
  • 网络unsaturated zone
  1. 通过图象分析探讨LNAPL在非饱和带中非均质条件下的迁移机制和分布特性。

    Under the condition of heterogenous porous media the migration mechanism and distribution characteristics of LNAPL in unsaturated zone are discussed through the image analysis .

  2. 非饱和带土壤水分势能与水分运动

    Potential of Soil Moisture and Movement of Moisture in Unsaturated Zone

  3. 非饱和带核素迁移过程中滞留因子Rd意义的探讨

    Discussion on Signification of Retardation Factor R_d in the Course of Nuclide Migration in Unsaturated Zone

  4. 非饱和带水分运动模型的Picard解法及参数灵敏度分析

    Picard Solution of Moisture Movement Model in Unsaturated Zone and Parameter Sensitivity Analysis

  5. 针对本试验,把Darcy定律应用于非饱和带内水的运动,对非饱和渗流规律进行了初步讨论。

    In view of this test , Darcy law is applied to the unsaturated and the internal water motion , the unsaturated seepage flow law is discussed .

  6. 基于ODE的解的理论分析表明,由于真空的作用,在砂柱排水的绝大部分时间里,饱和非饱和带分界面的位置都显著高于潜水面。

    Theoretical analyses based on solutions of ODE show that the surface of saturation in the column is much higher than the water table during most of the drainage process because of the effect of vacuum .

  7. 本文通过室内实验建立物理模型,研究非饱和带中非均质条件下轻非水相液体(LNAPL)运移和分布特性。

    Throuth the laboratory experiment to set up the physical model , the migration and redistribution of LNAPL in unsaturated heterogeneous porous media are studied .

  8. 因此,本文采用现场亚甲基蓝染色示踪渗透试验法、碘-淀粉可视化方法、理论分析和有限元软件HYDRUS-2D数值模拟分析植被发育斜坡非饱和带土体大孔隙对降雨入渗的影响研究。

    The effects of macropores on rainfall infiltration in vadose zone soils of well vegetated slope are studied by methylene blue dye tracer infiltration experiment , iodine-starch visual method , theoretical analysis and HYDRUS-2D finite element software numerical simulation method .

  9. 对利用中子测水技术测定非饱和带参数的探讨

    Discussing into Measuring Parameters of Unsaturated Zone by Neutron Moisture Meter

  10. 非饱和带水气二相渗流动力学模型

    Two-phase flow dynamic model of water and gas in unsaturated zone

  11. 真空预压地基非饱和带探讨

    Discussion on unsaturated zone in soft ground improved by vacuum preloading

  12. 氟在非饱和带迁移的动态特性研究

    The Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Fluoride Migration in Unsaturated Soil

  13. 非饱和带地下水运动的数学模型和算法

    Mathematical model and calculation method of water flow in unsaturated zone

  14. 非饱和带裂隙岩体渗流的特点和概念模型

    Features and conceptual models of flow in fractured vadose zone

  15. 饱和-非饱和带地下水流数值模型的双层迭代方法

    Double iteration scheme for numerical model of groundwater flow in saturated-unsaturated zone

  16. 非饱和带水研究的重要性及其研究方法

    The Significance of Study on Water Dynamics in Unsaturated Zone and Its Methodology

  17. 土壤非饱和带确定性数值模型研究进展

    Advances in the research of deterministic numerical models of the soil unsaturated zone

  18. 饱和与非饱和带土壤水动力耦合模拟及入渗试验

    Dynamic coupled modeling and infiltration experiment on soil water in saturated and unsaturated zones

  19. 核素在非饱和带中迁移的非平衡吸附数值模式&NESOR

    Nesor & a numerical model for radionuclide migration in unsaturated zone with non equilibrium sorption

  20. 非饱和带岩性平均粒径的空间变异性研究

    A Study on Spatial Variability of Average Grain Diameter of Rock Formation in Unsaturated Zone

  21. 非饱和带水气二相流动参数确定实验研究

    Experimental Study on Parameters Identification for Two-Phase Flow ( Water - Air ) in Unsaturated Zone

  22. 西北地区额济纳绿洲非饱和带水分和盐分分布

    Occurrence of Water and Salts in the Unsaturated Zone in the Ejin Oasis in Northwest China

  23. 为提高计算精度,对含水层非饱和带和自由面问题进行了适当考虑。

    In order to improve computing precision , unsaturated zone and unconfined flow are taken into consideration .

  24. 根据非饱和带土层剖面含水率的变化确定给水度的方法研究

    Study on Determination of storativity based on change of water content ratio along the profile of unsaturated zone

  25. 本文运用非饱和带纯水流模型,预报未来灰场污染物运移趋势。

    This paper forecasts the migrating tendency of polluting substances at the ash site with the unsaturated flow model .

  26. 非饱和带土体-浅层地下水系统氟的地球化学&以河北邢台山前平原为例

    Fluorine Geochemistry in the Unsaturated Soils-Shallow Groundwater Systems & A Case Study on the Xingtai Piedmont Plain , Hebei

  27. 理论分析还表明,砂柱包气带中的真空与饱和非饱和带分界面的下降速率密切相关。

    The vacuum in the vadose zone is closely related to the falling rate of the surface of saturation .

  28. 非饱和带土壤水分状况在实验流域研究中占相当重要部分。

    The regime of unsaturated soil moisture is an important part of the runoff cycle in the Experimental basin .

  29. 非饱和带地下水运动实质上是一个水气二相渗流过程。

    The groundwater flow in unsaturated zone is a process of the two phase flow of water and gas .

  30. 尾矿坝非饱和带滞水曲线模型的建立及应用

    The Establishment and Application of the Model for the Water Retention Curve for the Unsaturated Section in Tailings Dam