate blade yellowing paper ; too low , you can not reach the required appropriate whiteness .

  20. 男:嗯,我不确定总经理会不会用。不过,白板纸是必不可少的。

    Man : Mmm , I 'm not sure the MD will use it . A flipchart is essential , though .

  21. 工作在墙上几乎所有的技术要求记录上述参加者的评论白板纸贴在墙壁,或写到白板上。

    Almost all of the techniques described above require recording participants'comments on flip chart sheets posted on walls , or on a whiteboard .

  22. HS-CCS-2200白板纸定量、水分、浓度计算机检控系统用于完成对纸张生产过程中的成浆流量、浓度、压力、纸速等40多个参数在线检控。

    The HS-CCS-2000 computerized quantitative moisture and concentration parameters in paper production process , such as pulp flow , concentration , pressure , paper speed , etc.

  23. 使用白板纸来画静态背景,经常是窗口的帧。网格的容量不随动画帧数量的增加而改变。

    Use poster board to draw a static background , usually a window frame . Any number of animations can be added whereas the mesh remains constant .

  24. 着重研究在涂布白板纸涂料中使用塑料颜料,探讨塑料颜料对纸张的光泽度、白度及表面遮盖性等光学特性的影响。

    This study focused on the use of plastic pigments in the paperboard coatings , and the investigation in the influence of plastic pigments on optical properties of the coated paperboard .