
  • 网络KATO;news
  1. 加藤完全清楚这些珍宝的来源。

    Kato was fully aware of the provenance of these treasures

  2. 加藤NK系列汽车起重机用自动蓄能系统共有5种型式:Ⅰ型系统用增压器供油,各路供油比为1:2:1,蓄能压力与操作工况有关,用液控卸荷阀保持最小蓄能压力。

    There are five types of automatic accumulation systems for Kato NK series truck cranes .

  3. 168例中165例ELISA阳性,ELISA与改良加藤法的阳性符合率98.21%;

    The positive correspondence rate between ELISA and Kato-Katz 's thick smear was 98.21 % .

  4. 蓄能控制阀是加藤NK系列汽车起重机起升液压离合器回路自动蓄能系统的核心元件。

    The accumulation control valve is the key element of the hydraulic clutch system on NK series truck cares .

  5. 结论EPG在24以下及低度流行区不宜用加藤法查病,采用改进法较好,EPG在24以上和中、高度流行区查病,两种方法均可采用。

    Conclusion The improved method is better to use in the stool samples with EPG less 24 and in the lower prevalence villages , than modified Kato-Katz method .

  6. 河南胤福工程机械公司,专业销售各种规格进口加藤(KATO)多田野(TADANO)二手吊车。

    Henan Yin-fu company specializes in sales of construction machinery imports specifications Kato ( KATO ) TADANO ( TADANO ) used cranes .

  7. 加藤弹簧上海有限公司是ADVANEX集团旗下的全资子公司。

    Kato Spring Shanghai is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kato Spring Singapore – a member of the ADVANEX GROUP .

  8. 篠原和加藤声称,他们已经改进了先前在AP4R上的工作,并且也在易用性上花了很大工夫。

    Shun'ichi and Kiwamu claim to have improved upon their previous work with AP4R , while also focusing on on the ease of use .

  9. 国内受欢迎的香港明星周润发和台湾的周杰伦(他在电影版的《青蜂侠》中扮演助手加藤,在红毯上亮相宣传即将上映的影片),韩国的“万人迷”赵寅成、意大利女演员兼制片人MariaCucinotta也出席了仪式。

    Local favorites like Hong Kong star Chow Yun-fat and Taiwan 's Jay Chou , who played sidekick Kato in the movie version of " The Green Hornet " made appearances on the red carpet to promote upcoming films . South Korean heart-throb Zo In-sung , Italian actress and producer Maria Cucinotta also attended the ceremony .

  10. 但是加藤的家人推迟了他们的进展,以各种理由拒绝,包括加藤已经脑死亡,他经历佛教的过程成为sokushinbutsu,或自我风干成木乃伊,或绝食已达到开悟。政府人员一直试图联系加藤。

    His family rejected their advances , offering various excuses , including that Kato had become brain dead or that he was undergoing the Buddhist process of sokushinbutsu , or self-mummification , starving himself to death on the path to enlightenment.Authorities persisted in trying to contact Kato .

  11. 本文介绍日本加藤NK-400E型汽车起重机的过载保护装置&MS-3型自动过载限制器的工作原理,它根据臂架的四种不同工况,将与探针接触的凸轮分四个象限。

    This paper introduces , the operation principle of MS-3 type automatic overload limiting device , equipped on the Japanese Kato NK-400E type truck crane . It divides the cam into four quadrants according to four different working conditions of the boom , the cam being contacted with detecting fingers .

  12. 丹迪屋加藤:对,每年。

    HIROSHI KADO , DANDY HOUSE : Yeah , every year .

  13. 据报道,加藤了浓厚的兴趣,在漫画图书和电子游戏机代。

    Kato reportedly had a strong interest in comic-book and video-game subculture .

  14. 丹迪屋加藤:对,几乎1倍……

    HIROSHI KADO , DANDY HOUSE : Yes , yes almost one ...

  15. 请问“加藤”这个角色曾经由哪一个国际巨星主演过呢?

    Which international movie star had ever played the character of Kato ?

  16. 改进改良加藤厚涂片法诊断血吸虫病探讨

    Diagnosis of schistosomiasis with reformed kato - Katz

  17. 大树加藤大树加藤大树加藤生于1990年,四岁开始学习钢琴。

    Born in1990 , Daiki Kato began playing the piano at the age of four .

  18. 哥伦比亚电影公司立即开始寻找新的导演,以及扮演加藤的演员。

    Columbia Pictures immediately began searching for a new helmer and an actor to play Kato .

  19. 艾莉尔•加藤从一开始就明白,她想打造的是一款能让人更好地思考的产品。

    Ariel Garten knew from the start she wanted to make a product that makes people think .

  20. 丹迪屋加藤:我们的营业额每年增长130%。

    HIROSHI KADO , DANDY HOUSE : Every year , [ sales expand ] 130 percent getting expand .

  21. 2010年,政府官员试图联系加藤,希望表彰他的长寿。

    In 2010 , officials tried to contact Kato , wishing to honor him for his extreme longevity .

  22. 也许死去未被发现时间最久的是Sogen加藤,生于1899年7月22日。

    Perhaps the body to go longest undiscovered belonged to Sogen Kato , born on July 22 , 1899 .

  23. 加藤告诉本网站说:“据我们所知,此前没有任何其它方法能用最小的工作量检验如此多的白蛉。”加藤说,目前该方法的成本是每份样本1美元,但是他们正在设法降低成本。

    The method costs about US $ 1 per sample , but they are trying to reduce this , said Kato .

  24. 目的将尼龙绢集卵法与改良加藤厚涂片法(简称加藤法)相结合加以改进,进行实验室预试验和现场研究。

    Objective To develop a new improved methods in the laboratory and the field by combining modified Kato-Katz method and collecting egg method .

  25. 加藤称,内置的应用有各种活动,它们能让人们的身心在上床休息前平静下来。

    Garten says the included application has activities on it that help to calm and settle the mind , such as before bed .

  26. 日本生活保护法第4条对修改中国《城市居民最低生活保障条例》的启示&对加藤案件和中鸠案件的探讨

    Case Law relating to Article 4 of Japanese Living Security Act and Their Revelation for China An Analysis Of Chinese Lowest Lever Life Ensure Institution

  27. 目的探讨在改进取样方法后,改良加藤法检测日本血吸虫感染敏感度的变化规律。

    Objective To study the rule of sensitivity change by improving sampling feces in Kato Katz method for diagnosing Schistosoma japonicum infection in the field .

  28. 镜检粪便中的血吸虫卵是传统的直接诊断方法,其中改良加藤法操作简便、设备简单、特异性高,是当前广泛使用的方法。

    The Kato-Katz thick smear stool examination is a traditional diagnostic method to assessing S.japonicum infection which has been widely used in the disease control program .

  29. 随着天气变暖,非法师爷是列于沿加藤帕福斯港口和海滨旅游区的主要力量了。

    With the weather warming up , illegal touts are already out in force in the main tourist areas along the harbour and seafront of Kato Paphos .

  30. 方法收取新鲜粪便,以改良加藤氏厚涂片法、碘液直接涂片法和透明胶带肛拭法镜检肠道寄生虫。

    Methods Fresh fecal samples were collected and examined for intestinal parasites infection by using modified Kato Katz thick smear , Iodine staining and adhesive tape methods .