
  • 网络guinea pig
  1. 我希望他是只白老鼠。尼布斯说。

    " I wish he had been a white rat ," said Nibs .

  2. 她看上去像一只白老鼠。

    She looked like a white mouse .

  3. 除了寻找不同的,这可能会导致社会问题,白老鼠也有各种缺陷。

    Besides looking different , which may cause social problems , albinos also have various impairments .

  4. 它可真是猪的好样本,绝不比一只白老鼠大。

    That 's a fine specimen of a pig , it 's no bigger than a white rat .

  5. 坚持呈现给客人最道地的美式料理,乐子不会用他们的菜单当作白老鼠。

    Insisting on brining the most authentic food to Taipei , The Diner has not , and will not change their menu for other alternatives .