
  • Non cash payments;【财】pay in kind
  1. 问题是人们改用非现金支付的进程越快,商店不再接受现金支付的可能性就越大,自动取款机被停用的数量也就越多。

    The problem is the faster the switch away from cash happens , the bigger the danger that shops stop taking it and more cash machines are closed .

  2. 非现金支付方式并购效应优于现金支付方式。

    Performance of non-cash-paying M A is better than cash-paying M A.

  3. 到目前为止,日本全国已经拥有六大相互竞争的非现金支付系统,并已在手机中大量嵌入。

    So far , the country has six main competing cashless payment systems , many of them embedded into mobile phones .

  4. 随着经济的持续稳健发展,我国的非现金支付业务量迅速增长。

    With the steady development of the economy , the quantity of the non-cash payment business in our country grows rapidly .

  5. 银行卡作为重要的非现金支付工具之一,已成为我国公众零售消费使用最频繁的支付工具。

    As one important type of non-cash payment instruments , bank cards have been used most frequently in the retail consumption .

  6. 中国在移动支付方面领先于美国,也是缺乏其他可行的非现金支付方式的结果。

    China 's lead over the US in mobile payments is also the result of the lack of other viable options for non-cash payments .

  7. 银行卡作为使用最广泛的非现金支付手段,近年来,为我国居民提供着便捷、高效的支付服务,在零售销售的消费品市场中发挥着积极作用。

    As the most popular of Non-cash Payment Instrument , bank card offer people a better payment method and efficient payment services in recent years .

  8. 近年来,随着国内金融业的发展,银行卡已经逐渐成为普通百姓日常使用的非现金支付工具。

    In recent years , with the domestic financial industry , the bank cards has gradually become the ordinary people daily use of non-cash payment instruments .

  9. 近几年,信用卡逐渐成为我国居民个人消费使用最为频繁的非现金支付工具。

    In recent years , more and more people use credit card to make payments and the credit card has become the most popular non-cash payment instruments in china .

  10. 现代支付产业的发展主要表现为各种非现金支付工具的使用和普及及其对现金使用的替代作用。

    The development of modern payments industry is mainly reflected in the creation and ever-increasing use of non-cash payment instruments , which will have the effect that saves the use of cash .

  11. 尤其是,近年来信息技术的快速发展和普及,银行卡以其方便、快捷等优势,成为居民个人使用最为频繁的非现金支付工具。

    In particular , the bank card with its convenient , fast and other advantages has become the most frequently used non-cash payment instruments for the citizens in the context of the rapid development and popularization of information technology .

  12. 信用卡的市场规模和业务范围发展迅猛,时至今日信用卡已经成为居民日常生活中的最主要的非现金支付工具,而我国也发展成为全球最具发展潜力的信用卡市场。

    The scale and scope of credit card market is developing rapidly today , so it has become the main non-cash payment tool in the residents ' daily life , and our country has become the most potential market of the credit card in the world .

  13. 美元请以非现金形式支付。

    Payment of USD can not be in the form of cash .

  14. 猎头公司阿姆斯特朗国际(armstronginternational)表示,华尔街和伦敦金融城的顶级投资银行家们今年年底的奖金中,将有至多70%以股票、而非现金的方式支付。

    Top investment bankers across Wall Street and the city of London will see up to 70 per cent of their year-end bonuses paid in shares rather than cash , according to the executive search firm Armstrong international .

  15. 但草案提出,对于那些行为可能实质性影响银行承担之风险的高管及其他员工,他们的奖金应主要以股份或其它非现金工具形式支付。

    But senior management and other employees whose activities could have a material impact on the risk exposure of the bank should receive bonuses mainly in the form of shares or other non-cash instruments , it said .

  16. 随着国家系列金卡工程、金融电子化和交通一卡通进程的加速,公路收费中非现金付费(电子支付)的需求被提上了议事日程。

    With rapid progress of the national series gold card project , computerize financial series and traffic smart card . the demand of charge regime without cash ( Electronic Payments ) was on the schedule .