
qì chē duì
  • Automobile team;motor transport corps;fleet of cars/trucks;motor squadron
  1. 汽车队的先导车转向右侧。

    The leading car in the motorcade peeled off to the right .

  2. 由于我们的简短对话,汽车队行进得更缓慢了,它们鸣起了喇叭。

    Cars honked at the further slowing of pace that had been caused by our brief conversation .

  3. 后面的街道上排起长长的汽车队,对于这些司机们来说,我们就是难以忍受的妨碍物。

    To the drivers in the long line of cars that was backing up in the street , we were insufferable obstructions .

  4. 载重汽车排好队准备出发。

    The lorries were lined up , ready to move off .

  5. 出租汽车排成队等候雇主。

    Taxis stand in a rank waiting to be hired .

  6. 连辛格总统进入体育场都很别致,他是乘坐着敞篷汽车在一队红衣骑兵的护卫下进场的。

    Even the entering of President Singe was very unique . He came into the stadium by an open car escorted by a group of cavalrymen in red .