
  • 网络Business Assistant;Commercial Assistant;SWZL-SH
  1. 随着网络技术的发展,手机也由最初简单的移动通信工具变成了集通信、娱乐、信息以及商务助理等功能于一身的智能化工具。

    Alone with the development of network technology , handsets have been an intelligent tool which gathered correspondence , amusement , information and business assistant together from initially simple mobile communication tool .

  2. 协助家庭处理少量商务事务,起到“商务助理”的作用。

    To help families cope with a small amount of business affairs , play the role of " business assistant " .

  3. 你忘了和一个商务助理去吃午餐了。

    You 've forgotten a lunch with a business associate .

  4. 根据销售人员或大区商务行政助理提供的合同进行初步审核;

    Conduct primary audit on the contract provided by the sales person or district commercial administration assistant .

  5. 我到达的时候,白色的大门开着,一个身穿商务西装的助理指挥我,把我时髦的雪佛兰马里布车子开进曲里拐弯的车道。

    When I arrived , the white gates swung open and an attendant in a business suit directed my oh-so-chic Chevy Malibu into the curved driveway .

  6. 访问中国期间,他们参观了深圳和苏州的工厂,拜访了一些重要客户,并会见了商务部部长助理王超。

    They saw a number of new facilities in Shenzhen and Suzhou , visited some of Eaton 's important customers and met with Assistant Minister of Commerce Wang Chao as well .

  7. 鉴于其众多的优点,它已经在电子商务、个人助理、分布式信息检索以及电信网络服务等众多新兴领域中得到了广泛的应用。

    In view of its numerous advantages , it has already been widely used in such numerous new developing fields as e-commerce , personal assistant distributed information retrieval and telecommunication network service , etc.

  8. 商务部部长助理任鸿斌说,自三年多以前建立广东、天津、福建自贸区以来,已经取得了相当丰硕的成果。

    Assistant Minister of Commerce Ren Hongbin says that fruitful results have flowed from the Guangdong , Tianjin , and Fujian Free Trade Zones since they were launched more than three years ago .

  9. 我在一家商务公司做经理助理。

    I was assistant of manager in one business company .