
  • 网络Automotive Group;pAg
  1. 加入WTO后直面国外大汽车集团挑战的两大对策

    Two Countermeasures Directly Faced with Challenge of Foreign Big Automotive Groups after Joined WTO

  2. 提高F汽车集团产品研发质量研究

    Research on Improving Quality of Product Research & Development in F Auto Group

  3. 也就是在那个时候,南京汽车集团有限公司斥资100万美元收购了MG。

    That 's when Nanjing automobiles stepped in by what was left for one hundred million U.S. dollars .

  4. 企业所得税作为G汽车集团的必要运营成本支出,其特点是负担重、弹性大且转嫁难,通过在经营活动中加强企业所得税税务筹划,是降低G汽车集团运营成本的有效手段。

    Income tax as a necessary operating costs , which is characterized by heavy burdens , elasticity and pass on difficult .

  5. 2012年广州汽车集团股份有限公司(GuangzhouAutomobileGroupCo.)和奇瑞联手,在研发节能“绿色汽车”和汽车零部件生产等方面展开合作。

    Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. and Chery formed an alliance in 2012 to cooperate on issues including research , the development of energy-efficient ' green cars ' and auto-parts production .

  6. 菲亚特(Fiat)和广州汽车集团(GuangzhouAutomobileGroup)将成立一家合资公司,从2011年起在中国生产汽车和发动机。在快速发展的中国市场上,菲亚特长期居于落后地位。

    Fiat , long a laggard in the fast-growing Chinese market , is to make cars and engines there from 2011 in a joint venture with Guangzhou Automobile Group .

  7. 在周一的底特律车展上,沃尔沃汽车集团(VolvoCarCorporation)宣布将在未来几个月开始出售一款在成都生产的中型轿车。

    The Volvo Car Corporation announced at the Detroit auto show on Monday that it planned to begin shipping a midsize sedan from Chengdu in the next several months .

  8. 就在2014年10月,大众汽车集团CEO海兹曼还声称,大众汽车正在为中国市场研发超过20款电动汽车。

    In fact , in October 2014 , Volkswagen 's CEO Jochem Heizmann announced the company was developing more than 20 electric vehicles for the Chinese market .

  9. 加入WTO后,面对国外汽车集团的挑战,我国汽车工业应采取技术创新对策以提高我国汽车产业的国际竞争力。

    After joined in WTO , facing the challenge of foreign automotive groups , China automotive industry should adopted the countermeasure of technical innovation to increase the international competitive ability for the national automotive products .

  10. 华晨汽车集团(BrillianceAuto)自2003年3月被宝马(BMW)选为在华合资伙伴以来,其在香港挂牌的股票涨幅已超过800%。

    Since Brilliance Auto was selected as BMW 's China partner in March 2003 , its Hong Kong shares have risen more than 800 per cent .

  11. 单纯从规模来说,丰田和通用正在受到来自大众汽车集团(VolkswagenAG)的挑战,大众汽车已设定了2018年成为全球第一的目标。

    In terms of pure size , Toyota and GM are being challenged by Volkswagen AG , which has set its goal to be No. 1 by 2018 .

  12. 2012年,同属现代汽车集团(HyundaiMotorGroup)的现代汽车和起亚汽车,承认夸大了之前两年在美销售的车辆的节油能力。

    In 2012 , Hyundai and Kia , which are both owned by the Hyundai Motor Group , admitted that they had overstated the fuel economy of vehicles sold in the United States over the previous two years .

  13. 汽车集团mahindra则承诺将其税后利润的1%捐给公益项目。

    Mahindra pledges 1 per cent of its profit after tax to social initiatives .

  14. 沃尔沃首席执行官汉肯·塞缪尔森(HåkanSamuelsson)表示,得益于吉利收购所带来的稳定性和相关投资,这家瑞典汽车集团已开始走上正轨。

    Hakan Samuelsson , Volvo 's chief executive , says the Swedish group has prospered under Geely 's ownership thanks to the stability and investments it has brought .

  15. 这家日本汽车集团宣布召回约220万辆丰田与雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车,至此,过去18个月里丰田在全球召回的车辆总数接近1400万辆。

    The Japanese group is recalling almost 2.2m Toyota and Lexus vehicles , bringing the number worldwide to almost 14m during the past 18 months .

