
  • 网络sweet yellow rice wine
  1. 杂交米酿造甜型黄酒的研究

    Research on the Brewing of Yellow Rice Wine from Hybrid Rice

  2. 该文从工艺操作和对半甜型黄酒生产过程中感官指标和理化指标的分析,指出了2种工艺生产半甜型黄酒的优缺点。

    This paper pointed out the advantage and disadvantage of the two methods by analyzing the processing operation , sensory index and physical-chemical parameters in the production of medium sweet rice wine .

  3. 淋饭法、摊饭法在半甜型绍兴黄酒生产中的应用比较

    Comparison between Lin-fan method and Tan-fan method in the production of medium-sweet Shaoxing rice wine

  4. 机械化大罐发酵生产半甜型红曲黄酒工艺优化研究

    Separation of Propionic Acid-producing Bacteria from Site Fermented Grains and Daqu Study on Technical Optimization in the Production of Semi-sweet Red Qu Yellow Rice Wine for Mechanized Big Pots Fermentation