
qì tí
  • strip;steam stripping
汽提[qì tí]
  1. 催化裂化高效汽提技术研究进展

    Development of research on high efficiency steam stripping technology for catalytic cracking

  2. 3-氯-2-羟丙基三甲基氯化铵合成过程的汽提工艺研究

    Study of Steam Stripping Process during Synthesis of 3 - Chloro - 2 - Hydroxypropyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride

  3. 斯塔米卡邦CO2汽提尿素工艺新改进

    New improvement of stamicarbon 's co_2 stripping urea process

  4. PVC浆料汽提回收氯乙烯技术进展

    The technical development of recover VCM by stripping from PVC slurry

  5. aspenplus软件在炼油厂含硫污水汽提过程中的应用

    Application of Aspen Plus software in sour water stripping in refineries

  6. 溢流筛板塔汽提技术在PVC生产中的应用

    The application of stripping technology of overflow sieve - plate tower in the production of PVC

  7. FCC待生催化剂多级组合式汽提器的开发

    Development of multi-stage combination stripper for FCC spent catalyst

  8. FCC再生催化剂快速汽提的研究

    Study on rapid stripping for FCC regenerated catalyst

  9. 建立PVC料浆测定法,确定汽提系统最佳操作条件

    Setting up the test method of PVC slurry to confirm the best operational condition of PVC stripping system

  10. 应用了GC/MS方法分析炼油厂汽提污水中的有机物,其结果可作为实用除油技术的依据。

    The article introduced GC / MS method for the analysis of organic compounds in steam stripping waste water of oil refinery .

  11. 二段BAF工艺处理炼油厂汽提废水研究

    Study on the treatment of wastewater from stripping tower with the two - stage BAF

  12. DOP装置汽提工序的研究

    Study of DOP Stripping Procedure

  13. 本文介绍了应用ASPENPLUS软件对高含硫、含氨污水双塔汽提工艺过程所进行的研究工作,及开发出适应于处理高含硫、含氨污水的工艺流程。

    The application of ASPEN PLUS software in the design of two-coluran stripping process for the treatment of waste water with high sulphur and ammonia contents was studied .

  14. 并把CPA方程应用于汽提冷甲醇天然气脱水工艺的模拟计算,为工艺设计提供了必要的参考数据。

    Additionally , CPA equation was used to simulate the dehydration process of natural gas with chilled methanol distillation and provide reference data for the design of process .

  15. UCS在单塔汽提装置中的应用

    Application of UCS in a Single Stripping Tower

  16. 介绍赤天化NH3汽提尿素装置解吸系统与低压系统存在的问题及处理措施。

    The existing problems and treating measures in the desorption system for NH 3 air-lift urea unit and low pressure system are discussed .

  17. SNAM氨汽提工艺中压吸收塔特性研究

    Studies on the performances of medium pressure absorber in SNAM ammonia stripping process

  18. 介绍在PVC聚合技改扩建中采用全自动密闭入料、尾气压缩冷凝、浆料汽提等技术及技改后的经济和环境效益。

    Introduces the technical modification and economic and environmental benefits after the technical modification for PVC polymerization plant using the technologies such as fully automatic enclosed feeding , tail gas compression condensation and slurry stripping etc.

  19. SNAM氨自汽提工艺介绍与分析

    Introducing and Analysising of SNAM Ammonia Stripping Process

  20. 汽提工序是DOP(邻苯二甲酸二辛酯)生产的关键工序之一,粗酯中的水、辛醇及微量的低沸物在此工序中去除,汽提效果决定DOP产品的质量。

    Stripping is one of the key procedures of DOP production . Water , alcohol , and other impurity are removed in this process .

  21. 简要阐述了赤天化NH3汽提尿素装置的运行情况及在运行过程中工程技术人员对该装置实施的部分技改技措,以及NH3汽提装置仍然存在的缺陷。

    This paper briefly describes the operation and technical transformation of NH 3 stripping urea plant , and some existing problems to solve are also discussed .

  22. 建立了小型固定流化床汽提评价装置研究待生催化剂汽提过程的方法,评定了催化裂化及其家族工艺RFCC、ARGG、DCC工业待生催化剂的汽提效果。

    A laboratory method was established to measure the spent catalysts stripping efficiency of FCC family technologies .

  23. CNG汽提甲醇的实验表明,温度对汽提效果的影响显著,而天然气流量,汽提液面高度、横截面积和汽提装置中有无填料等因素均不占主导地位。

    By stream stripping experiment we learned that the most important factor is stream-stripping temperature , other factors such as natural gas flow , the shape of stream-stripping vessel and packing were not dominant .

  24. 介绍洛阳石油化工总厂1号催化裂化装置采用UOP的涡流分离系统和高效汽提技术进行改造的情况。

    UOP vortex separation system and high efficient stripping technology have been successfully applied in the FCCU revamping at Luoyang General Petrochemical Works .

  25. 0.8Mt/a催化裂化装置汽提段的改造

    Revamp of Stripping Section of 0.8Mt/a FCC Plant

  26. 此外,延长催化剂在反应器中的停留时间,烟气中SO2的浓度降低;而提高反应温度,剂油比,汽提蒸汽量,烟气中的硫含量都先略有增加后降低。

    In addition , the concentration of SO2 decreases with the prolonging of residence time ; and it increases first and then decreases with the increasing reaction temperature , catalyst / oil ratio and stripping steam content .

  27. 指出溢流筛板塔汽提效率高,脱出VCM的能力强,可使PVC中残留VCM含量在1×10-6以下。

    It was indicated that ( overflow ) sieve-plate tower had high stripping efficiency , good ability to remove vinyl chloride , and could reduce the content of residue VCM to the level of ppm .

  28. 炼油厂常减压装置、尤里卡装置和延迟焦化装置等产生的大量含H2S酸性废水都采用汽提工艺回收H2S和氨。

    Stripping process is utilized to recover H_2S and ammonia from acidic waste water containing a large amount of H_2S in the crude oil unit , Ureka unit and delayed coking unit of a refinery .

  29. 具体指出了消泡剂在生产SPVC过程中于脱气槽及汽提塔内脱吸VCM方面的应用情况。

    The application of antifoaming agents in the desorption of VCM in the degassing tank and the stripping tower for the production of SPVC were indicated in detail .

  30. LV-09202是斯纳姆公司的氨汽提尿素工艺中的关键阀门,在生产过程中常因该阀出故障引起尿素系统停车。

    LV 09202 is a key valve in the ammonia stripping process for urea production of Snam Company , Italy . In the course of production , urea system has often to shutdown because of the failure of this valve .