
  • 网络business building
  1. 本文以北京京东方置业有限公司GLOBALHOUSE商务楼改造工程为例,介绍利用钢筋混凝土板墙对横向砖墙进行结构加固处理的施工技术。

    Taking the example of the renovation construction of GLOBAL HOUSE Business Building of Beijing BOE Real Estate Co. , Ltd. , the authors in this paper introduce the construction technology of structure strengthening of transverse brick wall with reinforced concrete siding wall .

  2. 比如说,一栋商务楼有一位房东。

    A business building would have a landlord , for example .

  3. 浅谈高密度商务楼负荷区的无功优化

    Primary Discussion about Reactive Optimization of High-density Business Building Load Area

  4. 公司承接居民、企事业、商务楼的搬迁。

    Company to undertake residents , enterprises , institutions , commercial buildings relocation .

  5. 现代景观设计中的传统哲学概念&广西南宁东方万象商务楼景观设计

    Traditional Philosophic Concepts in Modern Landscape Design

  6. 多哈工作组是一个商务楼为核心的活动,在科技,物流和消费电子产品。

    DWP Group is a business house with core activities in Technology , Logistics and Consumer Electronics .

  7. 孩子赛车通过电话和商务楼大喊戒指,你在做什么?

    The kids are racing through the house screaming and the business phone rings , what do you do ?

  8. 办公建筑的适用性初探&以南京大桥北路一号商务楼规划设计为例

    The First Exploration of Office Building & Take the Case of NO.1 Office Building Design along Nanjing Da Qiao Road

  9. 他们有着多年的设计经验,特别擅长于高星级酒店,商务楼的策划设计,并累计成功案例百余家。

    They have years of experience in design , particularly good at high-star hotels , commercial buildings of the planning design successful .

  10. 商业及非住宅租务资料系统上海策贤投资咨询有限公司,是一家专业从事商务楼和高档住宅租赁业务的公司。

    Commercial and Non-domestic Tenancy Management Information System Sunrise is a professional investment and consultant company dealing in office , apartment and villa etc.

  11. 上海策贤投资咨询有限公司,是一家专业从事商务楼和高档住宅租赁业务的公司。年(住宅房地)加租管制法

    Sunrise is a professional investment and consultant company dealing in office , apartment and villa etc. Rent Increases ( Domestic Premises ) Control Act , 1971 1971

  12. 如果你的办公室在商务楼,人们需要搭乘电梯上下楼,那么电梯按钮就是容易藏匿和传播细菌的地方。

    If your office happens to be in a commercial building where people use an elevator to move between floors , the elevator buttons can easily hold and transfer germs .

  13. 通过使用可再生能源、最大程度降低能耗为特征的下一代基础设施,同时依靠IT网络把住宅、商务楼和运输系统连接起来,实现能效的提高。

    Characterised by the use of renewables and minimizing energy consumption , next-generation infrastructure will , the idea goes , connect homes and commercial buildings and transportation over it networks to enable energy efficiency .

  14. 关于商务写字楼等自动喷水灭火系统消防主泵的选择

    The Selection for the Fire Pump of Sprinkler System in the High Rise Building

  15. 伴随着我国经济的发展,各地涌现大量高层商务写字楼建筑。

    With economic development , a large number of tall office buildings emerged all over the country .

  16. 水环热泵空调系统在计费式商务写字楼中的应用研究

    Case Study about Air Conditioning Systems of Water Loop Heat Pumps in Business Buildings Using Separate Charging Units

  17. 介绍了热释电传感器和光敏传感器的原理和结构,以及它们在商务办公楼中的应用。

    The principles and structures of the pyroelectric sensor and the photosensitive sensor , as well as their application in commercial office building were introduced .

  18. 总部基地、孵化园、研发中心,涵盖商务写字楼、五星酒店、休闲会所等丰富配套。

    The headquarters base , the breeding park and the R & D center are equipped with commercial office buildings , five-star hotels , leisure chambers and other rich facilities .

  19. 体育(场)馆、影(剧)院、图书馆、医院、会展场所、旅游景点、商务办公楼以及对外承办行政事务的办公场所;

    Stadiums , gymnasiums , cinemas , theaters , libraries , hospitals , convention and exhibition centers , scenic spots , business office buildings and office places undertaking external administrative affairs ;

  20. 商务办公楼、厂房、住宅渗水、漏水质量通病影响着房屋建筑的使用功能,本文就重庆地区房屋施工中在结构局部处理,形成逆向水力坡度,增加其自防水问题上做了一些探讨。

    Leakage is a common failing in business office building , factory building and dwelling house and influences badly use function . This article discusses that converse waterpower grade increases self-waterproof capability by local disposal in building construction .

  21. 不论是投资方、建筑师还是入驻用户,都十分关心高层商务写字楼可租用的办公用房,而对起空间联系与导向作用的路径空间却缺乏关注。

    Wether investors , architects or the users , pay great attention to the leased office space of the tall office buildings , but pay little attention to the path space which takes a role of a spatial contact .

  22. 广州科学城中心区商务生态办公楼方案设计

    Ecological Business Building Design in the Central Scientific Town of Guangzhou

  23. 非常态下的非常规设计:聚焦商务部办公楼改扩建工程建设

    Special design under special condition : the renovation and extension project for Ministry of Commerce

  24. 细心·耐心·精心:商务部办公楼维修改造工程

    Carefulness , Patience , Elaboration : Renovation of the Office Building of the Ministry of Commerce

  25. 商务中心在四楼。

    And the Business Center is on the fourth floor .

  26. 适宜开发成为高档商务酒店、字楼或大型企业总部。

    Suitable to development of high grade business hotel , office building or large size enterprise headquarter .

  27. 您好,商务中心在二楼,电梯西侧,营业时间从早七点到晚九点。

    Business center is located on the2nd floor , at the west of the lift room ( At the west side of lift lobby ) . The operation hour is7 am to9 pm .

  28. 你可以到商务中心去。商务中心在二楼。

    You can do that in our Business Centre . It 's on the second floor .