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  • Steam consumption;consumption of steam
汽耗[qì hào]
  1. 油脂浸出生产中混合油浓度对汽耗的影响

    The effect of the variation of the concentration of mixed oil on the consumption of steam in the production of oil fat extraction

  2. 对采盐系统进行改进后,蒸发器生产能力提高了30%,电耗降低35kW·h/(t·NaOH),汽耗降低0.4t/(t·NaOH)。

    After improving the salt separation system , the capacity of evaporators increased by 30 % , the electricity consumption decreased by 35 kW · h / ( t · NaOH ) and steam consumption decreased by 0.4 t / ( t · NaOH ) .

  3. 降低氧化铝生产汽耗的途径探讨

    Discussion on the ways to reduce steam consumption in alumina production

  4. 降低氧化铝生产中蒸发汽耗的有效途径

    Effective Approach of Decreasing Evaporation Consume during Production of Alumina

  5. 山西铝厂汽耗现状及潜力分析

    Present situation and potentialities analysing of steam consumption in Shanxi Aluminium Works

  6. 尿素装置汽耗大幅降低的设计、运行总结

    Design and Operation of Reducing Steam Consumption in Urea Plant

  7. 中-低-低变换工艺和准零汽耗技术

    Medium-Low-Low Temperature Shift Conversion Process and Para-Zero Steam Consumption Technology

  8. 二氧化碳机组透平汽耗高的原因分析

    Reason Analysis for High Steam Consumption of Turbine of Carbon Dioxide Compressor Set

  9. 降低蒸发工序汽耗的方法

    Method of steam consumption reduction in evaporation process

  10. 降低蒸发汽耗的有效途径

    The effective way of lowering evaporating steam consumption

  11. 降低高压溶出汽耗的改造措施

    Reconstruction measures of decreasing digesting steam consumption

  12. 三效四体烧碱蒸发汽耗最少的操作压力

    Operation Pressure to Attain to Minimal Steam Consumption of Three-effect / Four-part Caustic Soda Evaporation

  13. 汽耗变换系数及抽汽等效焓降与主循环的汽耗率

    Steam rate transformation coefficient , extraction equivalent enthalpy drop and steam rate of main cycle

  14. 提出了机组汽耗量特性的在线识别与在线负荷最优分配的方法,并给出了实现这一方法的微机控制系统方案。

    In addition , a scheme of to realize the method is given in this paper .

  15. 它关系着上浆质量、汽耗、电耗以及生产效率。

    This is connected with the sizing quality , steam consumption , power consumption and efficiency of production .

  16. 分析了近几年来我公司蒸发汽耗高的原因,并提出了相应对策。

    The cause of steam consumption being large in our company in recent years was analyzed , and the countermeasures was put forward .

  17. 简述了国内外顺丁胶液凝聚的工艺、设备等的进展,针对目前国内顺丁胶液凝聚汽耗、油耗高的现状,提出了一些改进的建议。

    Stripping technologies and equipments on BR solution home and abroad were briefly reviewed Some suggestions about improvement of stripping process were also proposes .

  18. 一般汽轮机组汽耗量特性具有非凸和非连续等特点,常规的多元线性回归拟合不能适应。

    The steam turbine characteristics normally has the property of non-convex and non-continuity , and multivariate linear regression model is not able to deal with .

  19. 改造后,不但完善了采盐系统,稳定了生产,还降低了隔膜碱汽耗。

    After improvement , not only the system was improved , and production was stable , but also gas consumption of diaphragm caustic soda was reduced .

  20. 用此工艺对已经预分离-预蒸馏流程改造的传统工艺装置高压循环圈进行改造,可使吨尿素汽耗进一步下降。高压循环系统发生分解反应原因及防范措施

    The advantages revamping traditional urea plant with this process are introduced . The cause of decomposition reaction in the high pressure recycle system and its precautionary countermeasure

  21. 分析了某公司氧化铝汽耗高的现状及存在问题,提出了进一步降低汽耗应采取的方法。

    The existing situation and problems of high steam consumption is analyzed in alumina production and the method of further reducing steam consumption is also put forward .

  22. 本文针对攀钢氯碱厂淡碱液蒸发工艺及设备落后,汽耗高的问题,对该过程的节能降耗进行了研究。

    In this paper , the energy-saving and consumption decrease were studied in the process of thin alkali liquid evaporation in the chlor-alkali factory of Panzhihua iron and steel company .

  23. 板式降膜蒸发器具有蒸水能力大、汽耗低、回水比高等优点,但不宜蒸发有结晶析出的溶液。山西铝厂拜尔法母液中碳碱含量高,在蒸发过程中易析出。

    The plate falling film evaporator has advantages of high capacity , less steam consumption and high return water ratio but is not suitable for evaporation of solution with crystal liberation .

  24. 通过减少盐进入量,降低蒸发装置结盐速率和优化操作来解决蒸发系统的结盐问题,达到了降低汽耗、提高效能的目的。

    The salt-scaling problem in evaporation system are solved by decreasing the salt feeding amount , reducing the rate of salt scaling and optimizing operation , and thus the aims to decrease steam consumption and increase capacity are attained .

  25. 针对包钢热电厂循环水的水质状况,对其进行处理。以保护冷凝器铜管,防止铜管发生腐蚀和结垢现象,延长铜管寿命,提高冷凝器换热效率,降低汽耗指标。

    Based on the quality analysis of circulating water , special treatment should be carried out in order to protect condenser copper tube from ceding and scaling , prolong tube service life , improve condenser heat exchange efficiency and decrease stem consumption rate .

  26. 通过进行水动力分析,在保证锅炉水循环安全的前提下最大限度地降低了热水循环泵的动力消耗,吨汽耗电量仅为同类进口设备的50%左右。

    By analysis of water dynamics , the power requirement for hot water circulation pump per ton steam was minimized to only 50 % of that required in the introduced plants of the same type , while keeping safe circulation of boiler feed water .

  27. 从工艺流程、设备材质、操作、汽耗等方面对双效逆流降膜浓缩装置和双效逆流板式蒸发器浓缩装置进行了比较,结果表明两种浓缩装置各有特点。

    Double-effect counter-flow falling-film concentrating sets and double-effect counter flow plate-type evaporator concentrating sets were compared from several aspects , including technological process , medium of equipment , operation , specific steam consumption . It showed that the two kinds of concentrating units had different characteristics .

  28. 热(汽)耗变换系数在热力系统经济分析中的应用

    Applying the conversion coefficients of heat and steam rate to analyse economy of thermal system

  29. 结合自由路径法则,应用热(汽)耗变换系数法对一些典型的辅助系统进行了分析计算,使人们能够更确切地掌握其在热力系统分析中的应用,使原有理论更系统化。

    Combined with " freely route law ", some typical auxiliary systems are analyzed and calculated with method of conversion coefficient of heat / steam rate , which made the theories systematized .

  30. 分析的结果说明;在抽汁汽的效次后移的情况下,使用直接加热器并不增加糖厂的汽耗。

    The analysis results show that the use of the direct heater does not increase the vapor consumption if the vapor used for heating is drawn from the later evaporator effect .