
  • 网络sweeting;sweet apple
  1. 比如,以色列人吃甜苹果蘸蜜。

    For example , people in Israel dip sweet apples into honey .

  2. 可生吃的、鲜红果皮的甜苹果;全世界普遍种植的苹果品种。

    A sweet eating apple with bright red skin ; most widely grown apple worldwide .

  3. 有细绳的褐色包装纸这些都是我心爱的事物乳白色小马,脆甜苹果糕门铃声和雪车铃声

    Brown paper packages Tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things Cream-colored ponies And crisp apple strudels Doorbells and sleigh bells And schnitzel with noodles

  4. 甜的苹果、饼乾、饮料等

    Sweet apples , biscuits , drinks , etc

  5. 一种甜型苹果酒的研制

    Development of Sweet Apple Wine

  6. 介绍了将苹果发酵酒与草莓乙醇浸提液勾兑,调配制成具有营养、保健作用的甜型苹果酒的研制方法。

    The development of sweet apple wine with nutrition and health function , by blending apple wine with strawberry dipping in alcohol solution was introduced .

  7. 热带果香、草香、姆酒香,平顺口感,使调配十分宜人。甜的苹果酒,掺香料和柑桔水果后加热。

    The aromatic recipe of tropical fruit , Vanilla & Rum make this blend smooth and very pleasant . sweet cider heated with spices and citrus fruit .

  8. 甜樱桃缺锌比苹果缺锌更难纠正。

    Zinc deficiency is more difficult to correct on sweet cherry than apple .

  9. 一些常见的水果树,如甜樱桃和麦金托什苹果,也是嫁接得到的。

    Some common fruit trees such as sweet cherries and McIntosh apples have to be grafted .