  16. Rover集团连同路虎被宝马出售给了福特,与阿斯顿马丁,沃尔沃,林肯和捷豹一起成为奢华汽车集团的一员。

    The Rover Group is sold by BMW with Land Rover being acquired by the Ford Motor Company , joining Aston Martin , Volvo , Lincoln and Jaguar in the Premier Automotive Group .

  17. 丰田汽车集团(Toyota)旗下的贸易部门丰田通商株式会社(ToyotaTsusho)正在印度和越南开发未开采的稀土矿,以降低对中国供应的依赖。

    Toyota Tsusho , the trading arm of the Toyota automobile group , is developing untapped deposits in India and Vietnam in order to reduce its reliance on Chinese supplies .

  18. 上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAIC)总裁陈虹说,开发电力发动汽车是发展之必然趋势,汽车制造商必须为这一基础性变革做好准备。

    According to Chen Hong , president of SAIC Motor Co Ltd , developing electric cars is an inexorable trend and auto manufacturers should prepare for the fundamental change .

  19. 本设计是JAC汽车集团有限公司市场部即将使用的汽车产品市场分析与销售管理系统的一个组成部分。

    The project is a part of market analysis and sales management system that soon be used by marketing department of JAC Automobile Corporation .

  20. 全面设计出适合MCL汽车集团的黄金三角式培训体系并研究体系的实施措施。

    Accordingly , the " golden triangle " type training system which is suitable for MCL Automobile Group is designed , and the implementation measures are proposed .

  21. 据知情人士称,这些选择包括彻底出售,或将克莱斯勒分拆给股东,或继续进行克莱斯勒与梅赛德斯(mercedes)汽车集团之间最近的整合。

    According to a person familiar with the matter , the options include an outright sale , spinning off Chrysler to shareholders or continuing with the recent integration between Chrysler and the Mercedes car group .

  22. 不过,在通往世界第一的道路上,丰田还将与大众汽车集团(VolkwagenAG)狭路相逢&这个汽车巨头同样实力雄厚、荷包鼓鼓,还拥有一群雄心勃勃、意图夺取全球霸主地位的杰出工程师。

    But the road to No. 1 puts Toyota on a collision course with Volkwagen Ag & another strongly-financed behemoth staffed with brilliant engineers that has ambitions for global domination .

  23. 一些人认为,上海汽车集团对于收购或与南京汽车合并并不热心。南京汽车的财务实力较弱,其与意大利菲亚特(Fiat)的合资企业被视为中国国内汽车业的表现平平者之一。

    SAIC is seen by some as unenthusiastic about acquiring or merging with Nanjing Auto , which is financially weaker and whose joint venture with Fiat of Italy is seen as one of the domestic industry 's also-rans .

  24. 大众汽车集团旗下拥有奥迪(Audi)、宾利(Bentley)和保时捷(Porsche)等多个品牌,在利润方面处于业内领先地位,并且正力求成为世界上销量最高的汽车厂商。

    The Volkswagen Group , which owns brands such as Audi , Bentley and Porsche , leads the industry in profitability and is aggressively striving to become the top car manufacturer in the world in terms of sales .

  25. FIAT(菲亚特)汽车集团通过价值观体系、能力模式和培训体系支撑着人力资源战略的实施,取得了显著效果,给我们带来许多有益的启示,值得我们参考借鉴。

    FIAT Auto Group has achieved significant results in the implementation of human resources strategy with the support of value concept , ability modes and training system , which brought us a lot of instructive enlightenment worthy of our reference .

  26. 举例来说,Eaton公司汽车集团的系统工程设计经理CraigJacobs表示,他们利用克隆自有产品的方式制造出第一款中型混合动力汽车变速箱的变体,如图1所示。

    For example , Craig Jacobs , Manager of Systems Engineering for the Eaton Corporation 's Vehicle Group , says they created their first heavy-duty hybrid vehicle transmission variant , shown in Figure 1 , by using the " clone-and-own " method .

  27. 大型汽车集团电子商务实施战略

    A Study on the Implementation Strategy of A Large-Scale Automobile Corporation

  28. 美国天合汽车集团是汽车安全系统的先驱和领导者。

    TRW Automotive is the leader in automotive safety suppliers .

  29. 为了南粤澄澈的天空广州市白云出租汽车集团有限公司务实回馈社会

    Guangzhou Baiyun Taxi Group Co. , LTD repay society with actual actions

  30. 但S汽车集团在海外发展中也暴露出了众多问题。

    But it also exposed many problems in overseas development .