
  • 网络high life
  1. 国王也非常喜悦

    And the king was extremely pleased .

  2. 我非常喜悦的听到我们的节日在德国顺利进行的消息,这样的节日将在世界获得成功。

    I am very glad to hear how our festival program is going on so nicely in Germany .

  3. 我们非常喜悦的指引你们并且明白,去寻找,必要的时候,为某些事件提供能量。

    We enjoy guiding you and C , to look at , and when necessary , to energise certain objects .

  4. 他写道:我怀着非常喜悦和激动的心情向大家宣布:我做爸爸啦!

    He wrote : It is with great joy and emotion that I inform I have recently become father to a baby boy .

  5. 当然,乔治是非常喜悦的,但他没有一个机会在试验以后有一段时间了看吉姆。

    Of course , George was very pleased , but he didn 't have a chance to see Jim for some time after the trial .

  6. 这些正在发生的事情以如此宏大的规模上演,这让我们感到非常喜悦,但是我们更希望这些事情能以一个更快的速度向前推进!

    We are very pleased that these things are happening on such a grand scale but we dearly desire them to roll out at a much quicker rate !

  7. 我自1965年开始在布朗大学执教以来,让我感到欣慰和非常喜悦的是不只教导了成千上万的大学生和一些研究生,而且还与他们中的数百人一起并肩工作。

    Well I started in Brown in1965 and it has been my pleasure and great joy not just to teach thousands of undergraduates and some graduates , but also to work one-on-one with a couple hundred of them .

  8. 他写道:“我怀着非常喜悦和激动的心情向大家宣布:我做爸爸啦!我和孩子的母亲已达成协议,她的身份将被保密,我将是孩子的唯一监护人。”

    He wrote : " It is with great joy and emotion that I inform I have recently become father to a baby boy . As agreed with the baby 's mother , who prefers to have her identity kept confidential , my son will be under my exclusive guardianship .

  9. 每当有人因为我的存在而远离了创伤和痛苦,我就感到非常的喜悦和幸福。

    Whenever there are people whose suffering or pain can be ended because of my existence , I 'll be overwhelmed by great joy .

  10. 的声音,笑声是一个美丽的事情的笑声蔓延的非常礼物的喜悦。

    The sound of laughter is a thing of beauty for laughter spreads the very gift of joy .

  11. 我希望人们能够真正的了解什麽是追随佛道的意义,而且因此而变得非常祥和且喜悦。

    I hope that people really understand what it means to follow the Buddha 's path , and thus become very peaceful and joyful .

  12. 对于南非的人民能授予我们这个荣耀和特权我感到非常荣耀与喜悦,

    We are both humbled and elevated by the honour and privilege that you , the people of South Africa , have bestowed on us ,

  13. 约书亚记11章15节说:凡耶和华所吩咐摩西的,约书亚没有一件懈怠不行的。约书亚这样顺服神的命令,一定非常讨神的喜悦。

    Joshua 11 : 15 says , " Joshua left nothing undone of all that the LORD had commanded Moses . " It must have pleased the Lord greatly to see a man who was so obedient !