
  • 网络Funny Face;sweetie
  1. 拍摄《甜姐儿》时,赫本俯瞰巴黎,拍摄于1956年。

    Hepburn looks over Paris while filming " Funny Face " in1956 .

  2. 赫本在拍摄《甜姐儿》时,在一个火车头冒烟的场景中拍摄的照片,拍摄时间1956年。

    Hepburn emerges through the smoke of a locomotive in a scene from the film " Funny Face " in1956 .

  3. 知情人士表示,普林斯不太满意汤姆森对他与美国cnbc记者、人称“财经甜姐儿”(moneyhoney)的玛丽亚巴蒂罗姆(mariabartiromo)之间友谊的处理方式。

    People close to Mr Prince said he had been concerned about the way Mr Thomson had managed his friendship with Maria Bartiromo , the CNBC correspondent known as the money honey .

  4. 甜姐儿大嘴罗伯茨日前为意大利著名品牌Lavazza咖啡拍摄45秒的天价广告,据传,茱莉亚·罗伯茨拍摄这则广告获得120万欧元的广告费呢。

    But perhaps America 's Sweetheart Julia Roberts is attempting to claw back to the top spot , after agreeing to appear in a 45-second advertisement for Italian coffee house Lavazza - for the hefty fee of 1.2 million euros ( ? 1.14 million ) .

  5. 在20世纪50年代为拍摄《甜姐儿》而拍摄的造型照片。

    Hepburn poses for " Sabrina " in the mid 1950s .

  6. 奥黛丽所出演的一些著名影片包括《甜姐儿》,《蒂凡尼早餐》和《窈窕淑女》。

    Some of the well-known films that Audrey acted in include Funny Face , Breakfast at Tiffany 's and My Fair Lady .

  7. 班纳特小姐就这样成为一个甜姐儿了,她们的兄弟听到了这番赞美,便觉得今后可以爱怎么样想她就怎么样想她了。

    Miss Bennet was therefore established as a sweet girl , and their brother felt authorised by such commendation to think of her as he chose .

  8. 赫本在1957年的音乐片《甜姐儿》和1966年轻松愉快的盗窃影片《偷龙转凤》中身穿的套装和羊毛裙都是纪梵希设计的。

    She became his muse , and he designed her suits and woollen dresses for the musical Funny Face in 1957 , and the light-hearted heist caper How to Steal a Million in 1966 .

  9. 赫斯脱太太姐妹同意他这种看法——可是她们仍然羡慕她,喜欢她,说她是个甜姐儿,她们并不反对跟她这样的一位小姐做个深交。

    Mrs. Hurst and her sister allowed it to be so -- but still they admired her and liked her , and pronounced her to be a sweet girl , and one whom they should not object to know more of .

  10. 赫斯脱太太姐妹同意他这种看法&可是她们仍然羡慕她,喜欢她,说她是个甜姐儿,她们并不反对跟她这样的一位小姐做个深交。

    Mrs. Hurst and her sister allowed it to be so & but still they admired her and liked her , and pronounced her to be a sweet girl , and one whom they should not object to know more of .

  11. 赫斯脱太太姐妹同意他这种看法……可是她们仍然羡慕她,喜欢她,说她是个甜姐儿,她们并不反对跟她这样的一位小姐做个深交。

    Mrs. Hurst and her sister allowed it to be so -- but still they admired her and liked her , and pronounced her to be a sweet girl , and one whom they would not object to know more of .